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Your point of view......

"CARL!" I yelled after while. I walked outside, shutting the door tightly behind me.
"Carl!" No reply. I walked to his house and knocked on the door. Rick opened the door. "Have you seen Carl?" Rick asked before I could. "No, I was just gonna ask you ."
"He has been gone for a couple hours."
I nod. "We got in a fight, kinda. I guess."
"About?" Rick said, raising his eyebrow.
"Enid, she started somethings, I said something very rude and he got pretty pissed, maybe he is with Enid."
"Carl is not with me." Enid said, walking by.
Rick sighed heavily, an annoyed sigh, and slicks his hair back. "Where could he be?"
I shrug. "I'll look around for him, its my fault in the first place."
"He shouldn't have left."
I nod and started walking away. "Hey." Rick said. I turned around.
"Thanks for taking care of Carl."
"Rick, I-"
"No, really. He needed someone like you."
I smiled and nodded an started to walk away again. He shut his door behind him and walked outside.
"I'll look on one side, you look on the other. You search the right side, I'll look around the left." I nodded and turned right.
"Carl!" I called every so often. 'It's like he is a damn puppy dog.' I thought to myself. I knocked on people's door, everyone of them has not seen Carl. "Carl, come on! You are not a dog, i shouldn't be running around screaming your name!" Still no reply. "C'mon are you two years old?!" I rubbed my eyes and looked at the wall. "Oh, shit." It was Carl, climbing over the wall. I started running to Aaron's. I packed some clothes in my back pack, took some food and water. I ran back to the living room.
"(y/n), what are you doing with you bag?" Aaron said.
"I'm having a picnic with, ah, Carl." I lied.
He slowly nodded and ran outside, slamming the door behind me. I went to the wall, looking to make sure no one was around. I climbed the wall. 'Fuck, it's harder then it looks.' I mumbled to myself. I kept slipping, my heart pounded like it was coming out of my chest every time. I took deep breaths, preparing myself for every step. I finally climbed over the front part of the wall, pulled myself on a tree. I hung on for dear life, as I slowly came down. I walked into the woods, assuming he would have walked through them. "Carl! I know you are out here! I saw you climbing the wall!" I had no reply. 'Dammit, I forgot to tell Rick.' I walked deeper into the woods. I heard walker footsteps behind me, I turn around, punching its head in, making it collapse on the ground. I wiped, my now bloody hand, on my shirt. "Carl!" I yelled. Still no answer. I took a left turn through the wood, as I approach a beautiful pond.
The dirt was swirling through the water, like someone came in the water. "Carl! You there?" I yelled as I saw bubbles come out of the water. "Oh my god!" I yelped and I took off my bag, took off my socks and shoes, diving in quickly. I opened my eyes, its hard to see, how dark and musky it is. 'This is a deep pond,' I thought to myself. I felt something grab me, pulling me more under. I yelped again, losing air. I started to kick and pull. I tried to swim back up, I'm getting weaker and weaker every second. 'This is how I die.' I thought to myself. It felt like I was under water forever. I was losing oxygen and my heart was racing fast. I wanted to give up, I couldn't, something told me I couldn't. After a few moments, whatever got a hold of snapped. What ever it was holding on to me, it still was, just not pulling me down. I finally swam up and I crawled on land, coughing up water, some blood, breathing so heavily, I never loved oxygen more in those couple moments.
I look down at my ankle. I screamed slightly, pulling it off. It was an arm. A skinny arm. No walker bites. I looked in the pond, it's full of blood now. I looked at the arm, it could be anyone's. What if his Carl's? That thought made me cry slightly. "No. His hat would be floating." I told myself. "He's alright, he is strong."
I slipped my shoes and socks back on, grabbing my bag. I fucking hate being wet, it's the worse damn thing. I look at the sky and the sun is starting to set.
'Maybe he is back at Alexandria.' I thought to myself. I started walking.
The dark fell faster then I thought. I tried looking more. No worth for it though. I'm lost. I climbed on a tree, trying to get comfortable on a thick branch so I don't fall off. I rather be uncomfortable on a branch the get found by walkers. I heard the crickets and I hung my bag on a branch nearby. I slowly lied down and admired the night sky and slowly fell asleep.

I Can Survive On My Own. (Carl Grimes x Reader) >COMPLETED< ~EDITING~Where stories live. Discover now