Well, Hello There.

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Your point of view.......

After days I came back to Alexandria, only the people of Alexandria where there. No Negan, no Saviors. I walked up to the gait and Aaron's boyfriend, Eric, opened the gait.
"Are you okay?" He questioned, voice soft.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"You're covered in walker blood.You need to get cleaned up." He told me and I nodded and we walked to him home. "Why did you leave?" He questioned me.
"I didn't want to see Negan."
"Have you seen him before?" My face froze, "No, but I don't really want to." Eric opened the door and nodded. "I wouldn't blame you. I enter the house and grabbed clean clothes and a towel and got in the shower. 
After about 20 minutes I got out, dried myself off and put my hair in a wet ponytail. I put my socks and shoes on and walked into the living room.
"You look much better." Eric spoke and I nodded.
"Where's Carl?"
 Eric looked down, "He went with Enid somewhere, they haven't returned." Anger boiled up inside me, thinking about why he'd go with Enid. I nodded and walked out of the house and walked over to Rick's. I walked to Judith's room, she's asleep. I carefully grab her and hold her in my arms. I kissed her forehead gently, as my bangs feel into my face. I smiled and hear the front door shut. I panicked and set Judith into her crib and I cracked the door, I knew something was wrong. I saw Negan and Carl. He wasn't wearing his patch. I shut the door and hid in the closet. I sat down, shaking. I hear the kitchen sink run. A while after that I head quiet banging.
"How 'bout this one?" I heard Negan speak. I bit my lip and my leg started shaking out of control.
"Oh i-it's just a water heater." Carl spoke, I knew he wanted to protect Judith. Negan was muffled,  couldn't understand what he said, but the door opened. I felt a tear stream down my face, I was terrified. 'We are in the same room.' I thought to myself.
"Oh my." Negan spoke. "Look at this angel. Whoa." I started to cover my ears, trying to stay still. After a moment, I heard the door shut. I stayed in the closet until I heard the gait open from outside. I was trying to calm myself down and when I was calm I got up, but as I got up, the closet door fell, making a loud banging noise. "Fuck." I said, "What the hell was that?!" Negan yelled, running upstairs. At this point, I'm fucked. No where to hide, I could jump out a window, but that's 2 stories high and I can be in a lot of pain, I'd rather be dead. Negan opened the door and smiled.
"Well, hello there." Negan spoke and I quickly got on one knee. Carl quickly followed behind him and saw me, giving me what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you look. Negan turned around to Carl, "See, respect." Negan turned back around and Carl looked shocked.
"I thought Fat Joey killed you." Negan spoke.
"As in raped me and hit me a couple times, thinking I was weak the yes, he did a great job. It took me a minute to get me on my feet." Negan sighed loudly, "You know me, I don't think rape is right, I wanted Fat Joey to kill you."
"I know, you're probably going to kill me now though."
"On your feet." Negan spoke as I got on my feet. "I'll have one of my men take you, they wont kill you, only if you do something stupid." Negan growled and I nodded. "I know how you roll." I started to walk out of the room and I looked at Carl, we both didn't speak.
Negan, Carl, and I walked into the living room,  I look over to see Judith in her high-chair.
"Negan, can I say bye to Carl?" I requested and he looked at me, then Carl.
"You guys have a little love thing going on, huh?" We both shyly nodded.
"Sure, 2 minutes starting now." Carl walked up to me and hugged me, pulling my by my waist close to him.
"What the hell are you doing?" Carl whispered.
"When I found you, I got kicked out of their group, they thought I was dead." I started crying. "(y/n), why didn't you tell me?" We pulled away and I held his hand.
"I thought he wouldn't come back." Carl wiped my tear.
"Everything is going to be okay." Carl said gently.
"One minute."
"Carl, this is goodbye."  I cred harder as it felt as my heart got ripped out of my chest.
"(Y/n), I love you."
"I love you too." Carl pulled my chin up and kissed me gently. I kissed back.
"30 seconds."
We pulled away and hugged again.
"Times up." Negan grabbed my arm, "Let's go."
"Bye Carl."
"Bye." Carl and I were both crying hard at this point.
Negan opened the door and threw me out the door.
"I'll be back." He told Carl and I looked at Carl, one last time. Negan shut the door and I heard Carl's loud cries over mine.
"Christopher!" Negan yelled as a man turned around. "Take her, bring her to the saviors." Christopher nodded walked up the porch stairs, grabbing my arm and pulling me with him. I looked over to see Aaron, getting the shit beat out of him. I cried louder and Rick looked at me for a moment, then looked away. Christopher opened the passenger door and threw me in. He got in the driver's side and we started on the road.



"Get your knife, I am not going to kill you."

"Why are you by yourself?"

"I just decided to take a walk, just enjoying the fresh air."

"You can come with me if you want to."

"Come on. I insist."

"Even though we don't know each other very well, you can trust me. Even though we have not talked much, you are such a quiet person, just like Enid."

"Welcome to Alexandria."

"I love you."

"Morning beautiful."

"I don't think the bullet shattered, which is a good thing, plus it was not at any of your vital organs. Hopefully it's not to bad."


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I've lost everything. I've lost him. His smile, his laugh. He bright blue eye, his have. His voice. I wont see it ever again. I wont hear his voice, ever again.

-------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------

We arrive, we go through the gate, Fat Joey opened it. Fat Joey smiled at me. "Take care of her." Christopher demanded and Joey nodded. Joey shut the gait and looked at me. "I thought you died." I growled and kicked him in the balls as he immediately hit the ground. I ran off, to see motorcycles parked. The door swung opened and I smiled to see Daryl. Dayrl ran up to me and hugged me. I nuzzled my head into his chest.
"Why are you here?" Daryl questioned.
"When I got taken away, I was taken here. I got out and then Negan found me again. I'm back, I guess." Daryl started crying. I started crying again. "This is goodbye, again." I spoke and he held me tighter. "You can do this, you're strong and I'm going to get you out. I promise." Daryl said, between his cries. "I love you Crossbow Dixon." I spoke.
"I love you too, Baby Girl." We let go as Fat Joey came and I ran into the building.
"Hello (y/n). Welcome back to hell."

I Can Survive On My Own. (Carl Grimes x Reader) >COMPLETED< ~EDITING~Where stories live. Discover now