Chapter 19 ~ It's always been the same

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Veronica's POV

3 months later

"Are we there yet?" I asked my band members for the millionth time in the space of two minutes

"Yes" Ben said, a rush of excitement ran through me

"Oh my god, really?!" I bounced up and down on my seat, they rolled their eyes and laughed at my apparent childish behaviour. "Yes, welcome to warped tour." The bus came to a halt, I shot up and ran outside where I was hit with the midday sun beating down on me. I noticed Pierce The Veil's bus was just entering so I waited until it parked a few spaces away from us. "Yeah, that's fine. We'll just unpack V" Jamie shouted. I shouted my apology and carried on running to their bus. I opened the door and stepped in, Jaime and Vic were play fighting while Tony and Mike cheered them on, I rolled my eyes and leant against the wall waiting to see how long it would take before they noticed me.

After a few more minutes Mike turned around and his eyes went wide and a grin spread across his face, I smiled and shook my head telling him not to let the others know, he nodded and sat back in his seat. "Dude what are you smiling about?" Tony said to Mike, who only replied with another devilish grin. I watched Tony's eyebrows furrow before he looked around the room and spotted me. "Oh my-" Tony yelled before Mike elbowed him in the ribs. Jaime, who was straddling Vic looked at Tony in confusion before his eyes fell upon me, he like the others just smiled widely back at me before climbing off Vic and sitting back down. "Hey, I think you busted my-" Vic cut himself off as he realised none of the guys were listening and were in fact staring and smiling at me. He raised an eyebrow before following their gaze.

Vic's mouth dropped open "V" he yelled climbing over everyone before running over to me pulling me into hug "I've missed you so much" he said kissing me on the lips which errupted the butterflies in my stomach. "I've missed you too baby" I replied 

"Hey what about me?" Jaime pouted, I pulled away from Vic and flung myself across the three guys who all groaned, I think I kneed someone down below, I gathered it was Tony because he smacked my ass and I screamed out in pain. "I've seriously missed you all, it's been a long three months"


"Vic come on!" I shouted, I wanted to go for a walk around the venue before we had to play, the first day was always the busiest. "Give me a sec" he yelled back. I sighed and stepped out into the hot sun once again, I started walking a little before I bumped into someone who sent me flying the ground. "I'm so sorry, I didn't se-" a familiar voice said, I groaned and looked up to see Oliver's face looking down at me "Oh" he mumbled before holding out a hand to help me up. I took one look at it and snorted, did he forget everything that happened at the wedding? I pushed his hand away and got up by myself, I started to walk past but he grabbed my wrist.

"Look V, I'm sorry abou-" he started

"No Oliver, stop apologising because I don't believe a word that comes out your mouth anymore. Our whole relationship is like a broken record, you hurt me, apologise, I forgive you, you hurt me again. I'm just over it, I'm over you" I spat, I knew this wasn't true. I always said I was done with Oliver but I never was, he certainly knew how to work me. "Is everything okay?" Vic said looking down at my wrist that was secured with Olivers hand. "Fine" I said cheerily, pulling away from his grip. I knew Vic wouldn't buy my lie, he knew me too well but he just nodded and laced his fingers into mine. "Come on, I'll walk you to your set. Bye Oli" he said, his voice was drenched in anger.

"Vic stop" I said as soon as we reached backstage I took my hand out of his. Hurt and confusion filled his eyes. "What?" he asked

"You've literally just dragged me here and I know you're angry I just don't get why?" 

"He just bugs me, I hate it when he hurts you. You'll just forgive him and fall for his charm because it's always been the same" he said looking down at the ground, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"I'll stop, okay. I'll stay away from him"

"No, it's okay. I understand, you can't help it. It just worries me because I know what'll happen, he builds you up and then destroys you and you always end up hurt and it breaks me seeing you like that you know?" he said putting his hand against my face, slowly stroking my cheek with his thumb. I nodded and gave him a hug. "Veronica, you're on!" my manager shouted pointing to the stage.

"Will you watch?" I asked Vic, he smiled and nodded

"Of course, now go!" he said spinning me around, pushing me to the stage


I was halfway through our set and I noticed that the rest of Pierce The Veil had managed to find out where we were, they were messing around and shouting words of support, I couldn't help but smile.

When it was over I ran off the stage and jumped into Vic's arms "You're sweaty" he complained and I giggled "Group hug!" Jaime yelled and all three boys joined in. 

"We have to go play our set, are you coming?" Mike questioned

"I want toooooooo" I dragged out "but I have a signing"

They nodded pulled me into a quick hug and left. I turned back to my band "Ready guys?" 

"Hell yeah!" Mark shouted as I jumped onto his back

"To the tent!" I ordered before I was sent into a fit of laughter.


Vic's POV

"Thank you guys for all your support, I love every single one of you" I shouted into the microphone before we rushed off stage. I felt my phone vibrate signalling it was an incoming call. I pulled it out and realised that it was Veronica's, I must of picked it up by mistake. "Hello?" I asked warily 

"Hi!" a cheerful voice said down the phone "Is this Veronica Radford?"

"Erm, no. I'm her boyfriend" 

"Oh, this is st.James's hospital, we've been trying to get hold of your girlfriend for a while" she replied. I was beyond confused, why was the hospital ringing V? "Uhm, okay..." I trailed off

"We called to let you know that Lana Radford, Veronica's sister, has been called into the hospital, she's just given birth. If you could pass the message on that'd be great"

"Of course, thank you!" I said before hanging up, Veronica was going to be so happy. I knew she was looking forward to being an auntie. 

I made my way to the back of the signing tent and saw her sitting there talking to a fan, when she'd gone I pulled Veronica's chair back. "What the fu-" she yelled before she saw my face "Oh hey you, how was your set?"

"Yeah great, listen, congratulations!" I beamed

"Oh my god...You've finally lost it, you're mental" she whispered,

I rolled my eyes and sighed "No, congratulations, you're an auntie." I watched my words slowly sink in and a huge smile plastered her face. "No way" she breathed "Oh my god, I'm an auntie!" I laughed and nodded

"Go find Oliver" I said, her smile faded

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I have an interview to do" I said pecking her on the lips "Oh and you might need this" I handed her phone back, she raised her eyebrow obviously wondering why I had her phone. "I'll explain later, just go!"

She smiled and dashed off. 

A/N Awwwwwwww! okay so this was another filler chapter and I promise the next one will be filled with drama ok;3  I'll probably start writing it now and upload it later but I want to try and make it the best that I can for you all because I've been planning this for SO long; I just hope it works out as well as I think it should. Thank you to everyone that's voted, read, commented etc it means so much to me.

Keep readinggggggg!<3

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