Chapter 31 ~ It's a love/hate thing

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Veronica's POV

"She's done it again!" a voice that I recognised as Nicholls shouted which disturbed Oliver slightly, I shoved the packet into his jacket and I sit down just as he woke up from his slumber. "This is the second time in two months she's done this!" Matt raged again storming around the bus. Oli rubbed his eyes and then raised an eyebrow at me "Told you he'd kill you" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and it honestly took everything inside of me to stop myself from attacking him. "You!" someone shouted and I turned my head to see a rather pissed off Nicholls glaring at me holding an empty bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand, "Bit early for you isn't it Matt?" I smiled and pretended to check my watch. His face softened obviously impressed by my joke "I'm watching you Radford" he smirked and walked off.

"So tour finished in a week..." Oliver started as I turned my attention back to him. A week? Warped tour honestly felt like the longest three months in my life. "Mhmm?"

He went to open his mouth to say something but instantly changed his mind "Nothing, just letting you know" he muttered. I could tell he was lying, he rubs the back of his neck and that's exactly what he was doing now.

"Can you..uh..pass me my boxers and my jeans?" Oliver asked directing his gaze towards the floor by my feet, I nodded and did what he said. He put them on and stood up exposing his inked chest and no matter how mad I was at him I couldn't help but stare. "Like something you see?" he smirked as he left the room not giving me time to reply.


I stepped out into the blazing heat and pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes, the sun was setting and it was pretty abnormal for it to still be this hot. I walked over to the main stage to watch the end Of Mice & Men's set, I hadn't seen any of them for a few days and I missed that. I stood by the side as they sang their last song 'my understandings', it was a personal favourite. The song soon ended and I was tackled into a large sweaty hug from Alan "You're sweaty ginger princess" I laughed as he span me around and then set me back down on the ground where I belonged. The rest of the guys came over and did the same thing, I felt a tug on my arm as Austin pulled me away from the group for some privacy.

"What's up Austin?" I asked curiously, he had a worried look on his face which was pretty unusual for him. "Hmm, are you sure you should be out here? wouldn't you feel better on the bus?" he asked concerned. 

I sighed "I'm fine, honestly. Did you not spend the last few days encouraging me to spend some time outside?"

"Sorry...I just worry about you, We have to go for a signing now but Bring Me The Horizon are playing in five minutes if you want something to do?" He suggested

I nodded and watched him walk off. I thought about Oliver as I walked over to their stage, I wasn't sure what we were, I mean we weren't dating but we weren't friends either... The stash of drugs entered my mind and my heart sank, he lied to me.

I approached the side stage just as the guys ran onto it, the crowd was going crazy and Oliver flashed the smile he always did whenever he was really happy, it was completely different to his usual one and whenever he did it you knew he was the happiest guy in the world. The rest of the set was completed and they all ran over to greet me, Oliver was last. "Hey babe" he said wrapping his arms around my waist which errupted butterflies. "Hi, you did great" I replied, Oli just grinned 

"Why thank you, come on lets go back to the bus, there's a bbq tonight and I don't wanna miss out!" he pouted and I giggled at his childish behaviour for food, he reminded me of Jaime. I nodded and we all walked back to the bus. The guys jumped into the shower but I decided to just go and change, I hadn't been outside for that long simply because I was tired and far too lazy to convince myself to try and leave the bus. I thrown on a longish jumper, some thigh length black socks and a pair of thick high heeled boots. (A/N outfit to the side!) All 6 of us sat drinking before we headed out into the already drunken crowd, a huge fire was positioned in the centre of the venue with several chairs gathered around it.

I watched Oliver walk away over to some girl and they began talking. As much as it pained me to say she was actually quite pretty and jealousy took over my body. 

You're not even together. My thoughts taunted me.

Who cares? You slept with him. They fought back.

I sighed and gave up with the argument happening in my head "Hey V!" a voice called, I turned to see a slightly drunken Alex. "What's up Gaskarth?" I grinned as he handed me a bottle of beer which I quite happily accepted. "Why are you alone?" he asked, his face turned into a frown.

"They all went to 'socialise'" I air quoted, he laughed and slung his arm over my shoulder.

"I'll be back in a minute" he slurred and staggered away into the crowd, after 5 minutes I accepted the fact that Alex wasn't going to appear anytime soon so I walked over to the bonfire and sat in the uncomfortable white washed plastic chair. I noticed a few people were passed out on them and chuckled at the fact they'd have a bad head and back in the morning. Taking another mouthful of beer I gazed around and my eyes rested on Oliver, he was making out with the girl he was with earlier and my face turned up in disgust.

The night was dragging and I hadn't moved from the chair I had sat in an hour ago, people had came over to talk but then walked away leaving a place for the next one to turn up. I gave up and headed back to the bus which was much warmer than the night air, the temperature had dropped considerably. The bus door opened and someone stepped over to the booth which I was sitting on, it just so happened to be the wonderful Oliver Sykes.

"Hey, I've not seen you all night" he said casually

"Maybe becuase you were too busy eating that girls face off" I snapped. 

His eyes widened and then anger flashed through them "Why do you even care? We're not together, i'm free to do whatever I want" he said, his voice rising a little more than normal.

"No Oliver but you slept with me last night and now you're acting like it never happened, you just used me and I'm too stupid to see it" I shouted, not caring about trying to stay calm.

"Have you forgotten the fact that I was still inlove with you six years after we first met? Did you forget that no matter how hard I tried to fix things between us you said no and dated my friend? You pushed me away and suddenly when you want something more I'm supposed to go with it? You used me just as much as I used" he smirked.

Anger filled every part of my body and I ran over to him hitting my fists into his chest, he didn't even flinch which didn't surprise me because I wasn't that strong. "I hate you" I yelled "I fucking hate you so much, you absolute twat!"

Oliver grabbed my wrists so I could stop hitting him, his eyes darted down my body and before I knew it his lips were crashed on mine "I.fucking. hate. you. too" he mumbled as he took me upstairs.


I woke up to the cold air that grazed against my body, I groaned and felt around but Oliver wasn't lying next to me anymore. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, climbing out of the bunk I through on Oli's shirt. I heard soft snores coming from the rest of the bunks so I gathered the rest of the guys got back safe, sliding the curtain to Oliver's bunk open it revealed an empty bed. I frowned wondering where he could be.

I sloped down the stairs and stood in the empty lounge, I checked then toilets; nothing.

There was only one more place to check, I walked down the bus and stood infront of the door which lead to the  back lounge. I placed my ear to the door and heard noises, he was obviously in there.

I sighed and pulled open the door, Oliver's fear stricken eyes looked up and bore straight into mine.

"What the fuck" I mumbled.

A/N I'm sorry it took ages for me to update, I haven't exactly had the best week...something happened a few days ago and it kinda knocked me back into my depression so I wasn't in the mood to write. But I've finally updated and I'll try to update again tomorrow, sorry if this chapter was kinda terrible but like I said, I have my reasons.

Thanks for reading you guys, This has finally reached 11K reads and I'm so thankful, I never knew people would actually like this story; Uh thanks for all comments and feedback I may not reply to them but I read ALL of them so thank you so much!<3

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