Chapter 34 ~ Creating and destroying

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Veronica's POV

It's been a week since Oliver asked me out on top of the roof and honestly that's all I can remember from the past week, Oliver and I are basically getting 'told off' by Kevin Lyman because he hasn't been playing at shows and when he does he either turns up late, drunk or high of his face... Sometimes all three.

"Do you even want to be here anymore Oli? Because if you don't then there's plenty more bands that would love to take Bring Me The Horizons place" Kevin shouted from behind his desk.

"Of course I do" Oliver laughed and this made Kevin even more angry if that was possible. His gaze suddenly moves over to me "You, take a look at your boyfriend" I did what I was told, his eyes were red and you could tell that even though he was here he wasn't truly there, I doubt he'd even remember this in a few hours "This is what you've created" He said calmly "He was fine before you Veronica and now look at him, look at what he's become, you've destroyed him. I get you're upset or whatever about Vic, big loss and all that but that certainly does not give you the right to fuck up the rest of the bands, why do you even do it? All the drinking and the drugs why?"

I just sat there looking off into an empty space "How come you're fine and he's not?"

"I know when to say no, Oliver doesn't" I shrugged

"Well missy, I suggest he enrolls in your class because if he doesn't learn how to control himself then he's done with warped tour for good. You've got the rest of today and then tomorrow. Oh and I just want you to know that if it does come to the conclusion that I kick Bring Me off warped tour for good I'll blame you personally responsible"

I nodded, grabbed Oliver by the arm and took him outside of the building "Fuck!" I screamed and ran my fingers through my hair, Oliver just looked at me like he was going to cry, this was pretty usual, his emotions changed so fast it was pretty hard to keep up but I guess Kevin would blame that on me too.

"V, don't listen to him. You're perfect and if anything you made me better, please don't think otherwise" he pleaded "Lyman's a twat and he doesn't know what he's going on about, can we go have some fun now?"

I nodded and Oliver guided me back to the bus

"Hey guys" Jordan shouted "We're all going out tonight are you coming?"

Oli obviously agreed but I declined, I know I probably should of told him not to go but he was with the rest of the guys, I'm sure they'd look out for him.

"Alright, party on your own Radford" Nicholls wink as he handed me a bottle of Jack Daniels and then they all left, I was completely alone.


Shouting and banging woke me up, I rubbed my eyes not even realising I had fell asleep, all the guys stumbled on the bus, I looked at the clock; 2:25am, it was pretty early for them actually.

I stood up and made my way to the front lounge, Oliver was on the floor and dried blood was around his nose, his knuckles were cut up and looked pretty bruised all the rest of them were gathered around him trying to pick him up but they weren't sober so they almost ended up on the floor with him.

I sighed and approached them "What happened?" I asked kneeling down to a drunken Oliver

"Uh not sure really, I mean Oli got beat up but the other dude came worse off, it was actually a pretty decent fight until we got kicked out" lee slurred

"Fucking awesome!" Kean agreed

I rolled my eyes "Go to bed, I'll sort him out" they all obeyed and practically jumped at the chance to go to their bunks. I picked Oliver up as best as I could but he suddenly started to talk “What's your name pretty lady?” Oliver asked as he fell to the floor once again and started laughing hysterically. I sighed and grabbed his arms dragging him over to the sofa, he was heavy for such a thin person but I made it. I straddled him, he stopped squirming around and looked at me. 

I grabbed a bowl of warm water and some cotton wool to try and clean the dry blood off his face, he was making it ten times harder because he was wincing and claiming how much it hurt.

When I was done I notcied that his shirt was soaked in whiskey from what I could tell and I tugged at it slightly trying to take it off.

Oli's eyes went wide and he sat up in shock, I raised my eyebrows at him questionably. “What are you doing? I have a girlfriend!” he slurred.

I smiled knowing that even though he was drunk he could still say no unlike most guys.

“What's your girlfriends name?” I asked, hoping he wouldn't say my sister or something.

“Veronica and she's the most beautiful I know!” he giggled “You look a lot like her actually”

I felt a smile work a way onto my face “She's a very lucky girl” I whispered, rubbing my thumb over his cheek, I heard a light snore and he had passed out. I knew I wouldn't get anymore sleep tonight, I sat on the booth and noticed Oli's stash that he had left out along with the blade. I cut some up and placed it into neat little white lines but in that moment the blade suddenly looked more appealing...

I picked it up and rotated it in between my fingers 

Do I
Do I not
Do I
Do I not

"If I were you I'd put that away, see you're just wasted and thinking about the past again, darling you'll be okay" a voice sang

I didn't bother to look up to try and figure out who it was, I let the tears fall and soon enough I was full on sobbing for the first time in a while actually. The blade was pulled out of my hand and strong arms were wrapped around my waist pulling me into their chest, it made me cry even more when I realised who it was. 

"Jaime, w-what are you d-doing here?" I said in between cries

"Lyman called, apparently you're not doing so well after all" he mumbled before kissing the top of my head


He chuckled a little "So we came back for you stupid"


His grip on me tightened "I can't believe you got into this stuff V, you swore you wouldn't go back"

I couldn't say anything, there wasn't anything to say really just that I was a disappointment and I nearly broke two of my promises to Vic and the rest of the guys.

"He's probably looking down on me isn't he? I bet he's looking down and he's completely disgusted with me. Well you know what Vic I don't need you to do what I already do to myself" I yelled and Jaime had to cover my mouth

"Don't you ever think that, he's gonna be so proud of you for carrying on, you've got Oliver now, us, Ashley, Lana-"

I cut him off by crying even more

"Hey hey, what's wrong? I didn't mean to upset you I-"

"Lana died Hime" I whispered


"She died" I repeated, I pulled away slightly and his mouth was wide open with shock


"The day you guys left, you know when I said it was Jenna on the phone? It wasn't, it was the hospital" I explained

"Why didn't you tell us?!" He whisper yelled, I could tell he was trying to not wake anyone up but they were drunk and could sleep through anything. "You were leaving and I didn't want to ruin your plans and I-I'm sorry" I cried and Jaime pulled me back into his arms once more 

"Shh, it's okay" he cooed slowly rocking me side to side my eyes began to grow heavy and I let them close
"Everything's gonna be okay"

A/N So this was the last chapter on Warped Tour and I decided I'm gonna make this longer because some of the events that I've got planned I wanted to have more detail instead of skipping time all the while...idk if you're all sad or whatever about that but I think that's  what I'm gonna do.

Thanks for readinggggg!<3

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