Chapter 52 ~ Time for you to go

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A/N sorry for the long wait for updates and the short chapter

Veronica's POV

We were in the car on our way home, I was released out of the hospital but only on the condition that I had somewhere stable to stay. I was extremely mad at Oliver and I hadn't said a word to him since I'd come out of my coma, at this moment in time there was nothing he could say or do that would make it any better. I turned my head and looked out of the window watching all the people walk by minding their own business, Oli tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and if I'm honest it was driving me mad. We were stuck in traffic because of some accident and it looked like we'd be here for a while, unfortunately. I looked back at the sleeping little girl in the car seat, my feelings towards her were confusing, I felt like I should love her because she was mine but I was also annoyed and hurt that she nearly killed me, either way I wished I was like her, asleep.

The tapping continued and I found myself getting angry "God damn it Oliver, stop with the noises!" I blurted out, shattering the silence that consumed the car. Oli looked at me with wide eyes clearly in shock that I had spoke to him but he stopped drumming his fingers against the wheel which was all I cared about at the time. "So is that what I have to do to get you to talk to me now?" he asked, I sighed and returned my attention back to the window "Have it your way..." Oliver mumbled, the smirk evident in his voice and he started to tap once again. I groaned in annoyance "Fine Oli, you wanna talk? Let's talk." I shouted "Do you want to talk about the lying or the cheating first?"

"How long are you going to keep this against me Veronica? Are you seriously never going to let this go? We have a family now so why can't you concentrate on that rather than a stupid mistake I made?" he fought back and this only seemed to anger me more. "Is this a joke? You cheated on me for months while I was pregnant, you didn't give a fuck about our family then so I'm really sorry if I'm not welcoming you with open arms Oliver, I really am." I growled. Oli chewed the corner of his lip and shook his head

"Well I'm sorry I'm not as perfect as you but I happen to be a human and occasionally I will make mistakes." 

"Yeah, it's usually me that has to take the consequences of your mistakes well not this time." I retorted

"V..." he sighed "You know I love you." A laugh escaped from my mouth 

"I thought you did but it turns out I was wrong...again."

"I asked you to marry me, of course I did." he shouted which woke up the baby who started screaming. I looked down at the diamond encrusted ring that fit my finger perfectly and slowly removed it. "Well it really doesn't mean anything does it Oliver? It's always the same with us, one step forward and ten steps back." I muttered, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill. 

"What are you trying to say?" Oliver raised his voice once more making me start to lose my temper altogether. "I'm saying..." I began and slammed the ring down before opening the car door and getting out "I don't want to be married to you."

I shut the door and began to walk down the road ignoring him shouting after me, we weren't that far away from our house. Our house. I guess it wasn't really ours anymore and it wasn't really a home, there's only so many bad memories you can take in one place, there's only so many times that you can paper over the cracks before the whole thing breaks down. It was obviously going to be awkward for a while but the one thing I knew for sure was that as soon as I was allowed to do my own thing I would be out of there as soon as possible and that day couldn't come any quicker.

These secrets will kill us Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now