Chapter 42 ~ You took a part of me

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Oliver's POV

The night turned from an innocent dinner party to just well...a party. People that I had never met before were making themselves comfortable in my house but I was too out of it to care. Veronica felt tired and decided to take Ashley to a hotel they were spending the night in Tony, Mike and Jaime's room, judging from how drunk they were it was pretty obvious that they wouldn't be making it there tonight so why let a room go to waste?

I felt my pockets trying to find the misplaced item, panicking when I couldn't feel the particular shape but soon let out a sigh of relief when I pulled out the diamond encrusted engagement ring from my back pocket. Yes, i was planning on asking her to marry me tonight. Why didn't I? Because I was afraid, afraid of rejection, afraid of her thinking I only wanted to marry her because of the situation we were put in. It wasn't true, from the age of sixteen I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with but then I messed it up, I promised myself that if I ever saw her again I wouldn't stop until I made her completely mine. Sure we might be moving at a fast pace but it definitely wasn't because she was pregnant, it moved our plans along yes and I knew that this was what I wanted and I hoped it was what she wanted too.

But I was a coward and put it off, I placed the ring in the kitchen draw and covered it with a towel, it would probably be safer there than my back pocket. The night droned on and I drank more and more, I hadn't been this wasted since warped tour. My vision was blurry and I struggled to walk, my body felt heavier than my legs and they couldn't seem to support it. Suddenly I felt my arm fall against the back of someone's neck and their arm moved round my waist, their hand gripping my side slightly; supporting me. The stranger continued to help me up the stairs "I think you've probably had enough tonight Oliver." She sighed and pulled me into my bedroom. 

They pushed me down slowly onto the bed and rested my head onto the pillow; stroking my hair slightly. "I haven't seen you like this since we were in college." They laughed and I groaned in response trying to figure out who the dis contorted figure sitting next to me was. Wait, they said college? "Zara?" I mumbled testing to see if I was actually right. "You remember me then." She joked and let out a giggle.

"What are you doing here?"

"I finished work and well everyone's talking about some "awesome" party so I wanted to come check it out and well I found out it was coming from your house...I wanted to check on V because it's not really healthy for her to be sleep deprived and such in her condition..." She whispered and I nodded

"She's not here, she's in the hotel down the street." I said rubbing my eyes tiredly

"Oh..." Zara mumbled and looked into my eyes "I don't want this to ruin our friendship but..."

"But wh-" I began to question but before I could do anything about it her lips crashed against mine, the sudden rush of shock and confusion entered my body waking me up entirely like I hadn't previously been out of my head a few minutes ago. Without a second thought I pushed her off me and scooted away from her embrace "What the fuck?" I spat wiping my mouth trying to remove her touch from my lips. "I-I'm sorry!" She blurted and ran out of the room, tears brimming in her eyes.

I'd like to of said that was what had happened, Believe me I would...but it wasn't...

This was what happened.

The stranger and I walked past the dancing bodies and made our way up the stairs and stumbling into the bedroom. My legs felt numb and unable to carry my body any further or I would just topple over. "You promised me you wouldn't get like this again...not after what happened in college." She sighed heavily

"Zara?" I mumbled and she nodded

"I'm sorry I left you here." I whispered and she stroked my face

"It doesn't matter...I understand, your band was taking off and you had to live your life, who would want to be stuck in the same city for the rest of their lives doing the same thing everyday?" She laughed, it suddenly sounded so perfect

"You're beautiful." I said, the words poured out of my mouth before I could stop them or even think about what I was saying. "Shut up." She giggled and I smiled at the amazing sound "Where's V?" Zara asked dabbing a cold cloth to my forehead that suddenly felt like it was burning.

"I don't care." I stated and placed my hand over hers that was still continuing to cool my head down

"You don't mean that, where is sh-" but before she could finish her sentence I pressed my lips onto hers. Zara tensed up obviously being taken by surprise but she soon eased up and kissed back just as much as I did. She pulled away slightly "Oli...this is wrong." She whispered against my skin causing me to shiver "Shh, It's okay." I replied pulling her on top of me.

Have you ever set out your entire life? Planned how you wanted everything to be but then one little thing happens, just one little thing and suddenly everything is destroyed; everything changes...leaving you to doubt your entire life...leaving you to think about what it is you truly want...leaving you to think about what it is that your heart truly desires.

A/N so this will be my last update for a few days sorry:(

I'm going to see Sleeping With Sirens tomorrow night so I'm really excited!:D

thank you for reading and feedback would be appreciated!<3

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