Chapter 65 ~ It's cold and I don't want to be here

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Oliver's POV

"You were great!" Hannah greeted as we ran off the stage. She embraced me into a tight hug, I was sweating like mad but I don't think she cared. "Thanks, are you ready to go back to the bus now?"

"Sure, I think I'm done here anyways" she replied and we all made our way back. Hannah gripped onto my arm and skipped beside me "How amazing is tonight going to be!" She gushed "I haven't been to a casino for ages!"

I laughed at her childishness "Yeah, it was nice for All Time Low to invite us, they're always up for a chance to win money." We stepped into the bus and I slipped into the bathroom and closed the door leaving the guys and Hannah to talk about how unreal tonight was going to be, I personally wasn't that excited.

If you're wondering about Hannah and I, we're not dating. I had a tattoo done by her a few months ago and we instantly became friends, she helps with the kids a lot since so I asked her to come on tour with us so she could get her name and some of her work out there, it was the least I could do. Eventually the guys told me that Veronica wasn't in the psychiatric hospital anymore and that they had no idea where she was, I figured she'd ran off again considering this wasn't the first time but I hope'd she was doing okay. The hot water ran over my body and relaxed me, the voices from the lounge seemed to fade out. I let out a heavy sigh, my thoughts wanted to drift off and I felt compelled to let them.

Veronica's POV

"Are you ready babe?" Sam asked as he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked into the mirror and examined us, most people would say we were the perfect couple but he was a psychopath and I was crazy. "Yeah." I mumbled looking at myself in the mirror one last time before I left the room, I tugged on the dark purple mini dress that failed to make it half way down my thigh, I didn't want to wear it but Sam picked it out especially and said that most women who are someone wears them. I just agreed because frankly I was too numb to care. My long blonde hair was done up in a bun with a few pieces hanging loose.

"Good, the guys have just pulled up so let's go" he barked as he ushered me out of the room. As the car pulled up outside the huge building with flashing lights we got out and glasses of champagne were handed out to us along with welcoming words such as "Enjoy your night" and "Nice to see you" It didn't take very long before Sam was already stood next to a poker table wasting away all our money that we needed to live on and it seemed like he wasn't getting any of it back. "Are you okay?" He whispered, his warm breath hitting my neck, it smelt strongly of alcohol and I wasn't sure how many he'd had. I nodded, pretending to be too interested in the poker game that was happening right in front of me to speak. Sam laughed "I know you're bored, here" he handed me a handful of notes that was easily worth a couple of hundred "Don't spend it all at once!"

"No, that's your job" I thought as I accepted the money and walked outside for some fresh air.

Oliver's POV

Veronica's mum and sister were both on tour with us for a few days because Rob was away to see his parents and Lindsey's husband was still away with work and it'd be unfair to leave a pregnant woman all on her own. Alex seemed to be hitting it off with Lindseyrather well and I had a feeling he would be interested if she was single and not expecting a baby with another man. The car pulled up and we all piled out gladly accepting everything that was handed out "Guys, I'm just going to check out this store across the road, I'll see you in there!" Lindsey called out and waddled over to the other side. I could tell Alex didn't want to leave her side but he fought against what he wanted and reluctantly followed the rest of us into the building. Laughter and cheering filled the room and for a place that could either make you or break you it was a little weird.

Our group dispersed with a few going one way and a few going another "come on Oli" Jack Barakat said as he placed his arm over my shoulder leading me into another direction "Slot machines are the way forward!"

Lindsey's POV

"Thank you for everything" I said to the shop assistant as I left the shop, I crossed the large road and instantly regretted leaving the others due to the dozens of casinos surrounding the place, I wasn't exactly sure which one everyone had gone to. I tried looking out for the people that welcomed us but they were now replaced by other people.

I wandered around aimlessly looking at all the different casino's and walked into one hoping that id be able to find at least one of them. I gazed around the room and through a sea of people trying to find someone but there was no luck. Walking down the stairs I cursed under my breath, I knew I shouldn't of wore heels if I was on my feet all night.

I made my way over to bar "Can I just have an orange juice please?" I asked politely and hurled myself onto the bar stool, the bar man nodded and filled my glass up while I placed my money on the bar. I ran my finger around the rim of the glass but soon groaned when a fierce kick came from inside me, I rubbed my stomach gently and internally complained about how bad this night was going.

"Vodka and coke please" a voice said and I shot my head up instantly recognising it. My gaze must of been strong because she looked over at me and her mouth dropped as did mine. We sat staring at eachother and blinking rapidly "V-Veronica..?"

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