Chapter 48 ~ Truth hurts

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Oliver's POV

Veronica had been in surgery for five hours and I hadn't heard anything, she and my baby could be dead for all I know. I hadn't slept since I'd got here and these seats weren't the ideal place either but the rest of the guys hadn't complained and they had passed out a few hours ago. I walked outside for some air, hospitals get to me and staring at the same four walls over and over again make me feel like I'm going mad. I leant against the wall and inhaled the cold night air, I remembered the last time when we were at a hospital when Veronica had been shot, they were the longest hours of my life but she pulled through and she'd do the same now, right? She was a fighter, she would make it. 

I grabbed my phone and scrolled down my contacts until I came across Tony's number. I wasn't sure which one of them to call but I decided on Tony because I knew he was the closest to V, they had this weird bond right from the moment when they first met each other. I pressed my phone to my ear and listened to the dialling tone, every ring felt like a year of my life being wasted. Suddenly a groggy voice answered on the other end "Hello?" I mentally face palmed myself for forgetting about the time difference. I tried to apologise or form some sort of words but it wouldn't work, I only let out a deep breath that I hadn't even realised I was holding. "Oliver?" 

"Y-yeah, hey Tone." I finally replied

"What's up?" He half yawned and my thoughts ran away with me, I remembered her lying there cold with blood surrounding her. I remembered her scream and I wasn't there to save her, I wasn't there to protect her. "There was so much blood..." I trailed off and I heard rustling down the end of the line, he had probably sat up or something "Blood? What do you mean blood? What happened?" He asked

"It's Veronica..." I mumbled

"What's wrong with her?!" He questioned but I was too lost in thought to answer, "Oliver! Is she okay?!", his voice was laced in confusion, panic and worry. A lump formed in my throat and a tear rolled down my cheek which I quickly wiped away "She's in the hospital..."

Veronica's POV

So have you made your decision yet?" Lana asked as we lay down on the grass.

"How the hell do I choose between life or death?" I asked, letting the sun beam down on me.

"Quite easily actually, you either want to live or you don't." Vic chimed in

"If I lived I would lose everything I wouldn't have a fiancé, a house, a baby, friends or family... And if I died I'd have you two, my dad, my baby, there would be nothing to worry about and everything would be okay." I explained

"Well sounds like you've already decided!" Vic grinned excitedly and Lana hit his arm lightly

"Ignore him. You could have everything you had before the accident, a family, a fiancé, friends, a house, a career and a baby because you're it's mother and if it's anything like you then it's strong and it will fight for it's life."

"But wh-" I began but she cut me off

"No buts, you could have everything you've ever wished for if you decide to go back, the only person that's stopping you from getting what you want is you..."

"You two won't be there though." I whispered, my heart sunk at the thought of leaving them after just getting them back. "How many times do we have to say it V, we're always right by your side! There's nothing you've done that we haven't seen." Vic winked and I didn't even want to think about some of the things I'd done since they'd passed away.

"Can we change the subject now." I asked, the annoyance clearly evident in my voice.

"To what?" Lana said and I thought about it for a minute

"How about how long I've been getting operated on for?"

"Twelve hours."

My mouth dropped open "Twelve hours?!" I screamed "I've only just got here!"

Vic and Lana started laughing before Vic spoke "Time goes faster here than it does in the real world, people have been waiting for you to come out of surgery for twelve hours V, speaking of which; you've got some visitors that have just arrived..." Lana gave Vic and unsure look but before I could ask what was going on, I was pulled up and being dragged back to the hospital; the last place I wanted to be.

My eyes went wide in shock and fear "Stop, stop it!" I screamed but no one heard me, no one could hear me "Stop it, can't you see you're hurting him?!" Tears filled my eyes and my heart raced rapidly at the sight of Tony beating the hell out of Oliver. I looked back and saw Vic and Lana standing there looking uncertain. "Don't just stand there!" I yelled at Vic "Do something!" but he didn't move, he couldn't do much more than me and I was completely helpless in this situation.

Oliver's POV

The conversation between Tony and I didn't exactly go very well, he demanded to know what was going on which meant I had to tell him I had been cheating on her. To say he was angry would be an understatement, I could almost feel the hatred radiating down the phone. Tony was now on his way to the hospital along with Mike and Jaime who caught the first flight out here after they found out the news.

The entrance doors opened and I didn't have to be a genius to know who it was. Everyone was now asleep, the ones who were awake had managed to fall asleep about nine hours into V's surgery, lucky them. Tony's eyes locked onto mine and I saw him charge towards me "What the fuck have you done to her?!" He yelled and I was backed up against the wall, being held up by my collar. I couldn't speak and this only seemed to make the situation worse because punches were thrown at me. I didn't move, I didn't fight back and I didn't make a noise. I could only think about how much I deserved what was happening to me. I awaited the next punch but it never came, shouting started up and I opened my eyes to see that all the guys were now awake after the commotion and they gathered around me. I ignored all their questions, peered over their shoulder and saw that Jaime and Mike dragged Tony off and took him off into the corner and they were now trying to calm him down. 

Blood dripped from my face and I'm pretty sure my lip was busted. After a few minutes Mike made his way over "Thanks for getting him off me." I mumbled, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Don't thank me, I'd quite happily do the same to you after what I've heard you've done. However I know that my best friend that could die loves you to death for some unknown reason and she wouldn't want to wake up to a dead fiancé and know that she'd have to bring up her kid alone because it's dad was a cheating prick." Mike spat and I nodded my head, understanding his point of view "Tony promised he wouldn't touch you again unless you asked for it but you owe us a detailed explanation of how she ended up like this."

"I know." I muttered and Mike called over Jaime and Tony.

"Oliver?" someone called, I spun around and saw doctor James standing there.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered as she approached  us with an anxious look on her face

"It's about Veronica..."

These secrets will kill us Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now