Chapter 66 ~ You're scared, I can see you trembling

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Veronica's POV

The night was dragging and I kept my distance from Sam, I could see that he was losing everything he was putting in and I was dreading going home with him; he'd no doubt be furious. I sighed deeply and approached the bar "vodka and coke please" I ordered, the bar man nodded and handed me my drink. Before I could pick it up I felt eyes burning into me, I turned my head expecting it to be some fan that had recognised me but it wasn't. My mouth kept opening and closing, unsure of what to say. This was dangerous and I was sure that if Sam even came close to finding out she was here then he'd track her down himself. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I hissed, worried about her safety.

"Funnily enough I could ask you the same question?" She fired back, obviously not liking my tone.

"Business" I lied "I'm here for business, what about you?"

Lindsey raised her eyebrow at my answer questioningly but didn't pursue it "Tour, we made a quick stop here."

"Who are you on tour with?" I questioned, slightly confused

"Oli of course" she replied, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. My heart raced, I wanted to see Oliver but I also didn't and it was the most fucked up logic ever. "He's not here is he?"

"I was hoping he would be but obviously this wasn't the right casino" she trailed off looking around the room. I furrowed my eyebrows "I got lost...never mind, it doesn't matter" she sighed

I nodded my head and kept a close eye on Sam to make sure he wasn't coming over anytime soon. "What do you keep looking at?" Lindsey asked, trying to follow my gaze but I shrugged "No one, so no rants? No questions? No anything?"

"About what?

"Me leaving" I answered and took a long drink

"You wouldn't tell me anyway, I get you have your reasons and your own problems but I'm not forcing you tell me"

I sighed "I couldn't even if I wanted to"

"Why, are you suddenly going to be murdered because you've told me why you're in some casino in the middle of Las Vegas?" She laughed but I didn't find it funny because I practically would be.

"Something like that..." I mumbled taking another sip of my drink "Shouldn't you be going?"

"What's the rush, you take off as soon as we get you back so I'm enjoying some quality time with my sister before she does that" Lindsey explained and I rolled my eyes

"Maybe if you said that when I was sixteen things would of been different" I snapped

She tutted "You know what your problem is V, you're always living in the past, aren't you bored of being there?"

I couldn't think of an answer, it did make me think though and I sighed. "Don't you get bored of playing mind games?" I fired back but her reply never came, I looked over at Lindsey and her mouth was open wide just like it had been when she found me. "Linds?" I questioned, waving my hand in front of her face but it didn't provoke an action "Lindsey" I said a bit louder and shook her a little.

"We have to go...we have to go now" she rambled and I furrowed my eyebrows as she finally made eye contact with me. "What are you waiting for?! We have to go!"

"What?, why?" I asked and she gulped

"I don't want you to panic but Sam's here, we need to leave Veronica, we need to get out of here!" She pleaded, the desperation in her voice clearly evident.

My heart raced a little "No, you need to go, I don't." I replied, finishing my drink.

"Are you crazy? You can't stay here!"

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