Chapter 39 ~ Best friend?

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Veronica's POV

Things had been going good for Oliver and I, I'd moved back in with him and things were pretty much back the way they were before the whole Tom incident, speaking of Tom he hadn't returned and we were still looking after Ashley  but he wasn't exactly any trouble, we loved spending time with him; especially since we don't see him that much due to Oliver's constant touring and my busy schedule.

I walked into the shopping centre and wondered around for a bit before deciding to buy Ashley a few new things, he was getting bigger everyday and growing out of practically everything he owned. I didn't really want to stay for long, I felt sick and the photo shoot I had just finished up dragged. Sauntering over to the baby section I picked up a cute all in one and filed through the rack trying to find his size. Suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. "Excuse me? You're Veronica right?" A girl asked, I guessed she was around fifteen or sixteen and she was wearing a low cut top and short shorts, she was actually pretty but the whole dress sense thing gave her the wrong kind of vibe. "Yeah, can I help you with something?" I offered, the smile soon disappeared from her face.

"You're such a whore, like how many band members do you want? First Vic and now Oli" 

My mouth dropped open, I couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth, after a few minutes I regained my composure and answered "Then the answer to your question would be two" I smirked "At least I can get them." 

Her eyes flashed with anger "Whatever, you basically killed Vic I mean if you left him alone he'd still be here today, he wasted his time with you, you're bad news the funny thing is you're not even pretty so I hardly reckon you're worth it." She snarled 

Her words cut through me like a knife, they always did when they dragged Vic into situations, it was expected because it was one of the only things that could hurt me and I still felt like I was to blame for his death but I tried not to show how badly it affected me so I blinked away the tears "Oh and you are? I'm sorry but at least I don't have to go around half naked to feel comfortable with myself." I snapped back 

"You're a waste, I'll just sit back and watch until you fuck up someone else's life up or kill another band member before you move on to the next one which seems like your style doesn't it?, have a nice life oh and I hate you." 

"Oh love, I hate you too." I flipped her off and left the shop. Tears blurred my vision and I ran into a nearby toilet, locked myself in a stall and cried.


"Hey babe I'm home!" I called as I stepped through the front door, I heard laughter and talking coming from the living room probably the guys "We're in here" Oliver yelled back, slipping off my jacket I walked into the living room but I wasn't greeted by the boys. I was greeted by a girl who honestly looked way more comfortable than she probably should of done; her legs curled up on the sofa and a mug of tea in her hands. Oli held his arms out and I sat on his lap "Hey, I didn't know you we're having anyone over..." I trailed off 

"Yeah, This is my best friend; Zara" I looked over at her and she smiled warmly at me which made me feel a little bit better about being around her, Oliver had never mentioned this girl to me before but they were best friends? "Zara, this is my girlfriend-"

"Veronica." She blurted out and her cheeks turned pink

"Uh yeah..." Oliver said confusion evident in his voice. Zara slapped her hand over her mouth

"Sorry, Oliver's talked about you a lot and I'm just a huge're such an inspiration! Sorry if that sounds weird...Sorry I shouldn't of said that." She gushed

I laughed, "No worries, any friend of Oliver's is a friend of mine. So how do you two know each other, I uh...haven't exactly heard of you before?"

"That sounds about right." She giggled "I embarrass him a lot so he banned me from meeting his friends."

I raised my eyebrows at Oliver and poked his chest "That's mean" he grinned back at me

"If you were me, you'd feel the same." He defended and Zara punched him playfully.

"We met when we were seventeen I moved to Sheffield from London and the teacher made this fucker show me around for the whole week." She shrugged "Anyway I better get going, nice meeting you! and thanks for the tea and stuff oh and you guys have a gorgeous nephew, he's so precious!" I nodded and gave her a hug "Thank you! Feel free to come round whenever no matter what Oliver says." I offered and stood up so Oliver could walk her to the door. 

"She seems nice" I smiled as he returned back into the room

"Yeah she is." He muttered rubbing his eyes and returning his gaze to his phone

"Heard from him?" I asked

A sad smile made it's way onto his face "Nope." He replied popping the 'p' and my heart suddenly ached for him. "He'll be back soon I promise." 

"Hmm, maybe." 

"Well I'm gonna go to bed." I said before yawning, Oliver kissed my forehead and pulled me into a hug "Long day?" He chuckled and I nodded, resting my head onto his chest and closing my eyes. 

"Veronica?" He said shaking me "V?"

"Mmm?" I mumbled

"Did you seriously just fall asleep standing up?" He chuckled "You were only standing there a few minutes."

I shrugged in response "Too tired to care." I stated, suddenly my feet left the ground and we were moving. Opening an eye I saw we were walking upstairs and into our bedroom; he placed me onto the bed and I sat up.

"What did you even do today?" He asked and I smirked

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