Chapter 27 ~ We'll see you again one day

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A/N finally got rid of my writers block yayyyyyyyy, so I've decided to dedicate this chapter to someone because I decided that their idea would work well with what I had planned orignially, thank you to everyone that commented and offered ideas!<3

Veronica's POV

I jolted forward and gazed around the familiar hotel room, I breathed a shaky sigh of relief as I realised it was all a dream and I hadn't just had sex with Mike. A bead of sweat ran down the side of my face and I quickly wiped it away and decided to go for a shower. Today was the day I was going back to the venue and I would be staying with Bring Me The Horizon which means Oliver Sykes.

I don't really understand what's going on with us,  I get my feelings under control but then I lose it as soon as I see him. I hated him for what he's done to me but I guess I love him too, I always have.

As the hot water fell upon my body it released all the worry and pain inside, my shower time was cut short due to a knock on the door, I assumed it was Oli and wrapped a towel around me before opening the door. Sure enough I was right and Oliver barged into the bedroom and flug himself onto the bed. "Hi" he winked as he looked me up and down. I rolled my eyes and held my towel closer to my body, "hey, I was about to get changed..." I trailed off hoping he'd get the hint. He furrowed his eyebrows before finally understanding, his eyes went wide "Ohh, well don't let me stop you" he said propping himself up on his elbows like he was getting ready for a show. I put my hands on my hips and looked at him "What? It's not like I haven't seen it before" Oliver whined.

I throw my arms up in defeat and walked over to the wardrobe pulling out a loose vest top and black skinny jeans. I tossed my underwear on closely followed by my clothes, when I had finished I glanced over at Oli who had his mouth wide open and hadn't peeled his eyes away from me. "I thought you'd seen it before?" I joked which earned a scowl from Oli, I chuckled and starting packing my bags.


"Ready?" Oliver asked me as he pulled up to the venue, I took a deep breath and smiled. "I'm so proud of you, you know? it hurt a lot seeing you the way you were and even though I know you're still not fully okay, I can still see you hurting inside but I kinda wrote this song for you...and I was hoping to sing it at Vic's memorial tomorrow if that's okay?" He asked taking my hand in his. I gazed into his deep eyes and I felt myself falling again. I snapped myself out of it and lightly laughed "you can sing whatever you want Oli, it's a memorial, I'm not in charge" 

He laughed too and looked back into my eyes, I noticed him slowly leaning in and I felt butterflies errupt in my stomach. What are you doing? he hurt you.

I pushed myself back and removed my hand from his grip. I watched hurt cross his eyes. "V, I'm sorry I-" 

"No Oliver you've been a complete dick to me since we first met. You choose when and when not to be nice to me and I'm sick of it, you can't just apologise and expect 6 years of pain to disappear. You hurt me Oliver, too many times" I snapped as I stepped out of the car, leaving him sitting there motionless.


I entered the venue and decided to walk around for a while, I wasn't ready to go back to the bus right now and I certainly wasn't ready to see Oliver. I peered around and everyone seemed to carry on with their lives. "Well well, the wonderer has returned" a familiar voice said. I whipped my head around to see the one and only Jack Barakat grinning at me. "Jack!" I screamed running into his open arms. 

"Hey pretty lady, I was wondering when I'd see you again"

"Wonder no more Barakat, I've arrived" I bowed dramatically.

he laughed "Well I have a set to do, you're coming to the meal tonight aren't you?" 

I furrowed my eyebrows "what meal?"

"Well the rest of ATL will be there, Bring Me, SWS, OM&M and PTV we're going for dinner together because warped is nearly over and I doubt we'll be all together for a while especially because Pierce The Veil are leaving tomorrow...didn't Oli tell you about it?" 

They were leaving? Pierce The Veil were leaving, they were leaving and hadn't even told me. I felt tears prickle in my eyes, I shook my head and hoped Jack wouldn't notice.

"well okay, ask Bring Me for the details, you're staying there right? I'll see you later, I'm going to be late" Jack pulled me into another hug and kissed my forehead. I nodded and watched him disappear into the crowd. I felt myself grow tired and I walked for a while before settling under a secluded tree which was located on top of the hill. The view was amazing, you could see a few stages warped and huge crowds of people watching performances, the sun beamed down and no one had a care in the world.

I closed my eyes, feeling them start to get heavy "Veronica?"

"Mhmm?" I opened one eye and looked around to see Tony standing a short distance away from me. I opened my othereye in realisation and he slid down next to me. "How are you V?" he asked as I closed my eyes soaking up the sun's rays. I hadn't been outside in over three weeks so the sun made my skin feel alive again. "I'm fine Tone, how you dealing?"

"Fine too" he mumbled by it was unconvincing "are you coming to the memorial tomorrow?" he asked before I got to press him about why he wasn't okay. I shrugged in response, I wasn't sure I wanted to be there. It was basically a normal day at warped tour only all bands would perform on one stage and only a certain amount of fans would be allowed in. It just felt too soon.

"When were you going to tell me that you were leaving tomorrow night?" I broke the comfortable silence. The air became a little thick with tension. "I-I..W-we were going to tell you tonight..." he trailed off

"Why are you even going?" I asked a little threatening more that I meant it too

"You know why, there's no point of us being here. Our band's finished and it's time to move on, we've got stuff to deal with at home and Mike's worried about his parents. There's nothing left here"

"What about me? I'm here" I whispered trying not to let the tears fall.

"We'll see you again and we'll always keep in contact" Tony reassured.

"Fine" I mumbled, I couldn't be bothered to talk about this anymore.

We remained silent, but it wasn't awkward, for a few minutes before Tony broke it again,"So...I saw you and Oliver in the car..." he trailed off. I shot my eyes open and he had a smirk on his face but his eyes were closed, obviously enjoying the sun too, why wasn't he mad?

"It was nothing" I shoved it off.

"Didn't look like nothing he grinned", I chuckled and punched his arm lightly.

I sighed "It's too early to move on but I have feelings for him, I always have. But he's hurt me way too many times before and I'm not sure how much I can handle before I snap, he hasn't even apologised for anything" I tugged on the blades of grass we were sitting on.

"Stop worrying" Tony said in a serious voice, and stood up. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows 

"W-what? wh-" I started but he soon cut me off

"You'll end up together" He flashed me the peace sign and walked away.

These secrets will kill us Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now