Chapter 64 ~ Crazy in the head

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Nicholls POV

"Lee Malia and Matt Nicholls to see Veronica Radford?" Lee announced in a questioning tone as we walked up to the desk. The middle aged woman that sat tall and proud behind it looked up and peered down her glasses glancing at the both of us with her eyebrows raised. "She's not currently available for visitors, you'll have to wait" she replied in a monotone voice.

"What? Why not?" I asked, slightly panicking, what had happened to her? "Patient confidentiality, like I'll have to wait." We groaned in annoyance and slowly turned around approaching the door we came through. "Excuse me but did you say you were here to see Veronica?" A meek voice said from the side of us, I snapped my head round and looked at a friendly looking woman, much different to the one behind the desk. I nodded my head and noticed she was in uniform so she obviously worked here. "I'm Maggie, I knew Veronica" she answered with uncertainty in her voice

"Oh?" Lee said "how is she doing?"

A glint of sadness flickered across Maggie's eyes, she took a deep breath and shook her head "...Terribly."

Jordan's POV

The morning was dragging and was starting to be painful. Nothing at the minute was pleasing Oliver and I was seriously starting to wonder if anything would again. "It's been four hours, where are Lee and Nicholls?" Oliver asked, Vegan's mouth hung open not sure how to reply so I quickly answered "You live with one of them so shouldn't you know?"

Oliver shrugged "Lee left early this morning and I've not seen him since..."

"Maybe they just went shopping" vegan answered, I rolled my eyes and Oliver chuckled at his words before it simmered down to a silence as he realised it was not a joke. "Yeah maybe, only them two haven't been near a supermarket in their lives" Vegan shot me an apologetic look so he was obviously apologising for what he had previously said. "Oh well, they'll turn up...can we practice now?" I asked and Oliver nodded.


"Gone? What do you mean gone?" I yelled

"Shh" Maggie hissed as she looked around the room making sure no one had heard "she's gone, someone came to visit her this morning and not long after she vanished..."

"Who was her visitor?"

"Not sure of their names, haven't seen them before though, nice men."

"Why haven't you called the police?" Lee asked

"Veronica is considered a 'VIP' as she's a celebrity, if it got out that she was missing then it'd look bad at us here which is why you must keep this information to yourself."

"But-" I began but she cut me off

"No, this is how it has to be and this is how it's going to stay. I'm sorry she's gone, her things are in reception, take them and go, I wish you the best of luck finding her but I have other patients to attend to...nice meeting you." Maggie called over her shoulder and walked away leaving us reeling from all the information we had just found out.

Veronica's POV
2 months later

The early morning sun shone weakly through the light grey clouds, the dew settled on the grass nicely and the birds sung innocently from the trees. I drifted off into my thoughts as I stirred my tea aimlessly, I thought about my old life, my old friends, Oliver, Alex and Ashley. I winced at the memories and wondered how they were doing, probably a lot better than how they were when I was around. I couldn't help but think if they had realised I had left, well taken and if they were currently searching everywhere for me...but they probably weren't.

I didn't have many friends here in Las Vegas, I wasn't really used as anything. Sam and I went out most nights to casinos and fancy restaurants, I was his trophy girlfriend, just a "pretty girl that hung onto his arm" I looked fake, like all I was hanging around for was his money. I was just like every other wife or girlfriend belonging to Sam's friends.

I know what you're thinking, you probably think that I've moved on from my old life and that I'm incredibly in love with Sam even after everything he's done... But I really wasn't. I was so numb and tired that even throwing on a revealing dress, faking a smile and holding a glass of champaign every night was too much of a challenge to complete. I honestly wanted nothing more than to leave him, go back to England and fall into Oliver's arms but that certainly wouldn't happen. I was sure that Sam would kill me for definite this time as well, I'd never ever win against him so I just stayed where I was. I didn't have the energy to think of a way out.

"Hey babe" a voice said and a few seconds later a light kiss was planted on my neck "Ready for tonight?"

I plastered on my enthusiastic face and nodded "of course, what time are we leaving?"

"Around 5, starting early...more money that way" he gushed "ask me why!"

"Why?" I asked

"Because I've got a feeling that tonight's going to be my night Veronica and you are my lucky charm."

But something inside of me was saying the complete opposite.

A/N I'm thinking of bringing this story to an end soon so just letting you all know. I'm also sorry for the extremely late update, I've been really ill recently and I've had a lot of school stuff to do aswell. Thank you for your patience guys, I'll try and make the next update quicker!

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