Chapter 36~There's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes

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Veronica's POV

I stood there, frozen. "Do you care to explain?" Oliver said through clenched teeth "Do you care to fucking explain?"

I opened my mouth to say something but no words would form or leave my mouth, it was almost like I had forgotten the entire English language. "I-I don't know" I mumbled, staring at my nephew who was sitting in his carrier. But of course that was a lie, I knew why he was here. The note made sense; Tom had had enough, Lana's death must of affected him more than I thought, I mean who would give up their own child unless they knew it was completely for the best? Maybe Tom had become too depressed to even look after himself nevermind a baby that was a couple months old.

I gazed back over at Oliver, he was shaking probably with anger because he obviously knew that I knew more than I was letting on; he even had the letter to prove it.

"Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on"

I shook my head not knowing how to even say what had been happening the past few months, Oliver and I, we'd sorted ourselves out and this might wreck it all I know it will wreck everything.

"No let me rephrase that, you will tell me what's going on because apparently my brother showed up, left my nephew on the doorstep, fucked off and the best bit is my girlfriend knows everything and has been hiding it from me for god knows how long and refuses to tell me anything!" He roared

I had never seen him this angry before and I wasn't sure how I could calm him down or if I should even attempt to. "Oli...I-I'm sorry...I-"

"No. Save the apologies because right now I don't care, you want to know what I do care about? My brother and right now anything could happen to him and I should be out there trying to find him but you're preventing that an-"

"Lana died" I mumbled, I wasn't sure if it was loud enough to hear

"What?" He said, his words drenched in annoyance

"Lana's dead, okay? Lana is dead, passed away, gone" I screamed, letting the tears fall, I wasn't even aware they were coming. My tone of voice clearly took Oliver by surprise because he stumbled back a bit with his eyes wide open.

I let my words sink in for a few seconds and his brown eyes glossed over thick with tears, I knew this was killing him, they had always been close; right from the start.

Oli laughed "it's kinda sick to make something up like that about your sister" he snarled

Was he joking? "You seriously think I'm that much of a sick fuck to tell people that my sister, the only close family I have left that she'd died when she hadn't? If she was still alive then where is she? Why is Ashley here and why isn't he with Lana if she was still alive?" I raged and he clenched his fists that were now turning white

"I don't know? Maybe they had an argument, I don't know their personal lives Veronica"

"Well you wanted to know the truth and now I'm giving it to you, on Vic's Memorial Day I received a call from the hospital telling me Lana came out of her coma but shortly died afterwards, she wasn't adjusting well and she died, the day I was grieving over my boyfriend who was shot dead by my ex, I was told my sister died too. You were too busy confessing your love for me and flirting with other girls and Pierce The Veil had enough to deal with, they were leaving. I wanted to tell you but you fucked up with the drinking and the girls and everything else" I ranted

"Me? I fucked up? No, you didn't tell me, infact the only one who fucked up here is you." Oliver replied walking over to the table and grabbing his jacket and keys

"Oli? Where are you going? Oli?" I asked, hot tears still streaming down my face as I dropped on my knees to the floor, it was too much to bare, was he leaving me? I knew this would happen "Oli please"

He turned around just before the front door "What?" He spat looking down at me

"Where are you going? Please don't go, I'm sorry" I begged

"I'm going to see if my brother is still about and maybe if you're lucky; he will be" he explained

"I'll come with you, I can help" I offered

He stared at me "No, I think you've done enough don't you?" He spat, his words like venom as he left the house slamming the door behind him which woke Ashley and he started to cry. I was honestly surprised he was only just waking up now, I mean all the screaming was enough to wake the whole of Sheffield up.

And at that moment I was completely lost, who did I turn to? Tony, Jaime and Mike were in San Diego and Lana wasn't here, in the end I decided to call the only person who I could call, the only one that knew how to sort Oliver out when he acted like this.


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