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/\ 15 years later /\

"Ugh, Mom, do I have to go?" Vae groans, looking up from her phone.

"Yes," Tris says, putting her hand on her hip. "Don't you want to see Kyle?"

"Yeah. But that's it.

Tobias walks into the room and sighs, kissing Tris on the cheek. "Let me guess- this argument again?"

Tris rolls her eyes. "Always this argument."

Tobias ruffles his daughter's hair, earning a glare from his fourteen-year-old daughter. Vae has Tobias's dark brown hair and Tris's blue-gray eyes. Her skin is something close to olive- neither have any idea of how that happened- and she always dresses in black.

He kisses Maddy on the top of her head, and she swats at him and giggles. Maddy is five, almost old enough for kindergarten. "I don't like Kyle." She pouts, sticking out her lower lip. "He's a boy, and boys are icky."

Tris smooths back Maddy's blonde curls. Maddy got Tobias's dark blue eyes, something that Vae is jealous of. "But you don't think Daddy's icky." She says.

Maddy shakes her head stubbornly. "Daddy's not a boy." That makes them all laugh, even Vae. Then she grins. "Vae and Kyle sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

"MOM!" Vae shouts. "Tell her to stop!"

Tris laughs. Vae is fourteen and Kyle is sixteen. He's Marlene and Uriah's son, and the two obviously have a crush on each other. So the younger kids- and the adults- tease them all the time.

While Vae chases a still-singing Maddy around the house, Tris smiles and kisses Tobias. "How's Bryn and Ashlyn?" She asks.

He wraps his arms around her waist. "Bryn's going to have a kid, and Ashlyn just got a boyfriend."

Tris smiles. "Where'd they meet?"

Tobias grins. "Barnes and Noble."

She laughs. "Go figure there. Did she say how they started talking?"

He nods. "She picked up some book, and he said that if she liked The Mortal Instruments, she'd love that."

"And she said?"

"You read The Mortal Instruments?"

Tris laughs. "Leave it to Ashlyn."

"And wait, that's not all. He also had a fandom Instagram account, and then they realized that she'd been following him and he sometimes liked her pictures."

She laughs. "Leave it to Ash to meet someone in real life."

Tobias nods and pulls her closer to him. "So is Vae coming to Zeke and Shauna's for the Christmas party?"

Tris shakes her head. "I have no idea. Doesn't Kyle have a girlfriend now? I think that's why she doesn't want to come." They have a strict no-dating-until-you're-sixteen rule. "According to her, she 'doesn't want to see some slut all over him because he can so do better.'"

"And she doesn't want to see him with someone else."

"Probably that too." Tris rolls her eyes.

"He dumped her."

"That could've been what she was texting him about."

"You saw?"

She grins. "I'm sneakier than I seem, Tobias."

He chuckles, pressing his forehead against hers. "I love you, you know that."

She pretends to think about it. "Nope. Never heard that."

He rolls his eyes and kisses her. "Ewwww!"

They pull apart to see Maddy standing in the kitchen doorway, looking disgusted. They grin and start to chase her through the house.

Later, they drive to Philadelphia and pull into Zeke's driveway as the snow starts to fall. Everyone is there- Lacey and Peter, Susan, Caleb, Uriah and Marlene, Christina and Will, and of course all of their kids.

Tris smiles up at Tobias. Nothing bad has happened to them in the past nineteen years.

For once, there is peace.

/\/\/\ The End /\/\/\

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