The Argument

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Hinata Shoyou x Male! Reader

[A/N: Sadly this takes place a year after, so everyone is up a grade (meaning no Daichi, Sugawara, or Asahi), sorry....]

(Male! Reader's P.O.V )

"I have nothing to apologize for" I said staring down into the eyes of my boyfriend of almost a year.

"W-What?! You were all like swwwuvm and he was like teehee and you were like huhuhu~!" Shoyou complained

"I don't know what any of that means, Shoyou, I don't know how to swwwuvm"

"Well I'm not talking to you until you apologize!" he screamed as he stormed off.

Like I said before Shoyou and I have been dating for almost a year, it will be a year in one months time. Even though we've been together for this long I still don't understand the way he talks, at least how he talks when he's pissed off....

I shook my head and turned as I walked into my classroom, I locked eyes with my best friend

"I heard you did something" he said in a less than pleased voice

"I did nothing wrong, Chikara-kun" I replied as I sat next to him (he happens to be on the volleyball team with Shoyou).

"Hinata texted us all that he would not be at practice today" Tanaka butted in "He only skips when you two have fights"

Well he can text fast....

"He thinks I need to apologize for something I didn't do," I said crossing my arms "and he tried to explain it to me but I still don't understand" I said averting my eyes for them "all I did was talk to a second year that I tutor, and Shoyou lost his shit..." I placed my head in my desk

"What did you say?" Chikara asked


(Hinata Shoyou P.O.V)

"...come to my house later!" I yelled "can you believe it Kageyama, he was flirting with some guy right in front of me!" I sat down in my chair, my mood terribly altered.

"I think you mistook what he meant by that" Kageyama retorted as he read a book in his hands

"How?!" I eyed my classmate that (Y/n) had invited over to his house "How do you mistake something like that?!"

"Well that could mean a lot of things" he said, flipping the page in his book

"Ya like: 'I want you not Shoyou' or--!"

"Alright class," the homeroom teacher walked in, her face bright and cheery as usual, which for some reason pissed me off "I'll take attendance..."

The day went by slowly, very slowly. I stared at the door in a lot of my classes wishing (Y/n) would burst through the door and apologize, but he usually isn't the type to confront the situation....

"Let's go to practice" Kageyama said as he startled me from my daydream realm

"Not going..." I replied looking away from him

"Dumbass" is all he said before he picked me up by the collar of my shirt and dragged me to the locker room. "Change." he glared at me as he dropped me "just because you're pissed at (Y/n) doesn't mean that volleyball should suffer"

"....fine" I muttered as I slowly fell into his words and changed.


"I thought you weren't coming today, Hinata" Ennoshita commented as Kageyama and I walked into the gym

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now