The Flower

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Hanamiya Makoto X Male! Reader

Art by pph-rs on deviantart


The first time I met him I hated him. His voice, his movements, his everything.... I cringed at the mere mention of Hanamiya Makoto. I loathed what he does, how he plays my favorite sport, I still hate that. I told him he plays like a middle schooler afraid that they'd never make it to the top but to that he just frowns and clicks his tongue.

To tell you the honest truth, I have no idea how I've come to love him. It just kind of happened one day at a game. His game was right before my brothers.

My brother, wow is he against this.... Who'd blame him? My brother, Kuroko Tetsuya, is silent and separated but whenever Hanamiya comes up into conversation he gets really livid and voices his opinions in a calm and pissed mannor.

So at the game, Hanamiya played like usual, he was mentally and physically destroying the other team. But then he turned and we met eyes, he winked at me and smiled a genuine non-evil smile. I felt my heart pound and my whole body fluttered at that motion.

That's when that happened, but I couldn't tell Tetsuya.... No I liked life back then.

Since I went to Seirin it was close to impossible to see Hanamiya ever again unless he played against our team, and since Teppei was out in America getting his knee fixed I would be okay with them playing him.... But I don't want to put Tetsuya's career on the line.....

It took a whole month of worry and pain and confusion for my mind to finally realize that I had a crush on this man that can destroy a team with a snap of his fingers, literally.

We began dating after he sought me out. Yep, he was the one to initiate the relationship.

~That Day~

"(Y/n), are you heading home early?" Tetsuya asked me a little worriedly

"Ya, I need to start on homework and I left a book on my desk. Why?" I replied

"I think you should wait until after practice and have Kagami-kun and I walk you home."

"Tetsuya, I'll be fine." I began to leave the classroom.

"Please listen to your older brother." I saw Kagami at the threshold of the classroom afters if he were trying to stop me from leaving.

"Kagami..." I sighed out

"This is for your own safety--"

"I'll be fine thanks." I said trying to pass Kagami "Seriously guys, I'm a first year I can take care of myself." I said, not understanding why they were being so protective. Kagami moved, to Tetsuya's protest, and I headed down to walk out.

That's when I realized why they wanted to protect me.

"I've been waiting for you, idiot." his voice slurred out in a bored and irritated voice

"Hanamiya Makoto, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, stiffening my nervousness

"I want you, and I always get what I want." he said now towering over me

"Oh, so you wanted to lose against Seirin a year ago?" I replied with sass, as usual to myself

"Cute..." he clicked his tongue

"I'm heading home, so please excuse me." I passed him and began to walk down the road, but I knew he was clearly behind me.

I walked to not my house but instead I walked to the park beside it. I sat on the swingset, trying to ward him off with me ignoring him and wasting his time.

"You know..." he sat beside me on the ground "I... You... you treat me like a person and not the monster I am...."

"That sounded totally out of charater." I snickered "and please, your not a monster, you just had misguided reasonings in your version of basketball. I understand why you wanted to win, I mean there is a little bit of truth in every lie that you told" I looked at him, out eyes meeting and his showed more emotion than I've ever seen in my life "sorry.... I'm babbling..."

"Date me, idiot."


Then he was an awkward first year in college, he wanted nothing more than to be loved. Yes he acts differently when we are alone then when we are in public because no one would believe that he'd change just for one person.

I remember out first date too, it was supposed to be a secret date. So we decided to meet at one of Tetsuya's games where we'd be mysteriously sitting beside each other.

It went great for the first half, until Tetsuya yelled at me to meet him in the locker room and then I was banished to the bleachers for the rest of the game. But I texted him for that duration.

"Are you coming?" Hanamiya's voice pierced my thoughts

"Ya, I'll be right there Hana-chan." I called back closing my journal.

"I told you to drop that nickname you idiot" he called in a flustered voice

"Oh come on Hana-chan, I think it fits you perfectly."

"How in the world does that fit me? It would fit you better" he bargins as I made my way to him

"Because" I said smiling at him as I caught up "You my flower~" I raced in front of him

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" he called trring to catch up

"Come on college boy with an IQ of 160+, I bet you can figure that out~"

"(Y/n)! Come back!"

He'll never admit it, but he's a nice guy. You just have to know him and understand him to be able to love him, like I do.


A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It's exactly how I feel about Makoto since I fell for him a while back, when KNB was just making a second season and the manga was the best thing since sliced bread! Anyways hope you guys like it and please vote below!

Sorry if there are some spelling or grammar errors... I'll fix them eventually.

Requests are OPEN!

Possible next chapters (Most voted chapter will be Next):

When you comment if you want the chapter to be a lime, lemon, smut or anything in particular (i.e. fetish, tick, turn on, etc) please leave that in your comment as well, if you don't mind then you don't have to specify; I just want to produce the type of chapters you guys want, thanks and have an amazing day:

1. Izuki Shun (Kuroko no Basket)

2. Tanaka Ryunosuke (Haikyuu!!)

3. Ennoshita Chikara (Haikyuu!!)

4. Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan) [Request Pending]

5. An O.C. of mine?

6. Other?

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now