Student Council Room

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[It was a three way tie so I went with the first one in the list of the three, sorry! If you guys want the other chapters they are still votable (is that even a word?) below. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~]

Tanaka Ryunosuke X Student Council President! Male! Reader (Smut)

Art by xinoncchi on DeviantArt


(Narrator P.O.V)

"I already told you that I can't today, Ryu" (Y/n) said as he walks fastly down the hallway and avoided his speeding shadow

"It's just walking home together, I thought you'd be the one to be more disappointed about this!" Tanaka complained as he tried to catch up

"I am angry, Ryu" (Y/n) stopped in his escape, Tanaka running into his back and almost falling over "But I have a Student Council meeting, so don't wait for me after practice. We'll meet up tomorrow, okay?" (Y/n) began to walk away

"(Y/n)!!!!" Tanaka called aggravatingly, he went to run after (Y/n) but Ennoshita stopped him

"You'll only agitate the Student Council President." Ennoshita began to drag Tanaka back to the classroom

"I love you, (Y/n)!!" Tanaka called through the halls, his scream echoing throughout the building.

"Idiot!" (Y/n) called back, his face in a full blush as he rushed to the SCR (Student Council Room).

The day dragged on and on, Tanaka knowing full well that he was going to get zero much work done do to only thinking about the Student Council meeting. He wondered how (Y/n)'s lips moves as he spoke to the fellow members, how his words moved the others to fly into action, how his stance embraced the challenge, if he bit his lip when he didn't know the answer to a question or if he tapped his fingers on his clipboard when he dove into deep thought. These were the things that occupied Tanaka's mind as he tried to count down the minutes until he could see (Y/n) again.

"Let's head to practice!" Nishinoya barged in, waking Tanaka up and dragging him to the changing room and then to the gym. The two were not the first ones there, not even the second ones there, or the third or the fourth. Almost the entire team was already there except the two and Ennoshita.

The practice was intense but with all the other practices under their belts, so to speak, it went by like a breeze. The team showered and each separated they ways.

"Aren't you heading home, Ryu?" Nishinoya asked, because him and Tanaka usually walked home together (or at least to the fork in the road before they had to part ways).

"Nah, I have to go do something!~" Tanaka sang as he ran towards the student council room. Being the idiot he is he decided to surprise (Y/n), and also go against what (Y/n) wanted, by picking him up from the Student council room. It seemed that Nishinoya had encouraged this while the rest of the team told him he was an idiot, under their breath, and to just head home...... only one person needed to agree with him.

Tanaka ran into the building, searching far and wide for the rare Student Council room, his worst enemy (so to speak). He began down the only unlit hallway

"Like some stupid horror..." Tanaka laughed under his breath as he headed down the hall

"I don't even get why you are going out with him, (Y/n)" Tanaka heard voices from down the hall, emitting from the Student Council room

"Why else would I go out with someone?"

"That's not what I mean, (Y/n)..." Talking to (Y/n) was none other than Mr. Haruna, the supervisor of Student Council "You two are so different, it's like you two are different species. Plus since you two have been going out your grades have been slipping"

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now