Why HER?

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Kuroo Tetsuro x Dumped! Male! Reader (Fluff)

Requested by Suck_my_Richard96

Art by swallowchaser on Tumblr


(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

Tonight was the night of the 3rd year Banquet, for those third years that dared to be recognized as graduates and leaving for college. Only a handful of us showed up, the venue small in size and the layout a little cozy, but it's not like we are expecting too many people to show up. There are 200 seats available and at first the tickets are available to the school and after a certain date the public is allowed to buy tickets to come and see us one last time before our summer jobs took us away and then college. The venue said it could seat 200, but what you can seat and what you should seat are two different things.

It was all fine and dandy, my 'date' Kuroo, beside me and the small Yaku yelling at Lev (who sat on the other side of him) to eat like a human being rather than like a pig. We all sat beside each other in a line, uncomfortable for me because if I'm going to talk to someone then I have to be facing them and sitting like this just gives me anxiety. Kurro was trying to calm me down but he was only making me anxious. I made eye contact with Sugawara and Daichi, my two closest friends out of Nekoma, who sat in front of us at a separate table.

"You'd think that the two would be better at situating this venue..." I complained as I eyed Suga, but talked to Kuroo "I'm going to go talk to Suga and Daichi for a second" I got a silent 'Ok' from Kuroo and walked over to Suga and Daichi, both in tux and tie (as the rest of us).

"Hey, (Y/n), Congrats on graduating!" They cheered

"Thanks, you gys graduate tomorrow right?" I asked as I sat down

"Yep, us and Asahi. He'd be here, if Nishinoya didn't drag him off"

"Right" I laughed under my breath

"I see you brought Kuroo," Daichi commented as he glanced behind him to the laughing Kuroo

"Ya, he was my backup. I mean we've been friends since our first year here. When I asked him he was a little caught off guard but he didn't even think about it before accepting my request." I smiled as I looked at him

"Who was your first choice?"

"Just a guy at school I've had a crush on for a while, he does basketball and stuff, Hayama Ginji" I mentioned his name, though hope sprung in me that neither of them knew him

"No idea who that is" Daichi said

"Well he had other plans today, who knows what they were but he said that he couldn't make it--" Just as I said that I heard a laugh all too familiar it made my stomach churn.

He wasn't supposed to be here. This is the one place that he said he couldn't be.... He turned me down because he had other plans....

I looked around, knowing full well who that laugh belonged too.... I searched and searched and in the corner, adjacent to my table as if he tried to hide himself from me, sat Ginji..... Right next to a girl who he looked to be more than friends with.

Apparently those other plans were to bring a girl.

I wanted to cry that exact moment.... My eyes widened and I began to shake

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Suga asked as he grabbed my hand trying to calm me

"H-he.... He lied..." I stared at him, hoping he'd look at me, the man that is in love with him, but his eyes just stayed on that damn woman that he brought.

"What?" Daichi matched my eyes, turned around, and saw what I was seeing "I'm assuming that's him...." Daichi said as he then turned around and looked at Suga and me

"Y-Ya...." I choked out as I quickly looked at the table and tried not to cry "I-I-I'm just going to go back and sit with Kuroo" I had a little bit more of a talk with the two before I went back and sat with Kuroo.

"Are you okay?" Kuroo asked, dismissing his current conversation

"No. But I'll be fine in a little" I eyed my watch.

Half hour to go.

Kuroo didn't understand, why would he I didn't even tell him what was up. He just placed his hand on my lap, as if trying to reassure me that he was there if I needed him.

I couldn't focus on anything, all I heard was Ginji's laugh, all I heard was his voice.... I felt sick.

"K-Kuroo... I need... Can you take me home?" I whispered to him, my stomach feeling like it was twisting and turning inside of me.

"Yep, sure" Kuroo got up and dismissed himself from his conversation, motioning for them to text him. I apologized to Yaku and Lev and told them that I was feeling under the weather. The both understood and said that they'd keep in touch.

I followed Kuroo out to his truck and got into the passenger's side. I waited until we were on the way home, out of sight of my peers (except Kuroo) and then I began to cry. I held onto my heart and and just cried softly, as I the pain in my chest and the discomfort in my stomach slowly disappeared to the comfort of crying. I could feel Kuroo's mood change because I was crying, but his mood was more on the apologetic side rather than not. He drove with one hand and left one out to hold with my own, to which I very much obliged. I held his hand tight, more like cuddled with it.

It was like he understood, like he got it.

He drove slow, as if he knew that I was going to need time to take out my sorrow.

It took us about 2 hours to drive home, just me crying and him listening to my blubbering. He drove into my driveway, he seemed hesitant that I was just going to head into an empty house (both my parents work late every night).

"I'll be fine" I sniffled as I grabbed my belongings and reached for the handle

"He was an ass to show up with her." Kuroo said all o a sudden

"What?" I turned to him

"That's why you're upset right? The fact that Ginji showed up with a girl around his arm instead of you." He said talking with his hands

"Y-Ya.... Am I that obvious?" I looked down at my hands

"Not really, I'd never guess it unless Yakkun told me that you had a hard crush on him... we saw him come and Yakkun said to avoid it and not mention it....."

"Ya.... It sound's like him to do something like that" I smiled a little

"You know... you look quite handsome when you smile like that." Kuroo commented and blushed lightly

I laughed and smiled "Thanks Kuroo, see you later."

"Definitely. I'll be here whenever you need me, so just call or text and I'll be here in a flash!"

"Thank you Kuroo, night"

"Night, (Y/n)."


A/n: Yay Kuroo! One of my faves from Haikyuu! For one I had to get this frustration out, this literally happened to me the other day. All my friends were there for me but I can't get it out of my head how much of an ass he was. ANYWAY! I hope you assll liked it assll I will see you guys Friday!

Sorry if there are some spelling or grammar errors... I'll fix them eventually.

Requests are OPEN (Please P.M. them to me)! [If you want to P.M. to just talk I'm also okay with that!]

Hey guys I have 2 more requests to go, so after those I will let you guys start to vote!

Friday's chapter:

>Alois Trancy X Male! Reader X Ciel Phantomhive

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now