Triangle of Love

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Rin Matsuoka X Male! Reader X Souskue Yamazaki

Requested by NurulAqilah394!


There was a man standing at the water's edge.

(Y/n), a caring man of remarkable achievement, stood alone on the beach, gazing over the azure water with his innocent deep (eye color) pools. His (hair color) hair rustled lightly in the ocean breeze. He smiled to himself with anticipation, resting his cheek against one hand as he adjusted his cinnamon glasses.

He wore an opaline shirt that left his arms bare and flaxen shorts that looked comfortable and easy to wear. His (hair color) brushed against his earlobes, complementing his guileless sorrel visage. He stood, awaiting the man who he summoned here.

It started on that day, when he had found himself facing mortal danger, desperately in need of a savior. That savior came in the form of Sousuke, who cut down what danger he could and swept him away from the rest. From then on, he cared about him with every fiber of his being, but Sousuke switched from warmth to coldness in a flash, struggling with his inner anguish. But he loved him no matter how many times he pushed him away. That was how it was to this very day.

"(Y/n)," Sousuke said simply with no trace of emotion. His deep colored globes complimented his ashen hair, brushing against his ears, belying his haunted heart. He was dressed in refined garb befitting his station. His skin was a light olive hue and his form was slight. As (Y/n) drew nearer, he caught a note of Sousuke's familiar scent that brought yellowed pages to mind. He smiled to himself. It always reminded him of the time they shared.

"Oh, Sousuke! You actually came!" (Y/n) said breathlessly, reaching out to envelope him into an embrace. Sousuke took a half-step back, enough to remind him that he still preferred some distance. (Y/n) humored him and dropped his arms without comment, still smiling. With that, they began to walk along the beach.

"Sousuke," (Y/n) intoned, "the sea is beautiful, isn't it? It's sapphire and glittering." He glanced toward Sousuke, who was unresponsive. "U-um... I'm really glad we can spend time together today. It's so lovely and warm."

"I don't care about the weather," Sousuke snapped.

(Y/n) jumped a bit and then fell silent, barely whispering, "Sorry."

Almost instantly, guilt flashed across Sousuke's face, but just as quickly his cold facade returned to hide it. He looked at him, the loveliness of this man, the hint of sadness in his unblemished windows to his soul, and his beauty pierced his heart with shame. Who was he, after all, to hurt such a creature? Sousuke was to him as a devil to an angel. He summoned the strength to confess,

"No." Sousuke looked up at him with surprise.

"Don't be... never mind." I should be the one who's sorry, (Y/n) thought to himself, but he couldn't work up the courage to say it.

Gently, (Y/n) brought his hand toward him, whispering, "It's okay. I mess up a lot of things. Don't... don't worry for me." For a few moments they passed through another chilly silence.

"(Y/n)," Sousuke murmured at last. "I like Rin."

"What, really?" (Y/N) replied depressed

(Y/n) was always reliving that day. Never good enough. Not only that, he was a freak. And yet now even Sousuke rejected him. He was undeserving. "Yes," he muttered. "I like him."

(Ym) slipped his fingers into Sousuke's curled hand and whispered, "I'm not mad, it's fine... I understand."

Sousuke looked at the ground, saying nothing.

After a few moments, they found themselves walking down the beach again, back to the meeting spot. It was an awkward walk and one that neither understood why they were taking it together. (Y/n)'s pained hardened (eye color) globes were cast down and away, focused upon nothing in particular.

" (Y/n)..." Sousuke began "I'm sorry it's, just..." Sousuke took a deep breath and gazed back into (Y/n)'s (eye color) depths with a look full of hollow sadness, whispering, "I wasn't lying when I said I like Rin..... but it appears his heart belongs to another... he won't even so much as smile at me since I can't swim anymore..."

(Y/n) listened quietly, pain flashing across his features as Sousuke recounted his sorrows. At last, he finished, and a moment of silence passed between them.

Sousuke seemed so mournful and unsure. (Y/n) let out a sigh "Sousuke... I... I'm sorry, Sousuke. I wish... I wish I could help." Sousuke's eyes began to redden, and he abruptly fell to the ground crying. (Y/n)'s pools widened at first, but then he too fell overwhelmed by emotion and succumbed to the sand underneath.

The two wanting an embrace from a man that didn't love them. Sousuke knew full well who stole Rin heart but he couldn't muster up the courage to tell (Y/n) that is was him. It was (Y/n) that stole Rin from him....

Unrequited live is the most painful love, a love that isn't returned is the biggest rut to be thrown into. A love that you build and build and then they reject you.

What's worse than wanting someone?

Knowing you can never have them.

A/n: I hope you guys liked this chapter, it was kinda hard for me to figure out how I wanted it to go so sorry if it'd not ant good. Can't wait to see who I write for Friday! And thanks again NurulAquilah394 for requesting this, I know it wasn't your first choice but your the best for working with me!

Sorry if there are some spelling or grammar errors... I'll fix them eventually.

Requests are OPEN!

Possible next chapters (Most voted chapter will be Next):

When you comment if you want the chapter to be a lime, lemon, smut or anything in particular (i.e. fetish, tick, turn on, etc) please leave that in your comment as well, if you don't mind then you don't have to specify; I just want to produce the type of chapters you guys want, thanks and have an amazing day:

1. Izuki Shun (Kuroko no Basket)

2. Tanaka Ryunosuke (Haikyuu!!)

3. Ennoshita Chikara (Haikyuu!!)

4. Oikawa Touru (Haikyuu!!)

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