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Crona X Transgender! Male! Reader

Art by Funimation entertainment screenshot with a transparent background.

requested by PaintBoxx


Everyone has told me through my life who I am. Society was choosing who I am, what I am, what I am going to do, what I am going to amount to.

I was born with a label, born with society assuming that they knew who I as and what I would become, telling me that I had to be this person that they wanted me to be. They told me I had to be her, I had to be feminine, I had to be more like a girl.

You are a girl.

You are female.

You can't become a male.

You can't be--

It hurt to be told what I can and can't be. It hurt to be so uncomfortable in my own skin. I hurt to go around looking like a girl, being called she/her made me want to throw up. But the worse of it.... I still liked boys. I still wanted to date them, I still wanted to be loved by one.

I felt trapped, knowing my Christian family would never accept who I really was, who I truly was meant to be. So for years I suffered. I was her.

I threw up every night. Sick to my stomach at the sight of her, knowing that I could never be the girl my family wanted me to be.

I was born a man in a woman's body.

There was a mistake. My soul got attached to the wrong body. I was sent to the wrong place. I shouldn't be here. I should be him! I don't want to suffer as her anymore!!

Back then, I confided in my best friend. He of all people understood how I felt, he was the only one to accept me.


"Crona!" I called one day running to him, my face beat in and my everything hurting, a little blood even dripping out of my mouth

"Oh my goodness!!" He began to panic "What happened?!" he came to my side and I just hugged him, muffling Ragnarok who threatened whoever did this.

"No one understands...." I cried into his shoulder "No one understands that this is who I am. I am not (female name)! I don't want to be her! I get sick and uncomfortable whenever I am her, it feels unnatural and I want to rip off my skin when I'm her. I hate playing her, I hate being someone I'm not!"

"(Y/n)..." Crona said lowly

"Say my name again, please. You're the only one who calls me by my my real name"

"(Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n)." Crona repeated my name so many times that day.

Crona understood. Everyone always misidentified him. Everyone always told him what gender he had to be, who he was, what he had to be. He changed when Maka found him. He changed so well, he became confident in who he chose to be, in who he was born to be.

Crona was, and always will be, the only one who understands.

Not even my parents get it.

I somehow got the courage to tell my parents, told them that I was done being her, done being someone I wasn't. Crona was there for me, he held my hand through the whole thing (literally).

That was when I realized that I loved him.... Like, really loved him.

It was really hard to keep up the friendly air around him. I wanted him to love me too, I wanted him and Ragnarok (it's not like I could get Crona without Ragnarok anyway). They both seemed to cherish me so, but I am unsure if it is just a friend way, or if it's in an 'I love you' way.


It's been a year since I came out to my parents, who scarcely talk to me. I've been slowly going through the transition. Taking 'T' (testosterone) as the doctor advised me. I am slowly feeling like I should, like myself. I remember the day that my voice got deeper (about 10 or so weeks), Crona blushed so much when he heard my voice. He laughed and tried to brush off his blush. It made me happy that he was on board with me changing.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked as Crona and I walked through the town

(2nd Person P.O.V)

"I don't know, sorry.... I didn't really.... Sorry"

"Why are you apologizing?" you laughed a little at Crona apologizing "It's not like we are on a date~"

There was a little bit of an awkward silence followed by Crona replying to you,

"I-It would be okay if it was..." he said under his breath

You stopped in your steps and looked at him. Your (eye color) eyes met his purple-grey eyes. He was shocked that he had spoke, and you were shocked at his words.

"Are you being serious right now?" you asked, your excitement building

"Y-Ya.... I mean.... I've always felt that way" His voice low "about you." he looked away from you, his face blushing so much it was cute.

"Really?" You began to cry tears of joy

"I-I-I'm sorry!!" He waved is arms in front of himself as he watched you cry

"Don't be," you sniffed "I feel the same way."

There was another silence, but this one more like you both were silently admiring the other. Connecting the dots to everything the other one said. Like your whole life had built up to this moment of you two actually becoming a thing.

He accepted you for who you are and you accepted him for who he is.

No matter what.

No matter who.

No matter.

You two were going to live your lives together. Through thick and thin. Through trouble and triumph. Through the transformation of you finally becoming comfortable in your own skin.

It was you two against the world.

What could possibly stand in your way that you two couldn't face?


A/n: Sorry that this chapter was shorter than I usually do. I had a lot on my mind and felt like I was repeating myself. 

Requests are now CLOSED!

When you comment if you want the chapter to be a lime, lemon, smut or anything in particular (i.e. fetish, tick, turn on, kinks, etc) please leave that in your comment as well, if you don't mind then you don't have to specify; I just want to produce the type of chapters you guys want:

I have thrown out some ideas for the next chapters and would like your guy's opinions, thanks and have an amazing day!:

Most voted chapter will be out Next!:

1. Sugawara Koshi (Haikyuu) X Male! Reader (Angst)

2. Germany (Hetalia) X Sassy! Male! Reader (Smut) [Request]

3. Ronald Knox (Black Butler)X Male! Reader (Lemon) [Request] {Bind me Series part 3}

4. Kaneki Ken (Tokyo Ghoul) X Male! Reader

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now