Dear Diary

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Yagami Tomoe X Male!Reader (Fluff)

Request by NurulAqilah394


(Male! Reader’s P.O.V)


Dear Diary,
I know I’ve told you time and time again about this but….Coming from a different country, I wasn’t aware of what Stride was. I was never really informed of what it entirely entailed until I met him. In other countries, like America (where I’m from) it’s simply known as cross country, it’s never been show cased this much though. One of my friends decided that she was going to drag me to a stride event after my move. Japan was hard enough to get used to let alone going to a cross country meet…. Sorry a Stride competition. The thought to me back then was like every person in America when they think of high school cross country….UGH! -- and that’s saying a lot with me of all people who used to run cross country.

It was that school year, my first time in Japan, that I got to see the best stride competition ever. I was shocked, my stomach churned, I felt in awe and was even knocked down to my butt….. It was also where I met him. He’s simple, mysterious, kind, and extremely adorable when he blushes. I never thought he’d go for a guy like me, let alone a guy at all. Being a homosexual in America was pushing it enough, at least in the rural area where I was, and I heard Japan was even worse about gay couples. When I confessed and he was chill about it and even met my feeling back with his own…. It would be an understatement to say that I was caught off guard. Tomoe is very caring, he calls me every day that we are apart, since he is off on some adventure with his family or got some stride competition to go to. He’ll call me up when I least expect it, and sometimes I even contemplate in not answering it-- but that’s only when he calls at 3 in the morning (and that’s rare).
Note: I should get up from the couch soon, but maybe after I finish this episode.

Dear Diary,
Tomoe has been gone for two days now. Yes you can say that I am a tad clingy but I truly love him. When we first met, as said time and time again, he took my breath away…. Mainly because he ran into me-- but that’s beside the point! His strange purple hue of eyes were a shocking offset to his black hair. I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him, so-- in the shape I’m in (which isn’t good)- I tried to run beside him for the rest of the race, I needed to know everything about him. But I lost him in the process.
Note: I still need to work out more and stop sitting around all the time….later though….

Dear Diary,
I know I haven’t written in a few days, but I also haven’t slept in a few days. Without Tomoe here there is nothing to do other than binge Attack on titan, which I finished too quickly, and Death Note…. Which I just finished…. Whilw I sit here and eat Ramen.
Note: I should make it outside today…. But it appears it may rain so I’ll probably do that later.

Dear Diary,
Moving from the couch was a bad idea….. All I did was move to my bedroom to do the same thing. I don’t think I’ve left the house this whole time…. I think Tomoe is supposed to get home tomorrow… There is a terrible mess from here to the kitchen….
Note: I’ll clean that up…. Later .

(Narrator P.O.V)

(Y/n) lay on his bed, stomach down as he clicked to the next episode of UtaPri, season 3… episode 12. He blankly stared at the screen, obviously void of sleep and a shower. On the other end of the house entered Yagami Tomoe, (Y/n)’s boyfriend of two years.

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now