The Potion that Bends.

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Genderbend! Wendy Marvell X Childhood Friend! Male! Reader (Semi-Lemon)

Art by AylinBahar (May) on DeviantArt

Requested by King_CookieHeart


I don't like it when she leaves like this. As her big brother figure, I feel like I should've gone on the mission with her.... But Natsu and Gajeel say that they were better suited to go with her in the first place. So I'm stuck in the guild hall, watching drunken idiots-- whose names I don't care to even learn-- try to fight each other with mere brain power.

I hit my head on the table, multiple times.

I waited and waited for her to return. I don't trust those ruffians that she went out on the mission with, I mean Natsu and Gajeel by themselves wreak enough havoc, let alone when they have a young impressionable "baby" dragon slayer beside them. I can only imagine the damage costs this time around.

"Do you think those three will come back anytime soon?" Someone questioned

"I doubt it, they've been gone for a month now.... I don't think they'll be back before next month rolls around." Another interveined.

I need my Wendy before that, I need to vent to her about a boy who dismissed my advances toward him... Even though I'm the older one between the two of us I need to tell her about these things.

Oh, Have I not mentioned that? The fact that I'm gay? I have been all the 14 years I've been alive, Wendy has supported me throughout the whole ordeal of when I used to get bullied by Gajeel when I first joined the guild with her, and then there were the times when I would get down and depressed when a guy would shake my advances and tell me that I was gross or something. She's always there for moral support.

I see her as one of those friends where if I were straight I'd totally date her, but because I'm not I see her as more of a sister than anything.

Wendy and I met when we were just kids, though I didn't like magic back then and didn't even know that I possessed it in the first place. We were friends for a few years before she brought out my magic and told me that it was unique and that it was useful. She made me happy and for the first few years, she acted like the older sibling. I didn't join a guild until Wendy disappeared for no reason, she just vanished for a month or so, I was alone and my parents told me to go find something to do. I wandered for-- what seemed forever-- and landed on a guild called Fairy Tale, it was so weird because Wendy was right inside as if she was waiting for me to come to her.

"Gajeel, you dummy! You really did it, this time, now no one is going to take me seriously!" I heard a slightly angry Wendy outside the door, but her voice was a tad bit off as if she were reversing her puberty.

"It wasn't me this time! Blame Natsu, he was the one playing around with it and dropped it on you. Damn you! We couldn't get the reward because of you!"

"Happy and I wanted to know what was in it! That's all! We didn't mean to break it!" Natsu said, with Happy backing him up with an 'Aye'.

The hall was VERY curious at this point of what the hell the three had gotten themselves into. The doors opened with Natsu and Gajeel in the front, their clothing with spots of liquid on them, and then behind them stood a completely soaked boy with blue hair..... NO FRIGGIN WAY!

My heart skipped as the hall all began to question the boy: who? What? When? Where? Why?

I got up, making eye contact with the boy, his hair shorter than my own, and his eyes sad as if he wished this could stop.

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now