Bind me Twice?

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[Warning: My Editor, my best friend who reads my chapters before I post them, said to warn you that there is masturbation in this chapter so for those of you who don't like that please don't read. For those of you okay with that, enjoy~]

Alois Trancy X Male! Reader X Ciel Phantomhive (Smut)

requested by jubie1234

art by Tungusta on Zerochan.


(Part 2 to Bind me Once.....)

(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

Sebastian and Claude told me last time that they'd have to entertain their masters, or the souls that belong to them, and that it would probably be a while before I saw either of them. Which is understandable, since I'm like their side bitch or something. I mean, now I can focus on more pressing matters like...... cleaning?

Hell, I don't have anything to do.... I need to find a way to waste "a while" amount of time until they return. I went ahead and cleaned the house, I placed the toys and ties in their respective places and I cleaned the areas all around so that the smell that occasionally corresponded with the toys was gone.

I had deep cleaned the entire house, my hands stenching of bleach. I decided that I needed a deep clean as well, the smell of the two a little overpowering as it had apparently sunk into my clothes and skin.

I shrugged my shoulders and brought along some of the toys into the shower, I mean how else was I supposed to get the deep injected semen out..... Right?

I got the shower nice and hot, the right temperature for relaxing muscles.

I stayed in the shower for a good 10 minutes before I began a small amount of foreplay, that the two would do before they entered inside of me.

I began to think of their voices teasing my ears and my brain. My body became needy and wanting as I then began to set the toy and lowered myself onto its girth. I could feel it slowly entering me of my own accord and my own speed, the squelching of the water with the self lubricant that the toy had on it, aroused me only further as I shoved the whole length in, almost climaxing at the feeling of the rubber mashing against the end of my entrance.

My legs began to shake as I quickened my drop onto the toy, my panting and moaning filling the bathroom. Though the feeling good there seemed to be something missing. I grabbed the other toy, a nipple clamp, and as I placed that upon it's rightful place and then began lightly choking myself I felt as though I had reached the brink of pleasure as I thrusted the toy in one last time and climaxed.

I let go of my throat, breathing as normal again and I began to stand, the toy slowly exiting me and plump amounts of semen following the pathway the thickness left. As I caught my breath I cleaned other parts of my body, easy to reach, and then when all cleaned and breath caught I got out of the shower rejuvenated and less needy.

As I dried my hair I sat on the couch with short shorts and a semi-baggy shirt on. I began reading the newspaper, though nothing was interesting.

A knock came to my door, the knock was precise and controlled making chills dance up and down my spine.

I've been dealing with Demons and this knock is scaring me?

As I approached the door I heard two high pitched voices arguing on the other side, as if two of London's biscuit girls (Which are a lot like America's Girl Scouts), were trying to sell me some biscuits.

I opened the door and instead found two post-preteenage boys, or so it appeared, standing beside each other.

"Hello?" I questioned looking at their strangely royal attire.

"So this is what's keeping them so busy?" The taller boy with blonde hair said

"It's quite disgusting that Sebastian would allow this to mount him..." The short, and very angry one, commented as he played with his royal blue hair.

"Can I help you two?" I questioned, feeling self conscious.

"I am Earl Ciel Phantomhive"

"And I'm Earl Alois Trancy"

Oh dear....

"What in the queen's good name, is your's?" They both asked

"I'm (Full name), a common pedestrian." I began to feel like I just dug my grave. The two standing in front of me loudly judging me are Sebastian and Claude's masters, the only two people that the two agreed that I should never meet. "Would you like some tea?" I asked as I tried to welcome them in"

"I highly doubt you can make a decent cup of tea--" Ciel commented

"Come on Ciel, let's see how he lives!" Alois barged in.

I let out a sigh and just look outside for a little as I thought about what amount of shit I was going to have to dig myself out of. I turned into the house and began to tea, I made it just as Claude and Sebastian had showed me at the beginning of this asinine relationship.

"How did you two find me?" I asked as I boiled the water

"It wasn't that hard at all, actually" Alois said as he looked all over my bookcase at the elementary books that encompassed the shelves.

"Sebastian came home one day, about a month ago, and something was off about him" Ciel began "And when I questioned him he said that he had to go out again, so I asked one of my other servants to go follow him."

You're describing the day he left to make sure you were in bed and when he got there you weren't.... He said that he shouldn't have left here. I remember that day because he said that he took longer to return do to trying to shake a tail.

"Oh, and they followed him here?"

"No, they lost him before they even left the court yard, but when he came home a couple of nights ago in a cold sweat I asked him where he'd been and when he didn't tell me I ordered him to tell me. That's when I found this place. He told me all about him, you, and Claude--"

"It's reached that the three of you have been doing this behind our backs." Alois commented

"OK?" I replied with a raised brow as I poured the tea

"Yes, what you could've done" Alois said as I felt him behind me "is have the two of us as well." 


A/n: Well This happened.... Sorry if it was a little weird and if Alois and Ciel were out of character.i hope you guys liked the chapter!

ALSO: I have started working and my place of works definition of "Part time" is not what I'd thought part time would be..... but hey I get paid! Anyway, the chapters will no longer have specified days when they are out, except for this last request. When you guys vote now it will probably be one chapter once a week until I start up with college (Aug 29th/ 10 weeks). I hope you guys understand and are still willing to stick with me because of it. If a chapter isn't out by Fridays work probably came up and I will do my best to make it up to you guys, I hope you understand and everyone have a great day or night!

Sorry if there are some spelling or grammar errors... I'll fix them eventually.

Requests are OPEN (Please P.M. them to me)! [If you want to P.M. to just talk I'm also okay with that!]

Hey guys I have ONE more request to go, so after this I will let you guys start to vote! I apologize for letting these pile up so much so that I had to take a break from taking votes, my bad. 

Monday's chapter:

>Older! Pride (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) X Male! Reader

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now