A Tail as Old as Time

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[A/n: This is loosely based off of The Little Mermaid, I hope you guys enjoy!]

Haruka Nanase X Male! Reader

I filled GrisCat 's idea, it actually threw me for a loop which I thoroughly enjoyed, thank you!


The first time I saw him was the day I saved his life. I was out in the dead zone, a place where Merfolk are hunted as well as the place where we fight the humans. My brothers and I were being simple rebels, even though we were all legible for the throne.......

"Dad is going to kill us!" Sousuke, the eldest of the three of us, worried out loud

"As long as we go back, I don't see the prob--!" I was startled by a large clap that sounded off up in the surface

"Look at that," Rin, the middle child, commented "A human ship!" he pointed to it

"it's on fire?" I questioned

"Shit! Look out!" Sousuke pushed us both deeper into the water, we both fought against him thinking that he was just getting scared but as we got a good distance the boat exploded, shrapnel flew into the waters.

"No..." I gasped, I got around Sousuke and began swimming towards the separate pieces of wood

"(Y/n), get back here!" Sousuke called

That's when I spotted it, tangled in something, struggling to get to the surface.

"There's a human drowning!" I said swimming closer to the human, who was almost passed out

"Get away from that thing, they are dangerous!" Sousuke called

"It will be okay" I looked into the human's eyes as I told it, I kissed it's lips breathing into its mouth and giving it some Oxygen (a substance Merfolk breath out in order to help the sea. We take in Sodium, Magnesium, and Nitrogen and breath out Oxygen), his eyes fluttered open but squinted do to the waters hostile thrashing "I'll save you."

"Leave him be!" Rin called "If he was stupid enough--"

"I'm taking him to shore, tell father I'll be back by sunrise." I released the human from entanglement and swam it to shore. I heard muffled yells and cries from my brothers for me to return to them, but this human's life is important.... Humans might be the reason for us to be killed but just like they are good and bad Merfolk, I believe the same goes for the humans.

I breached the water, the human gasping for air.

"Th--Thanks..." it said right before passing out

I looked out before me, my breath getting shallow because we were not made to inhale pure, so to speak, oxygen but I knew I was stable enough to make it a mile to the shore.

I swam and swam, my fins killing me.

I made it to shore, now the tricky part arises.... Getting him on the sand. Using my arms to boost myself up I dragged him up to the sand, the feeling above the sea much more emotional.

I took a breath on the sand, knowing full well that I had to get back home from here in less than an hour.... Or so I thought before I saw the sun breaking over the sky.

"I want to be here.... With the humans.... I want to be part of your world..." I kissed his forehead and made my way back into the water, my fins and skin missing the raw feeling of the sun and air. But my lungs praising me for returning to the sea. I breathed in calming breaths getting my mind straight, I swam a bit of distance back home..... those blue eyes, the eyes that hold more passion than the sea.... I want to see them again.

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now