Rogue Love

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Rogue Cheney X Male! Reader (Lemon)

Art by XDaannX on Deviantart

Requested by beautiful_husstle


You walked slowly, worried that this was true. You hid behind building after building stalking him as if you wanted this to be some bad dream. You knew that there was something to be worried about you just didn’t know that you had to be worried about your boyfriend of 5 months cheating on you--with his best friend who he told you to not worry about!!

You watched as Rogue laughed and joked with Sting, both of them were your good friends and both of them meant the world to you for saving you back in the day on a job that they had. That’s how you got stick in this mess in the first place!!

If Sting wasn’t so obviously in love with Rogue then you wouldn’t have a problem with them hanging out, plus he knows more about Rouge than you do.


You let out a breath, hoping for the best and that this was just nothing. That you were assuming yet again and that you didn’t need to scold Rogue. You hid behind a small little stand, thinking the worst of him. When you thought they weren’t looking at you that’s when you decided to peek around the corner and see for yourself. Sting and Rogue were standing at YOUR ice cream stand eating something that should be reserved for only Rogue and you.

You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but your heart broke as you saw Rogue laughing at what Sting said and in return Sting did the same when Rogue spoke to him.

You were shocked that he would go out on a date with Sting in the wide open, especially when all of Sabertooth knows that the two of you are dating-- and also has been spreading rumors that you two are doing it as well.

You were pissed, so you stormed back to the guild. You knew that if you saw him take Sting to one more place that the both of you frequented would make you blow up... which you were very close in doing so anyway.

You made it to the guild before you blew up. You were so pissed that you began to cry, in front of everyone that was in the guild hall.

They all tried to calm you down but you were just too far deep in your anger. It wasn’t too long before Rogue and Sting walked into the guild hall, you still having a melt down on the ground.

“(Y/n), are you okay?!” Rogue ran to you

“Do. Not. Touch. Me.” You slapped away his advancing hand

The guild hall just watched you two as if you were a train wreck and they couldn’t look away.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as if he didn’t know

“You’re a bastard!” You shouted “Nothing but a lying, cheating, cock sucking, back stabbing, bastard!!” You stood up, slapped him across the face and made your way towards your home. You were crying so hard by this point

“Wait!!” Rogue called behind you “There is a misunderstanding somewhere!”

“I know what I saw! Leave me alone!” You called now picking the pace up to a run. Rogue wasn’t far behind you, but with all the twists and turns that you made he couldn’t catch up.

You got to your apartment and sprinted up the stairs.

“Please, we need to talk about this!” Rogue called, reaching for you

“Rogue you can’t fight this, I saw you with him!” You got into your apartment  “You were on a date with Sting!” You yelled as you tried to slam the door

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now