My Pride

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Older! Pride X Male! Reader

Requested by NurulAqilah394

Art by Fullmetal Alchemist on (picture 6409)


(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

"I don't want to do this Selim..... He'll kill us both" I tried to stop my boyfriend of a month from entering into my father's office at Central.

"I want to meet your father, you hardly talk about him anyway!" Selim replied a little agitated

"There is a really good reason for that, I promise you, just please turn around and we can talk about this at the cafe down the road." I looked all around me, making sure that dad was nowhere in sight.

The door behind me slightly opened, and I knew that I was now in too deep to get out.

"Oh hey, (F/n), I didn't know you were coming up today--" He looked at Selim and then back at me "Does your father know..."

"Hey uncle Havoc.....He's apparently goingto know ...." I said

"I'm rooting for you" Uncle havoc said as I droped my head down to my chest and let Selim go into Dad's office

"It's your funeral, babe" I said as he barged in.

It's been 17 years since to War of Amestris, where Father and the 7 sins waged war on Amestris. My mother and father were part of the war, and they have told me many a time the catastrophes that happened during that time. Dad told me stories of all the sins, and the many people they killed... out of all the sins only one survived: Pride. Pride was the most dangerous of them all, and the only reason he survived was due to my uncle, Edward Elric.

"Sir's" Selim bowed in the room of tensed men

"Hey~" I called in, trying to lighten the mood

"(F/n)!~" Everyone called back at me, my father just staring me down as he then flashed his eyes back to Selim's still bowed head

"Dad, don't freak." I said

"Don't freak? That's what you're going to tell me after bringing him into the central military office? What would you have done if--"

"It wouldn't have happened, Mrs. Bradley said that no signs of that happening have arisen in 17 years, so why would they all of a---"

"So not interrupt me!" Dad stood, Selim now understanding the shit he just got himself into "Go home, (F/n), I'll deal with you later." Dad flicked his wrist angrily dismissing us.


Selim followed me out of the building, his eyes widened and his mind seemingly distraught

"I told you it was a bad idea, idiot."

"It would've been nice for you to include the fact that your father is Fuhrer Roy mustang!" He almost yelled

"Now you know why I don't talk about him...." I said crossing my arms "Just head home Selim, we'll pick this up at school tomorrow."

"O-Ok..." Selim walked towards his home and I walked towards mine as well, which are in the opposite directions.

I got home, in time to hear my mother yelling at her paperwork and the nursing staff to tell her to calm down.

"I'm home mom" I called as I shut the door

"Welcome home!" She called back to me "How was your day?"

"Other than my boyfriend and I visiting Dad at work, it was good" I said walking into her office and sitting in front of her desk

"Your father got to meet him before I did? How did it go?"

"Dad kicked him out. And gave me the look while he was at it" I replied

"Well your father needs to warm up to the idea--"

"The idea of me dating, or being gay?" I asked her a little harshly.

"Both, and also neither."

"Though it doesn't help that I'm dating the one guy you and dad told me to not even talk to."

"I'm going to ask you this, and you better not be lying: but you aren't dating Selim Bradley, by any chance?" Mom looked away from her work and straight to me.

"And if I am?" I asked staring right back at her


"Mom, he's a good guy! Just because his father was a homunculus and killed many people while he manipulated this country, and just because he USED TO BE the sin known as pride doesn't mean that I shouldn't treat him like a normal human being, like he is."

"I don't want you dating him, (F/n)"

"Mom, the past is in the past! He's good now! Selim and I have been really close for a while, he knows about what he did in the past and he knows about the horror he inflicted. He's accepted the price that he's going to have to pay when he sees Truth again. Why can't you and Dad be as understanding as he is, and as Mrs. Bradley is? She welcomed me in with open arms, and we actually got to sit down and have a nice cup of tea together, the three of us."

"(F/n), go to your room. We'll talk about this when your father comes home."

"Correction: IF he comes home." I sighed "Mom, I love Selim, and there is nothing that you can do that is going to change my mind."


A/n: I apologize that there isn't a smut here, I wanted to give one-- trust me-- but it just didn't happen. Maybe I'll have a part 2 with a smut, who knows. Also I'm sorry it's shorter than usual, I will do better! I hope you guys understand and thanks for stickin' with me!

Sorry if there are some spelling or grammar errors... I'll fix them eventually.

Requests are OPEN (Please P.M. them to me)! [If you want to P.M. to just talk I'm also okay with that!]

Possible next chapters (Most voted will be for Monday):

When you comment if you want the chapter to be a lime, lemon, smut or anything in particular (i.e. fetish, tick, turn on, etc) please leave that in your comment as well, if you don't mind then you don't have to specify; I just want to produce the type of chapters you guys want:

I have thrown out some ideas for the next chapters and would like your guy's opinions, thanks and have an amazing day!:

1. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) X Bad boy! Male! Reader

2. Tanaka Ryunosuke (Haikyuu!!) X Student Council President! Male! Reader (Smut)

3. Genos (One Punch Man) X Cross Dresser! Male! Reader

4. Kagami Taiga (Kuroko No basket) X Sick! Birthday boy! Male! Reader (Fluff)

5. Erwin Smith (Shingeki No Kyojin) X Rebellious! Male! Reader

6. Finny (Black Butler) X Feminine! Male! Reader (Lemon)

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now