Owl you need is Love!

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Bokuto Koutaro X Shy! Calm! Male! Reader.

Requested by my best friend Sam

Art by Sofii on Pinterest.


How do you control an obviously hyper personality? How do you strap them down and contain them?..... And not in the way I know you are thinking... How does one even begin to deal with an overly energetic man who is loud and obnoxious and everything your not? What do you do when you find out you've fallen for them? What happens when he just randomly-- nonchalantly-- confesses to you in front of his whole team and the entire library? What do I do now that it's almost been a half a year (two days) with him? I'm not the type to be outspoken, I'm not the type to be the one to come up with ideas on what to do, I usually say "Whatever you want to do is okay with me" even though he always ends up doing the one thing I can't stand, bus since I told him I didn't care I have no right to complain to him about it...... I'm such an introvert it's not even funny....

Who am I talking about? Well let's start with a statement: He's very unique. Bokuto Koutaro, that is, I have no idea what he sees in me and why he wants to be my boyfriend but he was the one to start this relationship in the first place.... But It's not like I'm going to turn down the ace of the volleyball team, with the whole team right there... I've never been more glad to be gay for him.

There is one down side, sadly, to dating him..... I have to talk to more people than I care to admit. I feel like I have to talk to them so I don't seem rude but at the same time I don't want to talk to them because I have my own space and I don't feel comfortable with people in my space let alone asking me questions about the man I love while in that space.

Incase you needed to know a little about me: I am currently a second year at Fukurodani Academy. I work part time in the school library in order to help pay for the massive tuition that my family can't afford. I don't like large crowds of people (they make me uncomfortable), I can't stand the scent of lavender (it just doesn't settle right with me), I'm not very energetic (I could be labeled as lazy), and I am desperately in love with Bokuto Koutaro.


(Narrator P.O.V)

(Y/n) sat in his desk chair that had wheels at the bottom of it and could swivel. He sat stacking papers, stamping them, and filing them. Also he was getting quite the collection of returned books that he should probably start to put back on the shelves. He let out a sigh as he looked back to the paperwork, dismissing putting the books away because he might be confronted while he did that.

It felt as though only minutes had passed, like about ten, and when (y/n) looked up at the clock he realized the library was supposed to close a half hour ago and he was over his shift by two hours.

"Oh..." He said to himself, double checking with his wristwatch, and beginning to pack up.

He got all packed up and closed in 15 minutes, and that's with double checking that no one was in the library. He then began to walk home, a little ashamed that he stayed so late because his man wanted him home at a decent hour so that they could plan their half-of-a-year anniversary.

"He's going to be mad... isn't he?" (Y/n) began to talk to himself, he passed the boys gym where most rukas is made but tonight it lay silent.... The teams already home and probably close to being asleep.

(Y/n) missed home... that's right, while here he stays with his aunt and uncle who live no more than a mile away from the school. If he were to travel from his hometown it would be a 5 hour travel to and a 5 hour travel back.

He made it home, and entered in quietly. His brain as quiet as the sleeping house.

--The next Day--

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now