Red Bull Plus Coffee

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Kagami Taiga X Male! Reader

(Reader's P.O.V)

I walked up to my seat, not my assigned seat because it's the school's library but I always sit there. Directly across from my seat is the guy I occasionally see within the day, we also live in the same dorm complex, and my brother is his roommate; his multicolored hair messy and his snake tongue shaped eyebrows furrowed as he was doing the same thing that I'm about to be doing. I set my coffee mug and backpack down, getting his attention and then losing it as he found an equation he didn't understand, and pulled out my books and began to study Anatomy and Physiology.

Bones and shit aren't my thing.

I tried studying for an hour, my conscious slipping little by little and Kagami, the guy who is sitting across from me, isn't doing much better.

"I don't care" I said unzipping my bag, catching Kagami's attention

"What--" He stopped and widened his eyes as he saw me pull out a red bull from my bag "Coffee and red bull?" He questioned in a concerned tone

"Did you not hear me? I don't care, I need to pass this exam or else I fail for the semester" I said as I opened my Red bull and poured it into my coffee mug.

"You're going to die" Kagami commented as he was about to stop me

"Yep, probably. In case you didn't know: I. Don't. Care" I said taking a sip.

Do you know that moment when you know you were wrong? When you made the biggest mistake of your entire life? Well that's what happens when one mixes red bull and coffee. I can feel the sugar and caffeine moving through my blood. I thought this would help me be able to focus but all that is happening is that I am off the walls and everything is currently a blur. One moment I'm innocently playing with my pencil the next I'm impatiently staring Kagami down in hopes he will entertain me.

"I told you that was a bad idea"

(Kagami P.O.V)

"I told you that was a bad idea" I said closing my book knowing full well that I was going to get nothing done now that he was high off of caffeine

"Yep" he said as he giggled "And I, still, don't care" he winked at me and began running from place to place. I tried to stay calm and tell myself that he could do what he wants but in reality his brother told me to look after him. I stood and went to catch him but he slipped from me and giggled "Wopsy, you're getting handsy~" he slurred out as if he were drunk

"Get back here!" I called for him and began chasing him.

"You have to catch me" he giggled as he weakly ran away from me but was really good at dodging me

"(Y/n), get back here" I called to him

"Come on, Kagami-kun" he giggled

I finally caught him and grabbed his wrist I turned him around to face me but he lost his footing and pulled me down with him, his free hand grabbing my shirt and forcing me to the ground. A loud crash sounded off as we hit the floor.

My head hurt really bad as I lifted myself off of a cushiony surface

I opened my eyes to see a hurt (Y/n) who appeared to be pinned underneath me by force, and who appeared to be unconscious, and who appeared to be drunk.

"Kagami, is everything ok?" One of the other students asked as I quickly got up as my face began to heat up

"Everything is fine, he just passed out from studying too much" I said trying to make a cover for him "I'll just take him to his dorm" I said picking him up bridal style, and blushing noticeably by now. I somehow maneuvered his bag and my own onto my back as I lugged him and our stuff towards our building, he lives on the third floor while his brother and I share a room on the fourth. I got into the building with complete and utter luck, someone was coming out of the building just as I was about to try and situate so I could open the door, I thanked him as I continued to the elevators and kicked the up button.

I can't wait to hear the rumors that are about to start....

I thought to myself as the cheering club and every other living club decided to arrive to this exact dorm to meet. I quickly got into the elevator and kicked the 3rd floor button and then the button to close the doors. I got in safely and began to go up floor after floor.

The elevator landed on the third floor, the reassuring ding made it sound as though I was off scot free and that none of my friends had seen me, but just as the doors opened the entire basketball club was waiting at the other side.

"I can explain" I said as the captain and Kuroko gave me horrid looks, I quickly kicked the close door button and then the 4th floor button as I wished that I was dead currently. I got to my floor and rushed to my dorm room "(Your brothers name)" I called as I kicked the door semi-lightly

"Did you forget your key again, Kagami?" He lectured behind the door as he opened the inward swinging door. He just looked at me like I used to look at Kuroko, with that unimpressed glare that said 1000 words without actually saying anything "I can explain" I said walking in and placing him, who now had a smile on him drooling face, on my bed

"Oh please do" (Your brother's name) replied in a sarcastic tone

"He mixed red bull and coffee so he could study, and then he went insane, and I tried to stop him but he passed out and pulled me down to the ground with him. I carried him here. End of story"

"That's a good story, Kagami" He replied livid "You should write a book" He sat on my bed as if guarding (Y/n) "Don't play dumb with me, I know you've had a crush on him ever since you've laid eyes on him. I think you made a move on him" He commented

"That's a lie! Well me having a crush on him isn't the lie, but me making a move on him, I couldn't. I love him, but I'm afraid of him rejecting me"

"Well you won't know unless you ask" (Your brothers name) said as he smirked

"I-I know..."

(Narrator's P.O.V)

Kagami and (Your brother's name) had a good talk as (Y/n) slept all that caffeine out of his system. he was worn out when he woke up and still hadn't studied nearly enough to pass the test, but he and Kagami decided to study together enough so that the two passed! On the same day that the two got their tests back, Kagami confessed.... And who would've thought it was a requited love.


A/n: Sorry if this moved too quickly! I really hope you guy's liked this chapter and I can't wait to write another! Also This week is going to be wonky so expect the next one to be out Tuesday, but Wednesday at the latest and only really expect one chapter next week but if you get two then it's a bonus!

Sorry if there are some spelling or grammar errors... I'll fix them eventually.

Requests are OPEN!

Possible next chapters (Most voted chapter will be next):

1. Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basket)

2. Kise Ryouta (Kuroko no Basket)

3. Tachibana Makoto (Free!)

4. Haruka Nanase (Free!)

5. Tanaka Ryunosuke (Haikyuu!!)

6. Ennoshita Chikara (Haikyuu!!)

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now