My Ghoul

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Kaneki Ken X Male! Reader

art by Mirkand on Tumblr


Those born of the noble gene 'Ghoul' are considered pure and are worshiped. These Ghouls, as noted in slang, are the only breed of humans that are allowed to become actors, actresses, models, voice actors, and such down the line of fame. If you are of the lesser human gene you may try to become a model or actress, but you will be devoured by the overwhelming Ghoul genes.

With that said, there are classes in the Ghoul gene pool. There are the purebred Ghouls and the half-breeds, half-breeds have been getting more common than not lately. The purebred Ghouls are more stunning than the half-breeds. Purebreds hair is more silky smooth, their breath has a constant smell of coffee, their fashion sense is unmatched, and their voices are arousing to a point of passing out; whereas the half-breeds are exactly that, half of what the purebreds are, their smell is less intense but still divine, their voices tantalizing, their hair gorgeous, and their clothes top of the line.

Our story takes place, with a forbidden love between a half-breed and a purebred. Both wanting nothing more than to be in love and be in love in secret because their relationship would be one hell of a scandal.


"Ken!!" (Y/n) ran up to his non-labeled boyfriend Kaneki Ken.

"?" Kaneki turned around.

Kaneki Ken is a genetically modified half-breed, he has all the important aspects of the purebreds but his eyes are two different colors (which is counted as disgusting and off-putting in this society).

"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" Kaneki brushed his hand through his snow white hair.

"We finally have a movie together!" (Y/n) said happily flailing a script in the air.

(Y/n), a purebred, whose appearance is one of the most popular in the Ghoulverse (he only comes second to the model known as Uta). (Y/n) was born into a privileged home, he got what he wanted, when he wanted, it no matter the cost. He was just getting to the height of his acting career when he met Kaneki and he wanted him the second he saw him. But since the bite of 2014 half-breeds and purebreds are not allowed to be partners (which pissed (Y/n) off to no end).

"We did? What kind of movie is it?" Kaneki requested the script with his normally stoic face as he didn't want to edge (Y/n) on. (Y/n) handed it to Kaneki and waited for him to flip through it and see his reaction before he told him. There was a pause. A long pause. Kaneki's eyes widened when he got to Act 1 Scene 6.

"SoooOOOoooOOO?" (Y/n) asked, as if he didn't know what was on Act 1 Scene 6, Line 5, word 3.

"Are they wanting us to be put into jail?" Kaneki said, a light blush covering the corners of his cheeks

"Well I think they already know we are dating behind the scenes anyway, but because of the law we can't really label it. I think they want to make this movie to kind of make it acceptable, like when they got Yomo and the famous model Uta to do the first gay movie together. It was so popular and all the positive vibes that came from it kind of forced the court to pass the gay marriage laws in 2010."

"I get that.... But.... I don't know how comfortable I am kissing on camera." Kaneki said, passing back the script to (Y/n)

"Oh come on!"

"(Y/n), we haven't even kissed in real life. I would rather kiss you with it just being the two of--"

"Let's kiss then," (Y/n) interrupted Kaneki

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now