Through Sickness

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Kiyoshi Teppei X Male! Reader (Fluff)

Sick! Male! Reader was requested by deadblossem


(Narrator P.O.V)

Tissues discarded everywhere but in the trash can, the humidifier on the highest setting, and a small frail body sweating through 5 layers of blankets that his older brother piled on him before running to school.

"I'm going to kill him..." (Y/n) said in a low and stuffy voice as he struggled against the blankets that cocooned him in.

--At Seirin High--

The doors to the gym slammed open and Hyuuga who, sweating already, had sprinted all the way from his home to Seirin barged in.

"Hyuga why are you late?" Izuki questioned shocked as the captain rushed in, 10 minutes late.

"Sorry, (Y/n) caught a fever. I had to throw some quick remedies on him before coming here"

"You just left him there?" Koga asked shocked

"He'll be fine, he always gets sick this time of the year." Hyuga brushed it off "Plus I wrapped him up in 5 blankets with the humidifier on"

"He's going to die!" Izuki and Koga yelled as they shivered

"What's going on here?" Kiyoshi walked in, late as well

"Oh, Kiyoshi, why are you late?" Koga asked

"I had to save a cat from a tree, and then I got caught up taking to the lady who owned the cat" He laughed his calming laugh and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment

"Let's just get to practice!" Riko yelled as she clapped her hands "Or do you all want to double your regimen?"

The team, now scared out of their skin, rushed to start their harsh practice. Practice was long and hard, pushing themselves to the limits was well worth the future results. Practice was almost over, the clock ticking down the seconds until Riko would dismissed them.


Suddenly a phone was ringing extremely loudly, echoing throughout the whole gym startling everyone.

"Sorry everyone, that's mine" Kiyoshi said lightly jogging over to his bag and pulling out his light brown cell phone, "Hello?" He answered

"When you're out of school could you and Junpei stop for some ice cream?"

"(Y/n)? Are you at home?" Kiyoshi asked worriedly

"I'm fine" (Y/n) replied with a sniffle of his phone, "Junpei almost roasted me to death, but I got out *acho* and I've been drinking a lot of water. I'll be fine after a week *acho*, m'kay?"

"You always get sick at this time of year..." Kiyoshi sighed into the phone "Get into bed and sleep."

"I know how to take care of myself, Teppei, but thank you~" (Y/n) then hung up the phone.

(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

I hung up the phone of Teppei, his voice obviously worried about me. Everyone in my family gets anxious this time of year, it's just what happens; I always get sick, and two years back I was in the hospital it was so bad. Anyway, right now I'm sitting in the family room starting my third bottle of water that mom had left out for me to drink, her and dad are chill about this sort of thing now everyone in my family is, except for Junpei. My oldest brother, by a month, likes to put up a front that he's calm about me being prone to getting sick but he's actually the most worried out of all of us. This morning when he heard me sneezing and coughing he freaked out and bundled me in 5 layers of comforters, grabbed my humidifier and turned that up all the way and frantically ran out of the front house mumbling worries to himself.

Male! Character X Male! Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now