Chapter 16

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Dan and Phil ate breakfast in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. It wasn't out of spite or anger, it was just silence in the most natural form of the word.
"You're coming to the Hideout today, right?" Dan asked, breaking the quiet that had filled the room. Phil nodded in reply. "We don't have the recruits to train today," Dan continued. "Maybe we could have a round two of last night."
Phil choked and almost spit out his cereal. Dan laughed loudly and once Phil had composed himself he laughed too.
The Hideout was quiet, which had been a rare sight for a while. It was nice to see things finally going back to normal. Dan smiled internally, hoping maybe what he'd been told about his father wasn't true.
"Daniel!" His voice called. Dan looked up, clenching his fists angrily.
"Why are you here?" Dan demanded.
"I just want to talk to my son," he replied. "Too much to ask for?"
Dan looked at Phil, who shrugged and gave him a sympathetic look. Dan turned and started up the stairs to meet him. They went into the leader's unoccupied office and stood facing one another.
"What do you want?" Dan repeated.
"You know my plans?"
"How do you know that?"
"I have eyes everywhere, my boy. There is nothing I don't know."
"I've known for a while, but my last mission confirmed it."
"You still contempt with staying away? I can promise you power and anything you desire, Daniel. You can have all the money and women you..."
"I'm into neither of those things," Dan interrupted.
"Right, I'm sorry. How could I forget?"
Dan wanted to punch the snobby look off his face, but he kept his clenched fists at his sides.
"Don't stand in my way Daniel," his father warned. "I will not hesitate to kill you."
His father began walking out, but Dan turned to call after him.
"And the same goes to you," he said. "I won't hesitate to kill you, father."
The man smirked and then left the room, leaving Dan alone. He followed out, seeing his father was already out the main door. Dan sighed in relief, walking back down the stairs to find Phil.
Phil came running toward him, though, followed by Katie. Dan hadn't known she was there.
"Is everything all right?" Phil asked.
"I- uh-" Dan started. He looked around, noticing there were other people here today as well. "Let's talk somewhere private."
The three walked up the stairs to Phil's favorite room. Dan shut the door behind them and turned to face the two who wore eager faces.
"He confirmed it," Dan confessed. Phil gasped and Katie looked confused.
"Confirmed what?" She asked.
"We found out, Phil and I, that my father was planning something in the League. I found out yesterday on a mission that he wants to take over the League. My conversation with him today confirmed it."
"Greedy bastard, of course he'd do something like this," Katie replied.
"We have to do something," Phil said, although he was hesitant to do so.
"There's nothing we can do," Dan sighed. "We'll just have to sit back and let everything play out. I don't want my father to be in charge of anything, but what power do I have against him?"
The young detective stood impatiently tapping his foot as the elevator carried him to the top floor. He held the files in his hands tightly. They were important to him, almost even more so than his friends.
When the elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open he dashed out and down the hall. One person called his name, asking where he was going, but any friend of his would know his destination by now. Without even knocking the detective burst into the captain's office. The tall blonde man looked up at him, curiosity and annoyance evident in his face.
"What is it now, Jaeger?" The captain sighed, rubbing his eyes.
"Captain Smith, I believe the criminal that was found dead, Ashton Irwin, was once part of the criminal organization based here."
"We've been over this, the criminal organization is a myth."
"Sir I have enough evidence to prove its existence! If you'd just let me investigate further..."
"No Eren!" The captain shouted. "We can't keep chasing fairy tales, do you understand me? We're just a police station, nothing more. A criminal organization would not be under our jurisdiction."
"Please, just let me talk to someone who can help me. I know it's a long shot, but I have evidence..."
"I know you think your parents..."
"I don't think that, I know. This organization killed my mother and maybe my father..."
"Eren, please, for your sake and everyone here, don't go any farther. You could get in serious trouble. I'd hate to see anything happen to you, and I don't want you to hurt Levi."
His name was the only thing that ever shut Eren up. Levi and Eren had met when they'd been partnered together as detectives. Now they were together and owned an apartment not far from the police station. Levi didn't know it yet, but Eren was going to propose on their vacation in a month.
Eren was reckless, he'd throw his life away in an instant. The only thing that kept him alive was Levi, and there was no way he would hurt the love of his life.
"Fine, but I can't just completely drop this," Eren said. The captain nodded.
"I understand that."
Eren walked out feeling like he had lost another battle. It had been the same thing for years now. He had become a detective to solve his parents' murders. He had watched his mother be killed in front of him, and he didn't know where his dad was, but he figured he was probably killed too.
Through investigating he learned that his father, who was a doctor, had gotten himself involved with some bad people. These people were rumored to have been members of a secret criminal organization.
Eren pushed the thoughts out of his mind, logging into the computer at his desk. He opened up the Internet browser and waited for the page to load. The news flashed in words on the screen, and one headline caught his attention.
"Documents Leaked Online From Mythical Secret Criminal Organization"

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