Chapter 45

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Phil and Katie walked into the police station and the familiar feeling of having all eyes turn to them. Even after the deal was made to work with them some employees at the police station found it hard to believe that real criminals were walking freely around the place. Not to mention the way they dressed drew attention, in their long coats and weapons belts it was hard not to notice them. The two took the elevator to the second floor and walked to the office where the FBI was stationed. They went straight to Norwood's desk and stated their business.
"Where is she?" Phil asked.
"I'm guessing you mean the spy," Norwood answered. "She's in the first interrogation room down the hall. Don't attempt to free her or anything or I'll shoot you in the head."
"Not if I have something to say about it," Katie muttered as they walked away.
They went to the room they had been directed to and found the blonde woman sitting at the table with her hands handcuffed to it. She smirked at them and tilted her head, following them with her eyes as they stood in front of her on the other side of the table.
"Annie, we'd like to ask you some questions," Phil started.
"Obviously," Annie remarked snidely.
"We want to know if Dan has any big plans or goals," Phil told her. She said nothing, and Phil sighed. "I'll leave her with you," he said to Katie, who cracked her knuckles and smiled evilly.
Phil closed the door behind him, going to the room next door to look through the one-way glass. As he watched Katie interrogating the spy he heard someone come into the room. He looked to see who it was and saw Eren standing right next to him. The detective crossed his arms over his chest and watched the scene unfolding in the other room.
"She's pretty talented, huh?" Eren said, taking Phil by surprise.
"Yeah, second best in the League," Phil nodded.
"Second? Who's first?" Eren questioned.
"Dan..." Phil sighed.
"He's your boyfriend, right? Or was?" Phil only nodded in reply. "Sorry, I'm sure you don't want to talk about it."
"I'm going to get him back, eventually," Phil said. "I have to."
"Of course you will," Eren agreed. "You just have to stay determined and not give up. I would know, I've been chasing after the League since I was a kid even though everyone told me it was a myth."
"You've been looking for us?"
"Yeah, um, my parents were killed by the League when I was like ten," Eren answered.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Phil replied. "I lost my parents when I was young, too. Dan's family took me in after that."
"That's how you met him? Dan?"
"We knew each other even before we lived together," Phil told him. "We were always best friends. How did you meet Levi?"
"Through work, when I got assigned here I was just a beat cop, but a persistent one. He saw my potential and helped me move up in rank. Mikasa was always naturally better at everything than me, so it was tough in the police academy."
"Oh, she's one of my best friends, more like a sister, really. My family took her in when her parents were killed. Then when we were orphaned again we met Armin and we just connected."
"Is Armin a cop too?"
"Yeah, he and Mikasa work together," Eren answered. "It was my dream first to become a cop, and they followed suit."
"That's nice, that you guys stayed together like that," Phil said.
"Yeah, same with you and Dan," Eren agreed.
The door swung open and Katie walked in. Phil had been distracted and looked to see Annie sweating in her seat in the interrogation room. He turned to Katie who still wore a wicked grin. "What did you find out?" Phil asked her.
"Dan has no plans," Katie told him. "They're just doing odd missions and the normal shit. He has no goal other than to get you back."
"We can place you under protection," Eren suggested.
"No, that's okay," Phil rejected. "I don't need police protecting me."
"Yeah, he's got me to save his sorry ass in the middle of the night," Katie remarked. "Come on, let's get going."
An unfamiliar face came into the office, and Dan looked at the person in confusion.
"Who the fuck are you?"
"I'm the guy who was told to follow Phil around and take some pictures," the short kid responded, holding out an envelope to Dan. He took it and opened it, pulling out one picture of Phil through a window.
"Thanks, you can leave now," Dan dismissed, dumping the photos onto the desk. The kid had followed him all day. There were photos of him getting dressed in his bedroom, and leaving the apartment with Katie. Dan sifted through them to find their destination, and saw one where they entered the police station.
"The police? He's working with the police?"
'That's low, but I didn't see it coming. Kudos to him.'
"How could he do this?"
'He probably wants you dead, seeming as you betrayed his trust and fucked everything up.'
"I didn't fuck everything up..."
'Uh, yeah you did, idiot. First you killed Marcus, then attacked the police, then you slept with the devilishly good-looking Alexander, and then you tried to kidnap him.'
"I guess I have done some pretty bad things..."
'Yes, but we need you to. Don't worry about it, just focus on what he'd need the police's help with.'
"Well, he said he wants to help me, so that probably means taking me away somewhere."
'Good, keep going.'
"Lots of League members have gone off the radar, but so has he. So maybe he has rallied up those against me. But he doesn't want to kill me... however he does want to change the League!" Dan exclaimed, now pacing across the office. "So he must have a group together of people who want to take down the existing League, but that's not a lot of people so he'd need the police's help!"
'Good work. So now we know what he's up to. So if he comes to try and take us away, then you know what we have to do.'
"N-No... I can't..."
'We have to kill him Dan.'
"No! I can't"
"Shut up!"
'We have to kill him.'
"No! We... h-have... we... must kill him."

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