Chapter 20

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Phil fixed his hair in the mirror, adjusting his tie as well. He and Dan were going out tonight to remind themselves of the old times when there were no major distractions and there was only the two of them and their love for each other. When he left the bathroom Dan was standing in the hallway, looking at his phone and not noticing Phil. He studied his boyfriend intently, trying to memorize the beautiful man in front of him. Dan's hair was styled in its usual way, and he was wearing a plain white shirt with a black blazer over it. He looked so sophisticated, elegant, and simply beautiful.

Dan looked up from his phone and saw Phil staring at him. He blushed and laughed. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just beautiful," Phil answered. Dan blushed harder and took Phil's hand as they left the apartment.

The restaurant they had made the reservation at was very fancy. Little lights were strung around the tall ceiling and the tables were walled off from one another by plants. The hostess showed them to their table and they took their seats, accepting some wine that was sitting in the center. The two looked at each other fondly. The lights complimented Phil's eyes, and they made Dan glow.

Phil hadn't seen Dan smile genuinely in what felt like forever. He had a great smile that lit up his face and spread from one ear to the other. His laugh filled him with joy every time her heard it.

"It's a lot different than takeout, huh?" Dan joked. Phil laughed and nodded.


Katie left the hotel with her hands in her pockets and her head down. She was trying to avoid her boyfriend being able to figure out where she was via the security cameras. She walked a few blocks away before finally removing the hood from her head. Her destination was Joe and Caspar's. They had invited her over for dinner and to hang out, knowing she probably needed a getaway.

It was hell to spend so many nights with her "boyfriend." He was a misogynistic asshole who was wanted to eventually marry Katie for peace between their families. Assassin families were very similar to royalty, at least their principles were. Katie hated it, but her older sister had already defied their parents, and she didn't want them to lose another child.

When Katie arrived Joe answered the door with a huge grin on his face. Katie thought he looked really cute, and stepped inside. "Hey Katie!" Caspar greeted from the couch. She took off her shoes and coat and sat in the armchair. The boys were playing some sort of video game and Katie watched it with interest.

"Can I have a go?" she asked. Joe nodded and moved over, handing her the controller. Caspar started the game and Katie followed the instructions Joe had given her about the buttons. The game was a shooting one, and she had ten kills under her belt in two minutes. She was focused on the screen in concentration, but the boys looked over at her, impressed at her quick adequacy.

Later the doorbell rang and their pizza was placed on the kitchen counter. They gathered around to eat and the conversation turned toward the League. "Have you guys heard about the leaked documents?" Caspar asked them. Katie shook her head. "An old League member put some old mission files online. Rumor is the police are all over them."

"I think Dan was the one who killed the guy who did it," Katie said.

"How are they?" Joe asked. "Dan and Phil."

"They're good," Katie answered.

"Phil hasn't been by the Hideout much," Caspar added.

"I really shouldn't be telling you guys this, but Dan's father killed his mother and brother," Katie said.

"Seriously?" Joe gasped. "That's awful."

"It's why they took a week off. They think Dan's father is up to something bad."

"What kind of something bad?" Caspar asked.

"I think he wants to take over the League."


Dan and Phil walked hand in hand back to their apartment. They took a small detour to spend more time outside in the beautiful, clear night. When not under a street light the stars in the sky were clear to see. The moon was bright tonight as well, and it lit up the water under the bridge they passed. They stopped on the center of the bridge, leaning on the rail and keeping their hands locked together.

"The sky is pretty," Dan sighed.

"Yeah," Phil agreed.

"But do you what's prettier?" Dan asked him. Phil shook his head. "You."

Phil blushed and laughed. "That was cheesy."

"But true."

They stood in silence for a while, an idea coming into Dan's mind.

'He'd never say yes,' the voice in his head said. 'He doesn't love you as much as he says he does.'

Dan ignored the voice and looked at Phil, taking a deep breath as he felt butterflies squirming in his stomach.

"Phil," he said. "I didn't think I was going to do this for awhile, but I might as well do it right now."

Phil looked at him, confused and unsure what he was doing. His face lit up in understanding as Dan kneeled down on one knee.

"I don't have a ring, because this is really spontaneous, but Phil, I fucking love you. I love you with all my soul, all my heart, and every fiber of my being. I don't know what I'd do without you, because you are my second half. You keep me in balance, you keep me in check. Whenever I feel like I'm going insane or are on the verge of breaking down, you're there and you make me better. I'm a better person around you. Philip Michael Lester, I love you. Will you marry me?"

Phil stared down at him, blinking away the tears that were streaming from his eyes. "Yes, of course, Dan I love you."

Dan stood up and kissed him, the sweet and familiar taste and feel of each other filling their senses. They pulled apart and looked at each other, as if memorizing each other's faces.

They continued on their way home, never letting go of each other's hands. They passed an alley where noises could be heard. They ignored it and kept walking, but soon they heard footsteps behind them. Dan took a few glances back and saw someone walking behind him. They were in a black hoodie with the hood pulled up over their head, and their hands in their pockets. Dan grew suspicious and the two quickened their pace.

Dan was about to look back again, but was interrupted by someone grabbing him. He squirmed out of the person's hands and turned to kick him in the gut. His assailant stumbled backward and then ran at him again when he regained his composure. Dan blocked a punch aimed at his face and landed a blow at the man's chin, leaving him disoriented for a moment. Dan took the chance to punch him in the face and get him on the ground. The man seemed to be unconscious and Dan turned around, hearing sounds from behind him. He saw Phil face to face with the guy who had been following them. Dan saw the man's hand was holding something, and Phil looked at Dan and suddenly he understood.

Dan shouted and ran at the guy, pulling him to the ground and repeatedly punching his face. "D-Dan," Phil stuttered behind him. Dan stopped and looked at his boyfriend, who pulled a bloody knife from his torso. Phil started to fall to the ground, but Dan jumped up and caught him before he could hit the pavement. Phil's white shirt was stained red, and Dan's hands were too. He cradled Phil in his arms, trying to think and not freak out.

'He's going to die,' the voice said. 'And it'll be your fault.'

Dan picked Phil up and started running, knowing just where he had to take him.

"Hang in there, Philly," he whispered. "I've got you."

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