Chapter 46

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The next day Phil, Joe, and Katie entered the police station again. They met with Norwood who had a map of London laid out on a table. He looked at them when they entered and everyone in the room gathered around the table. The only others who had been here before them were Eren, Levi, and a few FBI agents. Phil took a sheet of paper and a red marker and began drawing on it a rough sketch of the layout of the Hideout and its surrounding area.
"What are you doing?" Norwood asked him.
"I won't give you the exact location of the Hideout until I'm certain you won't be able to go in and slaughter them all yourself," Phil answered. "We're only killing if it's absolutely necessary, not massacring them."
The agent sighed in annoyance but said nothing on the subject. "How do we get in the Hideout?" Norwood asked.
"There is one main entrance here," Phil said, pointing to the front of the building. "What we've done before is send a main force that way to distract them and sent smaller groups around to the six side entrances. They will all take you to the same place which is the main room. Up the stairs is a few private rooms and the Leader's office, which is off limits to police."
"Because you're going there to deal with Howell," Norwood finished, looking at Phil disapprovingly. "I still don't trust that you won't just take off with him and restart the League elsewhere."
"We're restarting the League right here," Katie argued. "And if our word isn't enough then I'd like you to imagine my sword cutting your throat."
"Katie, calm down," Phil muttered.
"You've got guts, kid," Norwood said to her. "But you wouldn't beat me. You're a small girl."
"Is that a challenge?" Katie questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.
"A one on one fist fight, no weapons allowed. First one knocked on the ground for ten seconds is the loser," Norwood proposed.
"It's on, old man," Katie threatened, narrowing her eyes at him across the table.
"Oh boy," Joe chuckled quietly.
Everyone went to the station's gym, and almost half the building gathered around the mats to watch the event. Katie had taken off her coat and was now in just a tank top and leggings. She took off her boots and shoved them into Joe's unsuspecting hands. "Don't lose them, they cost me two hundred bucks," Katie told him, stretching out her muscles.
"You spent two hundred dollars on boots?" Joe questioned.
"And you spent two hundred dollars on a coat. Don't act like you're any better than me, Sugg," Katie responded, Phil laughing in response.
"You've got this," Phil said to her as she prepared to start the fight.
"Duh," Katie shrugged, turning around and walking up to Norwood. He stood in his suit pants and a white tank top, a generic clothing choice to Katie's taste. They each moved into a ready stance, Katie light and flexible on her feet. Norwood was rigid, standing like a tree in her path. "Do you really stand so still when in a fist fight?" Katie asked him. "You're practically begging for me to kick your ass."
"Don't be so cocky, kid," he responded.
"Now, fight!" a voice called, and Katie ducked as he swung a fist at her. His movements were much slower than she was used to. Whether is was the result of old age or lack of experience she didn't care, because it made beating him much easier.
On his next punch Katie ducked again and punched him in the gut as he did so. When he moved he left his entire body wide open. He staggered backward and Katie backed up, waiting for him to gather his bearings. When he seemed ready she ran at him, jumping and pushing herself up onto his shoulders. All in one move she wrapped her legs around his neck and he was pushed to the ground. Katie sat on his back, holding his hands there and the people around them began counting to ten.
"Ten!" they all shouted, and she got up and held out a hand to help him up.
"That was about a minute quicker than I had expected," Katie said.
"You're good, kid, you're good," Norwood told her.
"I know," she nodded, turning around to walk back to her friends with a sassy flick of her hair.
Dan stood on the balcony, looking down at the League members he commanded. They were talking amongst themselves about the rumors that were going around about why this meeting was occurring. Some said they were taking over London, and others said they were killing the police. Alexander walked up beside him, his hands folded behind his back.
"Everyone is excited," he said as he stood beside Dan.
"I don't know if excitement is the right emotion," Dan replied.
"You ready? I'll grab their attention," Alexander asked.
"Yeah, do it," Dan nodded, gripping the railing in front of him. Alexander picked up the megaphone and yelled for everyone's attention. The room grew silent and all eyes fell on Dan. He swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and began speaking.
"Fellow League members, I have recently found out about an alliance between some rogue former members of our and the police," Dan said, some people yelling and booing at the information. "I believe they may try to come and take us down, but we will be prepared. When they come for us we will have guns aimed and ready to fire. We will not go down without a fight!"
'Yes, get them behind you.'
"And one more thing," Dan added. "Kill whoever you want, but Phil Lester is mine."

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