Chapter 9

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Phil found himself moving from person to person, making small talk with any friend that was at the bar. Dan was famous, sure, but Phil was approachable.
He decided to go back to Dan, who was probably going insane without anyone to keep him company. Phil squeezed his way through the crowd, Dan finally coming into his view. Katie was there as well, no doubt drunk as ever. He was about to take another step when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned to take a look but was unable to when whoever it was grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the back of the bar. Phil was led out the door and into the alley.
The person finally faced Phil, revealing that it was Ashton. The curly hair should have given it away.
"Why are you here?" Phil asked him. "It's dangerous with so many League members in there."
"I know, but this couldn't wait," Ashton replied, looking around as he spoke.
"Is something wrong?"
"I was sold out. The League knows I'm part of the resistance..."
"I swear I didn't say anything!" Phil objected.
"I know, but I can't say the same for Dan."
Phil thought for a moment, realizing how likely Ashton's theory was.
"They're after me, they want me dead," Ashton said.
"Then you shouldn't have come, you should be staying at the base..."
"Look... there's something I need you to do for me... if I die."
"Don't talk like that..."
"There's a box in the bank next to the base under my name that I've given permission for you to acquire. It has lots of plans I made for the resistance... and a ring."
"Ashton... are you...?"
He nodded. "I was planning on proposing to Luke, but now I don't know if I'll be able to. I want you to give it to him, when the corruptness of the League is defeated... when everything is over and he can be happy."
"Ashton, you'll be able to do it yourself," Phil said to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I hope so, but just in case, you know?"
"Why didn't you tell this to Calum or Michael?"
"I need the plans to be safe. If they know about me they might put two and two together and realize they are in the resistance too."
Phil nodded again, looking around the alley. "You should go, before someone comes out here."
"Yeah, thanks so much, Phil."
Phil smiled and watched him walk out the to street.
"Oh," Ashton said, turning around. "We still on for tomorrow?"
"Yeah!" Phil called back. Ashton smiled and Phil watched him disappear.
Dan ran frantically around the bar, averting much attention to himself. He found Katie again and pulled her aside, ignoring her protests and the drops of liquor that fell on his arm.
"Do you know where Phil is?" he asked her.
"No, why?" she slurred. Dan cringed at the smell of alcohol that laced her breath.
"I can't find him," Dan sighed, running his hand through his hair.
"I'm sure he's fine," Katie replied, sipping her drink. "Maybe he just stepped outside for some fresh air."
"Right... I'm overreacting aren't I?"
Katie nodded, diverting her attention to something else. Dan left her to search for Phil once again. He circled around the bar to no avail, he still didn't see Phil.
He sat back down, figuring he'd show up eventually. Besides, Dan was a psychopath murderer. If something bad had happened to Phil the idiot who did it would get the same done to him.
"Hey Dan," Phil's voice said. Dan looked up and saw the beautiful face that matched the voice. He felt relief flood through him.
"You're alright!" Dan beamed as Phil say across from him.
"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"
"I couldn't find you, I got worried."
"I just stepped outside for a bit. I needed some fresh air."
Dan nodded, turning away from Phil for a moment to check his phone. It was nearly one in the morning.
"It's pretty late, want to head home?" Dan offered.
"Yeah, let's go, I'm pretty tired," Phil replied.
The two walked hand-in-hand back to their apartment. Dan fumbled with the keys a bit, but realized the door wasn't locked. "Is Tyler home?" Dan wondered aloud. Phil shrugged.
An alarm went off in Dan's head. He quietly opened the door, looking around the apartment as he walked inside. No one was in there, but they hadn't yet checked the bedrooms. Dan didn't even bother to check his own when he heard noises coming from the guest bedroom. He pressed his ear to the door as Phil stood behind him. He picked up moans and various other noises he wished he hadn't heard.
"Tyler's here," Dan said, standing up and walking away. "Tyler is definitely here."

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