Chapter 8

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The rattling of the truck was the only tell that they were close to their destination. It was common during missions to take back roads in order to avoid running into authorities. Dan had given Tyler very precise directions to follow. He was a perfectionist when it came to the League... Once again something he caught from his dad.
When the truck stopped moving the group hopped out of their seats with their bags in hand. Tyler opened the door for them and Dan surveyed their surroundings.
They were at a dock, much like any normal dock really. The only light was from a lamppost next a bench and the lights that were on the fishing boat in the water. On the side of the boat, painted in white was The Howell.
They handed their bags full of money to the people at the boat and headed back to the truck.
"Leave all gear here," Dan told his team. The Clean-Up Crew will come by to take everything back."
Dan stripped himself of the bulletproof vest he had been wearing and left his weapon right on top of it. It was a beautiful gun, long and slim and perfectly polished. Fully loaded too.
"Dan?" Phil's voice rang out.
"Yeah?" Dan replied, turning to face him.
"Everyone's going out for a drink, want to go?"
Dan glanced between Phil's eager face and the members of his team. It was traditional, almost, to go to the League's pub and have a good time after completing a mission. Dan never saw the appeal... nor did he see the appeal in any social gathering. He nodded his head reluctantly.
"Yeah, I'll tag along," Dan shrugged. Phil smiled and took his hand, tugging him out of the truck and along with everyone else.
No matter where he went, Dan always ended up by himself in a corner. Phil was a mingler, he always had someone to talk to or a new person to say hi to. Dan preferred to stay away from people, though. He'd rather be crazy in silence anyway.
Dan didn't realize how insane he was until he was twenty. He and Phil were just moving into their apartment, and that was also the last year Dan worked directly for his father. He had Dan go on mission after mission, each one leaving him with a little less sanity. Dan knew now that had been his goal. Strip away his son's humanity so he'd be a monster, just like him.
Dan's revelation came on one cold, November night. He sat back from his work, staring at the wet blood covering his hands. It felt surreal, that moment in time, like everything was stuck collectively at a standstill. He thought back to the things he had done... the murders, the robberies, the torturing... he was a psychopath. A cold-blooded killer. A monster. He knew it when he was eleven and he knew it even better now. There was no humanity left in Dan Howell.
But somehow, Phil always made him less cold hearted. With his beautiful blue eyes and his soft lips, Phil was heaven. When with him, Dan was normal. He was a kind and compassionate boyfriend, who wanted nothing more than to make his Phil happy. His Phil.
"You alright?" someone said.
Dan looked up from his lap at the person in front of him. Katie stood there, a drink in hand. Her face was glowing and her eyes were cheery.
"I guess," Dan answered, sipping his own drink.
"Normally I'd be more concerned for someone sitting in the corner by their self, but it's you. I'm just worried you're thinking too much."
"I always think too much, Katie. You know that."
"Exactly, that's why I came over."
"I'm not human, anymore."
"What do you mean?"
Dan sighed. "I've done so much in my twenty-four years... more than any other League member my age. I hold a gun like it's an extension to my arm. I look at weapons like a child at Christmas. I get angry at anyone that annoys me. I kill people without batting an eye. I'm not normal anymore."
"Have you ever been normal, though?" Katie asked.
"You're not helping."
"Look Dan, I've know you for what, ten years now? You're just as normal as the rest of us, which is not normal at all. You want normal? Leave the League and move away. You and Phil go buy a farm and adopt some dogs. Fuck, you could even get some bloody goats!"
Katie was laughing now, much too hard for the joke she had made. Dan knew the alcohol was getting to her now.
"Thanks Katie, I'm going to go find Phil."
Katie giggled as Dan stood and looked around the pub. He couldn't see Phil.
He started walking around, searching every corner for his boyfriend. He was no where. Phil was gone.

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