Chapter 33

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Phil walked into the bar, his heart sinking a bit as he reminisced on the memories from there. He had only just met Sam, but it sucked not seeing her behind the bar. Someone came out from the storage room with two boxes stacked in their hands. The person peaked from around them and gave Phil a small grin. "Hey, Phil," he greeted.
"Hey, Calum," Phil replied. "What's going on?"
"The resistance is disbanding," Calum explained. "We lost too many people, and have no one to lead us. Besides, there's nothing more we can do to stop the League."
Phil nodded, because he knew he was right. The resistance had interrupted League ordeals for years, but they no longer had the manpower to do it. Plus, with Dan leading the League members of London, there was a little hope that it could be better. His mother had led the resistance... but his father had killed so many people. Phil understood how conflicted some people felt over the new leadership. Maybe he should have voted for Katie...
"Hey, Phil," Calum said. "If you ever need anything, give Michael and I are always around. Here, let me give you my number."
Calum set the boxes on the floor and took out his phone. Phil took out his and they placed each other's numbers in their contacts.
After leaving the bar Phil headed to the jewelry store. It had taken him a week to work up the guts to go back the resistance headquarters, and he took the opportunity to visit when he had to pick up the rings. Dan had been waking up earlier to go to the Hideout before anyone else. Phil was happy he was taking the job seriously, but he still worried about him. Something seemed off about him lately, though that could be attributed to both of his parents dying.
The same woman who had helped them greeted Phil at the register. He left with a huge grin on his face and went to the Hideout, rushing up the stairs and into the office. Dan was sitting at the desk, Katie next to him leaning against it. "Hey Katie," Phil greeted, still smiling.
"Hey, Phil," Katie responded. She glanced back and forth between the two of them before leaving the room. "I'll give you guys some privacy," she said as she left.
"Got them?" Dan asked. Phil nodded and placed the bag on the desk. Dan grabbed it and Phil's hand and led him to the sofa. He slowly opened up the box they were inside and looked at them in awe. Dan took out Phil's and placed it on his hand, smiling like he hadn't in so long. Phil did the same, rubbing his finger over the engraving with his initial on it.
"We haven't really talked about how we're going to get married, huh?" Phil said as he stared at their hands.
"Yeah, I guess there are some important things we haven't even thought about," Dan agreed.
"We shouldn't do a traditional wedding," Phil said, now placing his head on Dan's shoulder.
"How about a small party to celebrate with our close friends, and then we go to court to make it legal the next day?" Dan suggested.
"Sounds great," Phil nodded.
Katie closed the door shut behind her, making sure they would get the room to themselves. She then took out her cell phone and headed to the nearest empty room. The conversation she had with Dan was stuck on her mind.
/"Tell me," Katie demanded. "Why are you so afraid of leading?"
"My dad, he had some sort of condition where he heard voices that made him do terrible things," Dan explained. "I have those voices too."
"Voices? Like in a schizophrenic way?" Katie questioned.
"Probably, I don't know what his diagnosis was or how he was treated, all I know is he took pills to suppress them."
"Is that why he wanted to take over the League?"
"No, I don't think so," Dan replied. "What he said to me made it seem like he was in full control of himself."
"So you're worried you won't be able to stay in control of yourself?"
"Yes," Dan confessed with a sigh.
"Does Phil know?"
"No, I... haven't gotten around to telling him."
"He deserves to know," Katie scolded, crossing her arms across her chest.
"I know, eventually... but for now, please just keep an eye on me."
"Yeah, I can do that," Katie nodded./
The phone rang a few times before the person she was calling picked up. "Lenny? Hey it's Katie, I was wondering if you could do me a favor," she said.
"What can I do for ya, kid?" the guy on the other end of the call asked.
"Can you find medical records for Donovan Howell? Specifically ones relating to mental health."
"Of course, I'll call you when I find somethin'."
"Thanks you're the best."
Eren and Levi walked out of the elevator and looked around in confusion. The usual calm office was now teeming with people and business. A man passed them with a jacket that had "FBI" printed on the back of it. The two went to the captain's office, finding another tall man in a suit there with Captain Smith.
"Mr. Norwood these are Detectives Jaeger and Ackerman. They've been on the case of the criminal organization. Boys, this is Quinton Norwood, head of the USA's FBI," the captain introduced.
"Why is the FBI in London?" Levi asked.
"We heard about your investigation into a certain criminal organization and found it very similar to that of an organization we took down in our country," the FBI head explained.
"Criminal organization?" Eren repeated.
"They are called the League of Specially Trained Individuals. They never get caught and they never leave a trace, that is until last year when every base of operations under their control on American soil was eliminated and the perpetrators arrested. We thought they were only in the states, but we now see that it is a worldwide thing."
"We're handing the investigation over to them," the captain said.
"But they can't just take it like that!" Eren argued. "I've been trying to catch these people since I was a beat cop giving out parking tickets!"
"Eren," Levi warned quietly. "Not here."
Eren looked at his partner and walked out of the office, leaving Levi standing there. "We'll give you everything we've found, just let me talk to him," Levi said to them before chasing after Eren. He followed him to the bathroom where there was a loud crash. Eren had hit on of the stall doors and was now leaning over the sink and staring at his reflection in the mirror.
"Eren..." Levi started.
"I can't fucking believe it!" Eren shouted. "All these years for nothing! I've wasted my life trying to catch the people who killed my parents just to have it ripped from me!"
"It is not a waste!" Levi argued. "They are going to get caught no matter who is going after them! This isn't our fight anymore!"
"It will always be my fight!" Eren objected. "They killed my mother and father in cold blood! I can't just forgive that!"
Eren stormed out and Levi called after him, but he knew it was no use. The door swung open and in walked a blonde boy just around Levi's height.
"Is he alright?" the boy asked.
"You know him better than I do, Armin," Levi sighed. "I don't know what to do."
"Give him time," Armin advised. "I'm sure he'll eventually see."

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