Chapter 10

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As usual, Dan was up first, and the scene that followed his awakening was more enjoying than he had predicted.
Tyler walked out of the guest bedroom and looked at Dan with an embarrassed expression. Dan asked him who it was he had done it with the night before and he mumbled a reply that he barely picked up.
"Troye?" Dan repeated, for clarity and out of shock. Tyler nodded and blushed in reply, which Dan chuckled at.
Phil came into the kitchen a bit later, sleepy and quiet. He sat next to Tyler and looked like he was about to fall asleep again.
"You okay, Phil?" Dan asked, looking at his boyfriend with concern.
"Yeah, I just don't feel the best," Phil replied, half mumbling.
"Why don't you stay home today then. I can teach the trainees alone," Dan suggested. Phil stood from his seat and hugged Dan, their lips connecting for a brief second before Phil went back down the hall and to their bedroom.
Around noon Dan got dressed and kissed Phil goodbye before leaving for the Hideout.
Once Phil was positive that Dan was gone and not coming back he slipped out of bed to get dressed. Acting sleepy was the only thing he knew Dan wouldn't find right away to be a lie. Any other sickness he had faked would have ended horribly because of Phil's horrific acting skills.
Once he was ready to go he walked to where Ashton said they'd meet. It was in front of a small café at the corner of a busy street. Phil watched the crowd and the cars flooding by, waiting to see who he was looking for.
After five minutes or so a van with a logo painted on the side pulled up to the curb. Ashton got out of it, and walked up to Phil.
"This is our ride," he said simply, gesturing to the van.
"That's a smart way to disguise your vehicles," Phil observed. "The League should be taking notes."
Ashton chuckled and led Phil into the van. They started driving, the driver introducing himself as PJ. They only drove for a few blocks before pulling up in front of a pub that was closed because it was still morning.
To Phil's surprise they walked into the pub. It was actually very nice inside; it was kind of old western themed. There was a small second level that overlooked the ground floor and a long bar against one wall. There was a girl behind the bar wiping it down, she smiled at the three as they walked in.
"You're Phil, right?" she asked. Phil nodded in reply, noticing by her voice she was American. "I'm Nia."
"Motherfucker!" a voice shouted from a back room.
"That would be my girlfriend," Nia sighed with a smile. Another girl came out from a door behind the bar, she was cradling her wrist to her chest as she walked up to Nia.
"I dropped the fucking crates," she said. "Nearly broke my fucking wrist."
"Sam, this is Phil," Nia said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were coming today. I would have refrained from saying my favorite word so much, but any good first impression is out the window now."
Phil shrugged and turned to Ashton.
"See you guys later, we've got to start the tour," Ashton said.
He led Phil into a storage room, where at the back Ashton pressed his hand to the wall. Phil watched in awe as the wall slid away, revealing a spiral staircase going downward. The two descended it, walking into what Phil guessed was the resistance's headquarters.
The room was large, and the ceiling, floor, and walls were all concrete. Color was lacking but not light; the tables lined up each had their own lamp. There were also lights above them. Toward the back was a wall of weapons on display, and mats beneath for practice.
"Not as big as the League's, but it's got everything we need," Ashton said. "Come on, you should meet our director."
Near the back was a door that lead into an office. Ashton knocked on the already open door and an older, female voice told them to come in. Phil sat in a chair on the opposite side of the desk. The Director looked up at him, finally revealing her face.
"M-Mrs. Howell?" Phil stuttered in surprise.
"Hello Phillip, it's nice to see you again."

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