Chapter 42

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"Eren slow down!" Levi called after his boyfriend as they walked to the police station.
"No!" he shouted back, giddy with excitement to tell the news he had from Phil Lester. They had to agree to it. It was the best offer they could get.
When they got to the office Eren went straight to Agent Norwood, who luckily wasn't busy. "Mr. Norwood, sir," Eren began, "I have some information that you might find interesting."
"Go on," the agent said.
"Last night a League member came to me with a proposal," Eren told him, Levi now standing at his side.
"And you didn't arrest him?" the agent questioned.
"Please hear me out," Eren pleaded. "This is a good deal."
"Alright, speak."
"The guy was Phil Lester, the other one we arrested. He says that he and other former League members have broken away from the League and are against what they're doing. So he's asking for help from us since they don't have the manpower to take on the League."
"Any other conditions to this partnership?"
"We get to lock up everyone that opposes us, but they keep Dan Howell."
"Absolutely not," Norwood decided. "He's the Leader."
"Not really!" Eren argued. "Phil said he's sick, like mentally. They want to help him..."
"Eren, we can't trust the word of criminals, especially when they want to spare their Leader," Norwood objected.
"Please," Eren begged. "I know we can trust him."
"I'll do it, but on one condition," Norwood sighed. "I want to meet with their leaders, this Phil Lester and whoever else is in charge of their rebel group."
There was a knock at the door and Phil went to answer it, finding Calum and Michael on the other side. He greeted them and let them inside. "I think you guys know Katie and Joe," Phil said as he introduced them.
"Yeah, they untied us back at the fight," Calum added. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it," Joe shrugged.
"Thank you guys for coming," Phil said.
"Of course," Calum nodded. "Like I said, if you ever needed our help we'd be here."
"You're trying to take Dan down, right?" Michael asked.
"Yeah, but really the entire structure of the League itself," Katie answered.
"We can't kill Dan," Phil muttered, earning looks of sympathy from the two Australians.
"Should we call the detective and see if he's brought up the deal yet?" Katie suggested.
"Oh yeah, let's give him a call," Phil agreed, pulling out his phone and dialing Eren Jaeger's number. He placed the call on speaker and it rang a few times before he picked up.
"Eren, this is Phil," he greeted. "Have you talked to anyone about the deal yet?"
"Yeah, my superior agreed, but on one condition," Eren replied.
"What is it?"
"He wants to meet with you and whoever else is leading your group," Eren told him.
"As soon as possible."
"We can be there tomorrow at noon," Phil said, hanging up and putting his phone back in his pocket.
"Tomorrow?" Katie questioned. "That's moving pretty fast."
"We have to be fast so the problem doesn't worsen before we get to Dan," Phil replied.
"Okay, then I guess we have our plans for tomorrow sorted," Katie nodded.
Dan sat at his desk playing with his ring again, replaying the events of that night in his head. He shouldn't have done it... if Phil were to find out...
'Stop worrying about it, he's gone.'
But I still care about him. I always have.
'Then do something about it instead of sitting here feeling sorry for yourself. If Phil is yours you should go get him back.'
"Hey, Dan," a voice said, coming into the office and interrupting his thoughts.
"Alexander, hi," he greeted awkwardly.
"How are you?" Alexander asked.
"A bit hungover, but fine otherwise; maybe a bit sore," Dan answered, earning a chuckle from the other man. "Look about last night, we can't do that again. I'm with Phil and..."
"Phil isn't here, he ran away," Alexander objected.
"I'll get him. He'll come around and see that everything is okay. I know it, and if he doesn't, then I'll make him."

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