Chapter 21

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Dan's shirt was now stained with Phil's blood, but he didn't care. All he was paying attention to was where he was going and Phil's breathing. He had to stay alive. He couldn't die.

'But he will,' the voice said. 'He will die in your arms because you couldn't protect.'

"I did, I tried to protect him," Dan replied aloud.

'Trying wasn't good enough this time.'

They finally made it to their destination and Dan used his finger to ring the doorbell. He heard movement from inside and then the door opened, revealing a tall man with messy hair and plaid pajama pants on. He took one look at the pair and held out his arms to take Phil. Dan followed him inside, his heart pounding and more tears escaping from his eyes.

"Tan!" the man called, leading Dan quickly up the stairs.

"Jim, who was at the door?" she replied, appearing in one of the door ways.

"Get the first aid stuff," Jim answered, and she nodded and ran down the hall. Jim placed Phil in a bed in a vacant room. Dan stood back against the wall until Jim ushered him over. "Help me get his shirt off," Jim instructed.

Dan lifted Phil's upper body and removed his blazer. Jim turned to Tanya who came in with medical supplies as Dan unbuttoned and removed Phil's bloodstained, white shirt. Then he moved away again, watching the couple as they worked.

'Don't die, Philly,' Dan pleaded internally. 'I need you.'


As the next day dawned Eren and Levi walked to work together. They were investigating a crime scene from last night. After showing their badges they ducked under the police tape and approached the officer who was sipping a coffee as he watched over the spot. "Detectives Jaeger and Ackerman," he greeted. "Nice to see ya fellas."

"What do we have, here?" Eren asked him.

"One dead body, one bloody knife, and some more blood," the officer answered.

"Get samples of all the blood," Levi instructed. "We'll get those tested and the knife as well."

Eren moved closer to the body, kneeling down beside it as he pulled on gloves. The way he was killed was obvious from the bruises on his face. Eren searched his pockets and found a wallet, pulling out an ID and glancing at it quickly before handing it to Levi. "At least we've got a name, let's hope the blood can get a match."


Dan was sitting in chair next to the bed Phil was sleeping on. He was still shirtless and bandages were wrapped around his torso. Jim and Tanya had stitched him up and gave him painkillers. Phil had slept soundly, but Dan hadn't been able to sleep a wink. He was going back to the way he was when his mother and brother had died. He wanted his father dead. All he could imagine when he closed his eyes was his father lying in a pool of his own blood. It was a beautiful sight to Dan, but not the right one for now. He needed to focus on Phil right now.

He turned as Phil stirred, and leaned over to take Phil's hand in his. "Hey, Philly," Dan whispered. Phil opened his eyes and smiled at Dan, who used his other hand to move Phil's hair from his face.

"Hey, Dan," Phil replied, taking in how beautiful the sunlight coming in from the window made Dan look.

"Jim and Tanya say you're alright. You're okay," Dan said, more to reassure himself than to tell Phil. He nodded in reply.

"We definitely have to take that vacation now," Phil joked. Dan laughed and leaned in to kiss him. They locked lips for only a few seconds, but it was sweet and fulfilling.

"He will pay for this," Dan said. "I'll kill him for hurting you."


"Anything, yet?" Levi asked Hanji, the forensic scientists helping them with their case.

"Yes! We've got matches on one of the blood samples from some old hospital records. The other two I'm afraid are not in the system," Hanji answered, the enthusiasm in her voice almost too much for Levi at this moment.

"Who is it?" he pushed.

"Philip Lester," she replied. "His blood was on the knife. The records are from when he was eleven."

"Thanks, Hanji," Levi said, wanting to leave before he'd have to be around her for more time than he had to.

"Levi wait!" Hanji called.


"If you and Eren ever want to go grab a drink you should call me! I'm pretty lonely a lot of the time," Hanji admitted.

"Maybe if you spent less time in the lab you'd make more friends," Levi replied, leaving the room and heading to the elevator. He went up a few levels to the office, where Eren was sat in his cubicle waiting for him.

"Anything?" Eren asked when Levi sat in his desk chair, pulling up to the computer.

"We've got the name of the person whose blood was on the knife," Levi answered. "Nothing else, though."

"Who is it?"

"Philip Lester," Levi said as he pulled up information on him. There was a photo from a driver's license, along with the other required information. Eren pointed to the address that was listed as his.

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