Chapter 43

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Dan looked up as someone entered the office. It was the guy he had asked to follow Phil and find out where he was staying.
"What did you find?" Dan asked him.
"He's staying at Joe Sugg's apartment, along with Katie Simmons," the guy replied.
"Damn, Katie will be a problem," Dan muttered. "Thank you, you are dismissed."
The guy left with a nod and left Dan alone again.
'If she hears you taking him you'll never get him.'
I know that.
'She's too good. She'd be better off dead.'
No, I can't kill her. Not yet, at least.
'I doubt you'd be able to anyway. She's quite impressive.'
I have to at least try to get him back.
Dan stood and put on his trench coat, sticking a knife in the inside pocket and some rope. He left the Hideout and started walking, trying to remember where Joe Sugg's apartment was. He walked a few blocks before finding himself a street away from the apartment. It was a nice building, and he could remember the apartment itself being very modern and neat. The door was locked, but Dan took out a pin that was stuffed in his the pocket of his jeans and picked the lock, quietly swinging the door open. Right there in the living room was Joe, asleep on the couch. Dan tiptoed down the stairs and looked in the first bedroom, finding that - to his luck - it was Phil's.
He moved to stand beside the bed, watching his chest move in and out as he breathed. His black hair was a mess and his face as pale as ever. He looked so beautiful. Dan sighed and pulled the rope from his coat and gently picked up Phil's hands to tie them together. Phil stirred in his sleep and suddenly movement flashed in the corner of his eye, but before Dan could react someone was standing behind him with a knife pressed to his throat.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" a familiar voice demanded.
"I came for Phil," Dan answered. "You understand, don't you Katie?"
"If you want Phil back you're going to have to find some other way to do it," Katie spat. "Kidnapping seems a bit harsh, don't you think?"
"I love him," Dan replied calmly. "I need him."
"Get out," Katie commanded. "Or I'll slit your throat."
"K-Katie?" Phil stuttered, waking up from his sleep. "What's going on?" He opened his eyes and looked up and saw Dan. Phil's eyes widened in shock and he crawled backward on the bed to get away from him. "D-Dan?"
"Hi Philly," Dan greeted.
"He was trying to kidnap you," Katie explained, not moving the knife from where she held it.
"Why would you do that?" Phil questioned.
"Because I love you!" Dan objected.
"Love? You don't kidnap someone out of love, Dan!"
"But I have to... I need you with me..."
"Well you should have thought about that when you betrayed my trust," Phil said, instantly regretting what he had said. He saw Dan smiling, and he looked at him in confusion.
"When you're here... they're gone... the voices..." Dan mumbled. "Please help me..." His eyes were filled with tears, and Phil could feel his heart breaking inside his chest. He hadn't been this close to Dan in so long.
"I will," Phil said. "But I can't just yet, I need time..."
"Time? You're a liar!" Dan cried. "You never gave a damn about me! I'm not falling for your lies anymore!"
"I'll get rid of him," Katie said, pulling his hands behind his back and holding them there. "Where should I take him?"
"Our apartment," Phil answered. "Take him home."
Katie nodded and pushed Dan at knife point out of Joe's place and out into the streets.
Hours after Katie returned Dan home they all got ready to go to the police station. Phil had unsuccessfully tried to go back to sleep, but every time he shut his eyes Dan was there again, begging for help. He had never seen him so weak, so helpless.
"It's time to go," Katie announced, slipping her sword into its sheath. It was a long, katana-like weapon that had been passed down in her family. It was her weapon of choice when it came to most missions. Phil had several knives hidden under his coat, which was brown and stopped around his knees. All three of them had long coats, Katie's black and billowing around her ankles. Joe's was similar to Phil's but black and with two handguns in holsters underneath it.
"We look badass," Joe smirked, earning a smile from Phil and a contempt laugh from Katie.
It took them twenty minutes to walk to the police station, and when they got there all eyes were on them. The place was still pretty messed up from the attack, and Phil could feel the guilt rising in his throat. Waiting for them in the lobby were detectives Eren Jaeger and Levi Ackerman, along with a tall man Phil didn't recognize.
"I'm Quinton Norwood of the FBI," the tall man said. "I'm guessing you're Philip Lester."
"Yes," Phil nodded. "And these two beside me are Katie Simmons and Joe Sugg. Together we lead the Rogues, a group of people against what the League stands for."
"Yet you come in here with weapons in your belt," Norwood examined.
"The violence isn't over yet," Phil replied. "We have to be ready and vigilent."
"Let's move our talk upstairs," Norwood suggested, leading them all to the elevator. They went to the second floor and were led down a hallway to a large office filled with cubicles and people in suits. Everyone they passed by whispered to their neighbor about the strangers passing them. They went into a private office, where a tall blonde man stood waiting for them.
"I am Erwin Smith, the captain of this police force," he introduced.
"Let's get right to business," Norwood said. "You said you wanted to partner with us; why?"
"Because we can't fight the League alone, they're too powerful," Phil replied.
"Don't you have allies somewhere? Some fellow criminals to help you out?"
"That's not how the League works," Phil explained.
"Why do you want the Leader?" Norwood pressed.
"Because he's sick, and he's my fiancé. It's my duty to help him."
"How can I trust you? You may just want to save the Leader so he can restart the League elsewhere."
"Until he got sick he wanted to help me make the League different. He would never have done anything like that attack in his right mind."
"None of you are in your right minds, you're criminals!"
"Okay, listen up Sargeant Dickhead," Katie interrupted, stepping past Phil toward the FBI agent. "I was taught to murder people when I was four years old, and now around twenty years later, I'm fucking sick and tired of the bullshit life I have been living. The same goes for everyone we have recruited to the Rogues. We just want to make a difference, but you have your head so far up your ass that you can't even see what's right in front of you."
"And what is right in front of me?"
"An opportunity," Katie responded. "You have us by the balls. Without you, we're hopeless, but without us, you have no idea where the Hideout is, or how to defeat the League. Frankly, you're stupid not to take this deal."
The agent huffed in annoyance, and Phil smirked as he looked at Katie standing there confidently. He saw Detective Jaeger trying to hold in his laughter across the room.
"Okay, fine," Norwood answered. "I'll take your deal."

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