Chapter 5

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The big day was growing near. With only a week to go both Dan and Phil knew how hectic the Hideout would be. Every day it seemed to grow busier and busier.
Dan stared at his reflection, aimlessly messing with his hair every few seconds. He watched Phil step inside the bathroom in the mirror. Phil wrapped his arms around Dan's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.
"Are you sure we should go to this party? It's not really my style..." Dan said to his boyfriend.
"Nonsense! It'll be good to get out and have some fun," Phil argued. Dan nodded, deciding to keep his pessimistic thoughts about the ordeal to himself.
There was a reason he stayed away from social events; he just couldn't stomach them. He wasn't a people person, most likely because of how many people were afraid of him. It was just another thing to put on the list of terrible traits his father had given him.
The boys got a car with Tyler to the party, which was being held at the Chapman's place. Jim and Tanya were one of many League couples that had family history in the organization. Even Jim's young niece was beginning training.
The moment they stepped inside they were greeted with loud chatter. Dan grimaced, wanting desperately to be back home cuddled up in bed with Phil. Instead he followed his boyfriend deeper into the madness.
They found Jim and Tanya and said their hellos. Dan's only happiness came from Phil's smile that seemed to fill the whole room with sunshine. It was a quality that, no matter what shit Phil went through, never went away.
"Wow, Daniel Howell at a party?" Katie's voice said. Dan turned to face her. She was holding a plate that lots of food piled onto it and was smirking at him.
"Phil wanted to come," Dan mumbled in reply.
"I bet he did. Where is he?"
"Keeping it short tonight, eh?" Katie chuckled. Dan shrugged.
"Well, I'll let you sulk. If you need me I'll be over at the snack table."
Dan wasn't for drinking, but someone handed him a bottle and he downed too many before he realized what he'd done. Alcohol was not good for the senses. You always had to be alert. You could never let your guard down.
But he did. He found himself laughing, which he felt like he hadn't done in forever.
Phil looked incredibly handsome. His blue shirt complimented his eyes and his lips were so full and kissable. Dan longed to lean over and just do it. Get lost in the feeling of their lips connecting and the electricity running through his veins.
He didn't even realize he was home until he felt himself being thrown onto a bed. Dan watched Phil plop beside him, opening up to him the opportunity he craved.
Dan pushed himself up and moved so his legs were placed on either side of Phil. His hands pressed down on the bed beside Phil's head.
It felt like slow motion, the events that played out. Phil watched Dan with wide eyes, waiting for him to lean down and kiss him. The seconds ticked by, but they felt like hours and it was agonizing.
Dan finally closed the gap, pressing his lips to Phil's. It grew in intensity as Phil started sitting up slightly.
Their session continued, interrupted only as Dan pulled Phil's shirt over his head. The same happened as Dan threw his to the side and Phil wrapped his legs around his torso.
When both of them were bare naked, Dan laid Phil on the bed. Phil gave a nod of approval and Dan reached into the bedside drawer.

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