Minho: Misunderstanding

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A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner, I think I'm back with updating weekly I hope. Any who enjoy chapter 4


"Minho", Minho heard Taemin call to him almost in a whisper, "Minho can we talk before you go?".

Minho sighed and looked over to a crying Key, "I don't think this is the right time Taemin."

"Go on, talk to Taemin.", Amber smiled, "We will wait outside the main house."

Minho nodded as he saw Amber console and lead Key through the gates. He had hope Amber wouldn't have said that. He really didn't feel like talking to Taemin at the moment. "I don't want to make Key wait. What do you need Taemin?"

"Are you mad at me Minho?" Taemin asked.

"No, sorry I just had a long day.", he replied.

"It's alright.", he smiled, "Minho did you get to read my letter? What do you think? It's great news isn't it?

"Taemin to be honest, no I haven't read your letter.", he said as he began to feel a bit angry and irritated."There is more important things going on than your letter. Key is heartbroken, Onew is practically a prisoner, even Jonghyun is in pain, and all you can think about is your letter. Stop thinking about yourself, stop being selfish and grow up!", Minho yelled as he stormed off not bothering to look back.

Once outside the main house he was met by Key and Amber worried faces. "What happened? Did you and Taemin fight?", Amber asked as she held a sniffling Key.

"Don't worry about it, everything is fine.", Minho said getting into the car that Jonghyun provided for them, to take them home.

The car ride was silent, except for Key's sniffles. Everyone in that car was depressed, Minho could feel it. The heavy atmosphere was almost suffocating. He hadn't felt that way since Amber, Key and himself felt the Main House. As the car came to a complete stop, Minho was the first one to get out. He felt like he couldn't breath, he needed some fresh air. As they walked to the rest of the way home, which was hidden in between the forest, Minho was starting to feel bad about the way he treated Taemin. Seeing Key so broken made him realize he made the right decision, he had always consider himself to be free, since he left the Main House. But as he made his way home walking in between trees he realize he wasn't really free. Even if they were all the way out here, the forest was part of Jonghyun property, he control where they lived, and who they could be with. If he didn't let Key and Onew be together what chance did he and Taemin have. He didn't want to be in the same situation as Onew and Key, never seeing each other,  sneaking around, receiving punishment after punishment. Even so it still heard him to talk to Taemin that way. As their house came into view he noticed Luna was sitting in the staircase waiting for them. He fought the urge to run to her, to hug her, he was feeling sad and vunerable, he just wanted to be comforted.

"I'm so glad all of you are home.", she greeted as she looked around, "Wait where is Mr. Bunny?". 

Key broke into tears once more and ran towards his room.

"Onew doesn't live here," Amber answered, "I'll appreciate it if you don't mention him in front of Key. It's a sensitive subject for him."

"Oh, I'm sorry.",Amber responded.

"It's alright you had no way of knowing.", Amber smiled. "Go to bed soon, you two have school tomorrow.", Amber said disappearing into her room.

"Don't feel bad Luna. Like Amber said you had no way of knowing.", Minho reassured his friend.

"I know.", she sighed, "I really want to get along with him, but I just keep messing things up."

"Tomorrow is a new day, and he will be feeling better. I'm sure you'll get a chance to talk.", he replied.

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