Taemin: Searching for Answers

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A/N: Thank you for reading, commenting, voting and adding this story to your reading list I really appreciate it. Sorry for the very very late update, this chapter took a ton of time to edit I added and took away a lot of things. I also extended and made it a bit longer so I hope you really enjoy this chapter. Please forgive me for any grammar/Spelling mistake I typed this in the early morning with little to no sleep so I may had missed a few


"Amber are you busy?", Taemin asked her as he stood outside her home office, unsure on whether to go in or not.  Amber looked quite busy and he didn't want to disturb her but at the moment there was no one else who could answer his questions

"I'm never to busy for you.", she answered looking up from her computer,"Are you feeling sick?", she asked him as he walked in and sat across from her.

"No, I'm not feeling sick.", he answered,"I came to talk to you about Ryeowook.".

"I know he can't control his speed when he drives.", she stated,"I keep on tell him to not to step on the accelerator to hard but.".

Taemin interrupted her,"He does need a bit more practice but I didn't came to talk about his driving.".

"Then what do you want to talk about?".

"When I was talking to him he mentioned that he knew my parents, and he seemed very sad when he found out that they weren't alive.", he stated,"I asked him how he knew them but he was very vague about it. He just said that my parents were kind to him but his behavior made me feel like there was something else. I don't know if I'm over thinking all this, I'm just very confused.".  

"If you came looking for answer, I can't help you.", Amber said,"I really don't know much about him.".

"Amber are you sure you don't know anything?", he asked her. Taemin was beginning to get upset if Amber didn't know anything he was going to have to wait until he got a chance to see Key or Onew. He knew that his chances of seeing them was slim since they both weren't feeling well today and he didn't know when he would get the opportunity to come back here again.

"Taemin I really find it hard to believe that Ryeowook knew your parents.".

"Why do you say that?", he asked her,"Do you think he lied to me?".

"I don't know if he lied to you or not, but based on what I know your parents never had any contact with him.", she stated,"Your parents came to live at the Main House one week before you were born and Ryeowook was never around them. Actually he was never around anyone, he was always alone. While we all played together he would just sit under this cherry tree and watch us play.".

"Why didn't you invite him to play? Why did you let him be all alone?", Taemin asked as he imagined a young Ryeowook all alone; for some odd reason it really upset him.

"I thought you wanted to know about your parents connection with him, not about his past.", she commented.

"I want to know everything about him.", Taemin stated.

"What's with the sudden interest in him?", she asked.

"I'm just curious that's all.", he answered,"So aren't you going to tell me why you didn't invite him to play.".

"I don't understand why you want to know this but I'll tell you.", she smiled at him,"He watched us for several days but we never invited him we were always even in numbers. In every game we played I was onew's teammate and Key was always teamed up with Jonghyun. We just never needed another person except this one time when Jonghyun's parents came back from one of their trips, they took him somewhere and we needed another person. So we asked him to play he accepted and with played with him for several hours until Jonghyun came back, and started to play with us again. Ryeowook then went back to sitting under the tree after that day we never played with him or Jonghyun again.".

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