Onew: Favor

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Onew sat in the corner of the room as tears ran down his face. He didn't want Key to see him cry, he was also afraid that he would change his mind and run away with him. After he said goodbye to Key he felt empty inside, he wanted to be by his side but he knew it wasn't possible at the moment. Onew knew that his decision not to leave with them was the right one. He didn't go out of fear that Jonghyun would follow them. He didn't want for his friends to be forced back to live in the Main House once again, especially if it meant that they all had to leave Key to live out there all alone. 

"Open the door and get Jinki out of there.", Onew heard Jonghyun say.

As the servants walked in Onew wiped his tears away and stood up,"I can walk out on my own."Onew stumbled a few times as it pained him to walk. The servants tried to help by he declined, they all bowed and followed Onew out. As he came face to face with Jonghyun he became angry once again but he refrained himself from doing anything as he forced a smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling?", Jonghyun asked as he got closer to him,"I doubt that you are happy to see me.".

"Actually I'm very happy to see you.", he lied once again as he continue to smile.

Jonghyun pushed Onew down,"Did you forget who I am? I'm your god, you are suppose to bow before me.".

Onew bowed as they made eye contact,"I'm sorry like I said I was just happy to see you.".

Jonghyun laughed,"You think you can make a fool out of me? Did you forget that I can sense everyone? I know that retched cat is gone, and I also know Key was here along with Taemin, Amber and Minho. Now tell me where Taemin is, I know he isn't at school like he was suppose to be.".

Onew was glad that for some reason Jonghyun was unable to detect Luna."Key was here?", he lied once again,"Are you sure your senses aren't failing on you. I mean you have become quite frail and your health has been declining. If key had come like you say, I believe he would have came to see me don't you.". 

Jonghyun ran his hand through his hair,"Stop trying to confuse me, I know what I sensed. If my senses were failing like you said that retched cat would be here, and we both know he's not.".

"I've been here all alone. I never saw Ryeowook while I was in here.", he continued to lie,"As a matter of fact wasn't it you who told us he went to train in the mountains.".

Jonghyun sighed,"Yeah he went to train in the mountains.".

"I'm relieved because if he was locked up here all this time, you know what that means right?", Onew said as he got closer to Jonghyun."Taemin the only one that actually likes you for some very odd reason, would hate you. If he found out that you had his own brother locked up like a prisoner."

"I'm amusing with this whole stunt you pulled with Taemin,Amber and Minho, you're using the favor I owed you for saving my life."he questioned,"I'm proud that you remember that you couldn't use your favor to be with Key, but I'm dumbfounded  that you wouldn't  use it for something smarter like getting out of the cat's home.".

"Well that all depends are you going to let this all go and pretend that nothing happened?",Onew asked.

"If that's the favor you're asking for, I'll forget Ryeowook, Taemin, Amber and Minho were here.", he smiled,"But after this I owe you nothing and you are going to remain in there. Are you sure you want to waste it on this.".

Onew swallowed hard as he began to get nervous, he knew Jonghyun always found loop holes to everything. He wanted to make sure that he wouldn't hurt any of his friends, he knew he had to word himself correctly."You're not going to bring anyone back here are you?".

"No, as long as they do what they are told and follow my rules, they may all remain outside the Main House. Except for you and Taemin of course.", Jonghyun smiled.

"Then that's the favor I ask for, to leave Ryeowook, Amber, Taemin and Minho alone, pretend that they were never here.", Onew stated.

"There is actually one more thing if Taemin finds out that wretched cat is his brother, I'm bringing him back. As a matter a fact I should probably go visit Ryeowook to congratulate him on his new found freedom.", Jonghyun smirked.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt any of them, that includes Ryeowook.",Onew stated.

"I never promised that. The only thing I promised was that I would forget they were all here. If I managed to find Taemin there instead of school then he should receive punishment.", Jonghyun replied.

Onew sighed he felt like he had been tricked, he had save that favor for more than five years now. He felt like he let his friends down, he feared that Jonghyun might hurt them.

"Is a real shame Jinki I had hoped you would had asked for your freedom.". Jonghyun smirked,"Oh before I forget that Luna girl was never in our deal, maybe I should bring her here.".

"Don't you dare hurt her. She had nothing to do with all this.", Onew said.

"Do you think I'm stupid Jinki. I may have not been able to sense the girl but I know for a fact she was here. How else would that wretched cat escape if she didn't turned him into a cat.", he stated."I'm done with him, lock him up and then prepare the car.", Jonghyun ordered as he walked away. 

"Don't touch me I can walked in there on my own.",Onew said as he reentered his prison. Once he was completely alone he began to cry once again. After crying a for while he wiped his tears away when he realized that he had at least bought his friends some time with his favor. He knew he wasn't much help to them being locked up in here, he knew he needed to come out with a plan that would get him out of there. As he looked around Ryeowook's home to see if there was anything he could use he found a few old discolored pages in a tin box. Onew took them out and began to read what was readable, there was information about every body who was cursed including Jonghyun. Information about their birth, their parents, and the one's that were cursed before them. He didn't know if this information could be use to find a way to break the curse, all he knew was that he had to figure out a way to get it in either Key's or Amber's hands.


A/N:Please leave a comment I'll appreciate it... I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one...

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