Onew: The Cat

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A/N: Thank you all for voting and adding my story to your reading list, it really makes me happy. Also thank you for reading my story...


Onew, Jonghyun, and Taemin sat quietly in the car. Onew had many things to say to Jonghyun but he choose to stay quite in front of Taemin. It hurt him deeply seeing Key on the ground, as Jonghyun hit him. He blamed himself, he wanted to go back to Kibum, hug him, tell him he loved him as well but he knew it wasn't possible, Jonghyun wouldn't allow it.

"Which one of you thought it would be a good idea to go see Key?!", Jonghyun yelled.

"Jonghyun hyung the idea was.", Taemin managed to say before getting interrupted.

"The idea was mine.", Onew declared, "Taemin wanted to go out for ice cream. I took advantage of the time and Taemin's innocence, to meet up with Key.".

Jonghyun sighed, "Taemin is this true? If so why didn't you stop him.".

"I'm sorry hyung.", Taemin apologized, "I wasn't thinking.".

"Don't punish him, it isn't his fault. I lied to him, I told him I had to get some medicine from Amber.", Onew lied. He didn't want Taemin to get punished, he didn't want Jonghyun to hit him.

As the car made a full stop they all entered the Main House. "Taemin go home, you have school tomorrow.", Jonghyun said, "Jinki come with me.".

Onew quietly followed him into his house. Once inside he kneeled down before him, as he waited for Jonghyun to inflict his punishment. Jonghyun pushed him down and began to kick him, Onew laid down in a fetal position as he tried to protect himself from the blows. He held back his tears as Jonghyun continued to kick him. The pain was unbearable, he felt like he couldn't breath, the sour taste in his mouth made him want to vomit. He winced in pain as each kick came faster and with more force. The pain became so severe that he could no longer hold back his tears.

"I told you he wasn't good for you!", Jonghyun yelled at him as he pick him up by his hair, "Look what he made me do to you. All Kibum does is hurt people, the pain your feeling now is nothing compare to what he will make you feel."Jonghyun got down to Onew's eye level and wiped his tears away, "Jinki, I'm the only one who loves you. Isn't my love for you enough?".

"You call this love? If you really love me you wouldn't treat me this way. If you really loved me you would have let me be with Key!", he yelled back as feeling of frustration and anger overtook him.

"I've have always been there for you.", Jonghyun said, "Do you think I like this, do you think it brings me joy to hit you. I'm doing this for you, even if you can't see it now I know you'll thank me later."

"In what delusional world do you live in Jonghyun? You don't love me,you don't love anyone, you don't even love yourself!", he yelled, "I don't want to be by your side anymore, I want nothing to do with you.".

"He turned you against me already.", Jonghyun let go of Onew,"I never thought you would turn your back on me. You were always my favorite, I took care of you more than I took care of anyone. You are everything I have.".

"I can't do this anymore, I'm tired I just want to be with Key.", Onew hugged Jonghyun legs and looked up at him, "Please Jonghyun let me be with Key, let me be happy again.".

Jonghyun pushed him again, "I would never allow you to be with Key, and if your no longer happy with me, then I hope you enjoy your new life." Jonghyun called over his servants, "Lock up Jinki with that wretched cat, I no longer want to see him.". 

The servants grabbed Onew and started dragging him away, as much as he tried to get loose he couldn't. 

"Wait!", Jonghyun stopped them,"Jinki don't worry about Kibum while you're in there, I'll take very good care of him.".

"Don't you dare lay a hand of him Jonghyun.", Onew began to cry. He wanted to take everything he said to Jonghyun back, he realize the mistake he made. He shouldn't have talked to Jonghyun that way, he felt like he had failed Key. Because of him Key would now have to suffer.

"You can't tell me what to do!", he responded, "Take him away.".

The servants locked him up in the cat's home, Onew just laid there on the floor and began to cry.

"Who's there?", Onew heard a familiar voice.

"Ryeowook are you really here?", Onew asked

"Yes, I've been locked up here for the past five years", he said stepping into the light, "Onew what are you doing here?".

Onew went to hug him, but then stopped his body was felt heavy, it hurt to move. "Why didn't you say anything? We all thought you had left.", he commented.

"No one can do anything against Jonghyun.", he responded, "You're the last person I'll expect to be here, he always treated you the best.".

Onew grimace as he leaned against the wall, his whole body was sore, "As you can see that changed.".

"Sorry I can't help you. I don't have much here as you can see.", he said.

"How could you live like this? This looks more like a prison than a home.", Onew said.

Ryeowook laughed, "I go used to it, but don't worry I don't think he will keep you here for long.".

"I'm really happy to see you.", Onew said,"You been locked up here for way to long, I'm going to get you out.".

"Onew how could you get me out, your stuck here like me besides, no one likes likes the cat, I'm the rejected one remember.", Ryeowook said.

"Things have changed, Amber and I think there is a way to break the curse.", Onew informed him.

"Really how? Is there anything I can do to help?", Ryeowook asked.

"Probably but we need to get you out of here first, and I think I know how.", Onew commented, "There a girl named Luna living with Amber, Key and Minho we believe she is the answer, we believe she could break the curse. If we get her here she could hug us and we could escape.".

"That sounds great, but how are we going to get her to come here? Jonghyun won't allow it.", he commented.

"Taemin, I'm sure he will come looking for me.", Onew said with certainty, "He should be able to sneak her in. All we have to do is wait.".

Ryeowook smiled, "I really hope your right.".

Onew smiled and looked out at the only window in that room. He hoped Taemin would realize he was gone. He hope he could get free before Jonghyun did something to Key.


A/N: Thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed it please leave a comment it would truly mean a lot, anyways see you all in chapter 8....

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