Jonghyun: Brothers

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Jonghyun paced back and fourth in his kitchen with a wine bottle held firmly in his hand. Jinki's last words to him lingered in his mind on repeat like a broken record player. "How could he choose him over me!", he yelled. In a fit of rage Jonghyun threw the wine bottle against the wall causing little pieces of glass to fly everywhere. Jonghyun was overwhelmed with emotions of anger, sadness, and jealousy. The image of Kibum's face displaying happiness and pleasure was engrave in his mind. He doesn't deserve to be happy, he doesn't deserve to be with Jinki, he thought to himself as he threw all his expensive wine bottles and glasses to the ground. He soon became consumed by anger and started to destroy everything in sight, from expensive art and sculptures to furniture. 

A few of his servants came in to tent to Jonghyun, "Leave! Get out of here.", he ordered as he pushed them off of himself. The servants immediately left leaving Jonghyun completely alone. Jonghyun leaned against the wall and began to cry, slowly sliding down to the floor. He couldn't believe that once again he got betrayed and hurt by Kibum the person he once called his brother. Jonghyun brought his legs up to his chest and hugged himself. He felt completely alone and lost, the tears left a sour taste in his mouth. A taste that was to familiar to him, one that he had experience many times as a child. Jonghyun was about six years old when he discover a secret that change his life forever. It was a cold winter morning when Kibum and Jonghyun played in the park sandbox. Jonghyun was building a sandcastle, that Kibum accidentally destroyed when he tried to add a flag. Kibum apologized and started blowing bubbles leaving Jonghyun to start his castle all over again from scratch. As Jonghyun started to build his sandcastle a sudden scream was heard across the whole park. Jonghyun turned around seeing a defenseless Kibum in snake form getting stomp on by a woman. He quickly ran to his brother's side and picked him up, rushing him as fast as he could to their mother. When he handed Kibum to his mother, their mother quickly took him to the family doctor, where he later got send home. Kibum wouldn't speak to Jonghyun he blamed him for the whole accident because he wasn't there to protect him. Jonghyun remembered telling Kibum how much he loved him, and that as his older brother he would always be there to protect him. But all that Kibum told him was that they weren't real bothers, and that he didn't want to see him. Jonghyun rushed to his mother side hoping to hear that what Kibum told him wasn't true. Kibum's mother admitted the truth that she wasn't his real mother but she still loved him as her son. She embraced Jonghyun in a hug as he began to cry, a stream of tears ran down his cheek into his mouth, leaving him with a sour taste in his mouth. The same taste he was experiencing now, the only difference was that no one was there to hug him, no one was there to tell him everything was going to be fine.

Jonghyun didn't bother looking up as he heard the sound of someone stepping on glass, "Leave, I want to be alone!", he yelled.

"I can't leave, not without Onew.", Jonghyun heard Kibum say.

Jonghyun looked up at him and chuckled, "Sorry but he's gone!".

"What do you mean gone? What did you do to him?", Key yelled.

"That something you shouldn't be concerned about.", he stated, "Don't you remember what I told you before?".

Key began to shake,"You said that next time I come back here alone, that I wouldn't get out of here alive.".

"So tell me are you prepared to die.", Jonghyun said as he grabbed Key by the neck and slammed him against the wall.

Key tried to speak, but was only able to muttered out a few words,"You're my brother.".

Jonghyun immediately let go of him, hearing those words made him sick to his stomach.

"I know you won't kill me. You're my brother.", Key repeated.

"Me you're brother?", Jonghyun laughed, "Wasn't it you who told me we weren't real brothers?".

"I was a child I didn't know what I was saying, besides even though we aren't blood brothers, we were raised like we were.", Key said, "For the love you once had for me and my mother, please let me see Onew. Please allow him to be with me.".

"Shut up! Don't you dare mention your mother!", Jonghyun said as anger over took him. He once again slammed Kibum against the wall, "You're never going to see Jinki again.".

"Why don't you allow us to be together?", Key asked, "Why do you hate me so much?".

"You know exactly what you did,", Jonghyun said, "and that's why you can never be with Jinki.".

"Tell me what I did, let me fix it.", Key begged, "Is it because of Amber? Is it because of Jinki? Is it because I told you the truth about us not being brothers? What is it?".

"No, I can live without all those things. What you did to me was much worse and you can't fix it.", Jonghyun said as he began to feel vulnerable. He knew if he continued to talk to Kibum he would have forgave him, but he didn't deserve forgiveness. He deserve to suffer for what he did, for the rest of his life, Jonghyun wanted to make him suffer. "Go, leave.", Jonghyun said as he stepped back, " Leave now before I change my mind. This is the last time you ever come here demanding something from me, next time I'll punish you. Now go.".

Kibum bowed and the kneeled on the ground, "Please, just let me see Onew, just these once.".

"He's gone, he isn't here.", Jonghyun stated.

"Where is he?", he asked,"If he isn't here and he isn't at his house, where is he?".

"I don't know.", Jonghyun lied, "I allowed him to leave the main House and he just left.".

"You're lying. He would have came to see me, if that was true.", Key said.

"I'm not lying, he left.", he repeated, "I guess he didn't love you like he said he did.".

"He does love me. I would never doubt the love he has for me. I will find him, I will figure out what you did to him.", Key threatened him.

Jonghyun punched Key in the face causing him to fall, "I gave you a chance to leave, and you didn't take it." Jonghyun slammed his foot onto Key stomach,"You'll never find him, and you'll never be with him.".

"You can't stop us from loving each other.", Key yelled, "The curse will be broken, and you'll be completely alone.

Jonghyun had enough of Kibum , he no longer wanted to see him. Hearing him say the curse would break, made Jonghyun scared. He called his servants over, "Take him back home, and make sure he never sets a foot in the Main House.". 

The servants bowed and started to escort Key out of Jonghyun's house.

"Wait, I want you to drag him out.", he ordered.

"But Master Jonghyun, their is glass all over the floor.", one of the servants said.

"I said drag him out, that's an order.", he demanded. Jonghyun smirked as he say Kibum squirm in pain, as they dragged him out. Once Key was out of sight Jonghyun collapse to the floor in pain, every time he fought with one of them it caused him pain. That's when Jonghyun realize the curse was weakening,many times in the past when he punished them or fought with them nothing happened, but recently that had changed. He now knew that Kibum along with the other zodiac members actually had a chance to break it. "I have to stop this, I can't allow them to break the curse.", Jonghyun told himself.


A/N: I want to thank all of you for reading, commenting and voting on my story. It really means a lot to me. Also in the next chapter you'll discover what animal Minho turns into, I'm pretty sure those of you who have read or seen Fruits Basket probably already know, anyways see you all in the next chapter.

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