Onew: Poison

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A/N: Sorry for the very long wait, had school project/ reports and finals to do/ study for. Good news is I am finally out of school for the summer so expect faster updates :). Anyways thank you for voting and commenting and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


"Eat!", Jonghyun told Jinki as they sat on the dinner table.

Onew was feeling anxious, hopeless, and sad.He had completely lost his appetite, he had never been this depressed, he was constantly thinking about Key."I'm not hungry!".

"You haven't eaten anything since you came here.", he smiled as he brought his chopstick close to his mouth as he tried to feed him,"Eat.".

He slapped his hand away; making Jonghyun drop the chopsticks,"I'm not hungry!".

Jonghyun banged the table with his fist; his expression full of anger,"Clean that up!".

Onew had heard him clearly but he remained seated, he was tired of hearing Jonghyun's voice. He preferred being in Ryeowook's home prison than being there with him.

"I order you to clean it up!",he yelled at him;grabbing a fist full of his hair, dragging him out of his seat. 

Onew winced as Jonghyun pulled him by his hair towards the mess. As soon as he let him go he fell to his knees; rubbing his head to sooth the pain.

"Jinki I don't want to hurt you, you're my best friend I love you.".

"I'll I feel towards you it's hate.". Jinki was full of anger and resentment towards him.

He grabbed a fist full of his hair again, yanking his head back as he stared at him straight in the eyes,"Trust me with time that's going to change. So be a good bunny and obey me. If you don't you aren't the only one that is going to get hurt.".

Onew knew exactly what he meant, the image of Jonghyun hitting Key with his cane replayed in his head over and over again. His vision began to blur as his hand uncontrollably began to shake. A great surge of fear swept through him, he didn't want him to get near Key. He came to the realization that he had to obey Jonghyun whether he was ordered to or not. He grabbed a napkin and pick up the food that had dropped; wiping away the mess in the process.

"That's a good bunny.", he smile,"Now go throw that away and sit down to finish your dinner.".

He stood up and went to throw everything away as he tried his hardest not to cry, he didn't want to give Jonghyun the satisfaction of seeing him defeated. He washed his hands, dried them; taking a deep breath to calm himself as he then went back to his seat. He gagged as he forced feed himself, each bite more hard to swallow than the last.

"Sir.", one of Jonghyun's personal servants walked in,"Taemin is securely lock inside his house.", she informed him as she knelt down before him.

"You may leave.", he told the servant as he took a sip of his wine.

"Why did you lock Taemin in his home?!", Onew asked afraid that he had found out that Taemin gave him Key's necklace. The necklace was the only thing keeping him sane, it was the only thing that made him feel close to Key.

"You know exactly why I locked him up.".

"I take full responsibility for everything, if you are going to punish someone punish me.", he got off his seat and knelt down before him.

"I didn't lock him up as punishment, I locked him up to  prevent him from getting near you. I was afraid that he would give you a message from Kibum, but I see from your reaction that he already has.", he glared at him,"Where is it? What did he gave you? What did he say?".

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