Onew:It's a Snake

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A/N: Thank for for reading, commenting and voting, I really appreciate it. Warning mild smut, just a tiny bit. Also read my story Crossroad Lovers enjoy ...


Onew caught Key sneaking out of the kitchen after they finished cleaning. He quickly grabbed him by the arm, preventing him from leaving.

"Let go!", Key said yanking his hand away.

Key face displayed a look of distress. Onew knew he was the cause of it, he was the one causing Key pain. "Key you know I can't leave the main house."

"Can you? Or is it that you don't want to,", he replied. "Come live here!", Key pleaded, "Leave him!"

The urgency in Key's voice made Onew's heart sink, "Only if it was that easy. Key I can't leave Taemin behind, you barely made it out of there alive."

"Amber helped me she could help you and Taemin. You just have to be willing to let him go!", Key got on his knees and hugged Onew's legs, as tears ran down his cheeks. "Onew please!"

Onew help Key up, he hated seeing him like this. He hated the fact that he was the one who made him like this. He wiped the tears from Key slightly caressing his cheek as he tried to comfort him. "You know I can't. Whether is here or the main house, we are all still cursed. We will never be free from him, in a way he is the one tying all of us together."

Key traced Onew's lips with his finger, "Shhh I hate it when you defend him! Lets just forget about him for now.", he said as he wrapped his arms around Onew's neck.

Their lips touched brushing against each other, feeling each other's warm breath. Onew was finally allowed entranced into Key's mouth. As their tongues danced with one another, Key broke the kiss biting Onew's bottom lip. Key smirked wrapped his legs around Onew's waist and began to kiss him again. Onew put his hand on Key's bottom and slammed him against the kitchen wall. He didn't care were they where he wanted and needed Key with urgency. Onew quickly over powered Key, he made his way down his neck. Causing Key to slightly tilt his head back, letting out a small moan.

"I love you,",Onew said as Key took off his shirt.

"I love you too,", Key whispered back closing the gap between them as their lips met again.

Onew caressed Key's body as he began to take Key's shirt off. He missed Key's soft skin against his, feeling his warmth made him desire him even more. He began to undo Key's pants when Minho walked into the Kitchen.Key quickly pushed Onew away and grabbed his shirt

"Sorry hyungs.", Minho said as he began to walk away.

"Minho wait.", Key said as he zipped up his pants and went after Minho.

Onew sighed as he put his shirt back on, "Fuck!" He knew it was not Minho's fault they shouldn't have been doing that in the kitchen in the first place. Onew went into the bathroom to take care of his hard member. He could hear Key yelling when suddenly a poof was heard making the whole house silent. Onew finished himself off, zipped up his pants, watched his hands and went straight to Amber's bedroom. As the smoke cleared Luna let out a terrifying scream. There in Amber's bed beside Luna was a snake, it tried striking Luna more than once. The young girl got out of bed and screamed in pain, holding her hand were the snake had bit her. Onew sat in the corner of Amber's bed and let the snake slither up his arm. "He's not poisonous I promise." He said getting off the bed as Luna sat back down.

"Yo-you-you're the bunny.", Luna stuttered as Amber looked over the snake bite.

Onew smiled and nodded, "I prefer Jinki or Onew, but I'll let bunny slide just this once."

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